Month: <span>December 2012</span>

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I have been following nutritionist JJ Virgin for a few years now and ordered her latest book The Virgin Diet even before it was released (I got around to reading it this week). While the main “hook” for the book is “lose 7 pounds in 7 days by dropping 7 foods” (foods that are often touted by the mainstream media and even doctors as “health foods,” by the way), the book starts the reader on a (relatively easy) health and healing journey that can benefit the majority of the population in many ways. Let me explain.

Although I always considered myself a healthy person (I have avoided all prescription and over-the-counter medications, except for occasions such as when I got my wisdom teeth pulled), about 3 or 4 years ago (when I was in my late 40s) for the first time in my life I began to wake up with stiffness in my back. No, this isn’t just about age, I said to myself, and promised to look for a solution. Not long afterwards is when I first heard about JJ Virgin and enrolled in one of her online classes. I followed the diet recommendations she prescribed, and about a week later, the morning stiffness was gone!

So what are the 7 foods that she recommends you eliminate completely (100%) for a 3 week period?  Dairy, Gluten, Soy, Eggs, Peanuts, Corn and Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. Any food that has any of these ingredients in any form are pulled from your diet, which means most processed foods are out the window. (You will later reintroduce some of these foods in a controlled manner, to see how your body reacts to them. Some foods, for example artificial sweeteners, are never recommended.)

Over 50% of the population has food challenges (food intolerances or sensitivities) to at least one of these foods. The foods listed above are known to be inflammatory, which means they cause disease as well as weight gain and aging. So what do you eat? Clean protein such as free-range chicken (in small amounts), healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil and nuts, high fiber gluten free grains, fruits and lots of vegetables. (She has tips for vegetarians and vegans as well.)

In 3 weeks of following the JJ Virgin plan, it is highly likely you will lose 10 pounds and look and feel about 10 years younger. (Which will be very helpful in the new year as many of us “conscious folk” would like to have the energy and stamina to create a lot of wonderful things in the world…)

What I like about JJ’s approach is that it’s intuitive and allows for occasional treats. Once you reach maintenance stage, you can indulge in pizza (gluten, dairy) if that’s what you absolutely have to have, you’re allowed an indulgence for one meal a week. (One meal out of 21 meals a week is 5%, so 95% of the time you’re eating healthy. I like 95%. It feels industrious and energetic, yet doable.) Moreover, just knowing that you can have your favorite food occasionally will help you stick to your health plan. And as your healing journey continues over the weeks and months you will find that you might not enjoy that piece of pizza as much as you used too…

Three or four years later I am still free of my morning back stiffness, except when I have some wheat products for a few days in a row (like for example during the holidays)! JJ Virgin shares in her book that when she has gluten occasionally (such as a roll with her dinner), the next morning her fingers swell up and feel stiff.

I plan to live my life healthy and completely prescription-free and rather than supporting the international “health cartel” I choose to spend my money on clean, organic food grown locally as much as possible. In fact, while I was at my local farmer’s market in Saratoga, CA yesterday I overheard a middle-aged couple telling a farmer that they have switched almost all of their weekly grocery budget over to farmers markets. Supporting your local small farmers will help the economy of your community, and it will also help employ more people while at the same time raising the quality of life for the Whole.

Now that we have surpassed the December 21, 2012 date the projects and journeys we embark upon will be easier to manifest, if they are beneficial to the Whole. As Ron Van Dyke recently said, we light-workers have a lot of “boots on the ground” work to do. (While it is about coming from Creation mode, coming from the “Heart,” once you feel inspired you go off and actually work on the things you feel inspired to work on!)

To help with that journey, I would recommend reading The Virgin Diet cover to cover, and then implementing the plan in the book. The book contains the “how-to” details (details that cannot be adequately covered in an article) that are very helpful for the speedy success of your healing journey.

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I dropped off my teenagers at the San Francisco airport the other day. They are visiting their Dad (who is working in Germany for the next year) and their Oma and Opa for the Christmas holidays. After we checked their luggage and they got into the security line, we said goodbye and I left. The security line was as far as far as I could physically go, and they were big girls now, one would turn 15 at the end of March and the other 18 next month.

Five minutes from my house I got a phone call from the younger one, telling me that their flight was delayed by over two hours, which meant that they would not make their connecting flight from L.A. to Munich. I instructed her to go talk to an airline representative right away, to let them know that they would miss their flight. I assured her that the airline would get them to Munich; there were other flights flying out to L.A. all the time.

A few minutes later she let me know that she was talking with customer service. Some time later she called to let me know that they were told they could possibly get on a direct flight to Munich, if they got to the right gate fast (and it might already be too late), but that they were already given wrong directions twice, and what should they do? I said to go for it, get the right directions and get over to the right gate–fast. And most likely, the right gate was in the International terminal at the beginning of the airport.

“Is that all you have to say?” she asked in an annoyed tone (as if I had said something wrong).

“Congratulations on negotiating the problem well,” I said, but I’m not sure how much of that she heard, as she had hung up on me at that point. And then neither one answered any further texts or calls from me. How was I supposed to know what flight they were or were not getting on? I had to call the airline to find out that indeed, both of them were going to be on the direct flight to Munich. I could then let their Dad know the flight number and when to expect them.

In the end, they got to Munich five minutes before their original flight, even though they had been given “wrong directions” that made them “go through security four times.” The older one was so frustrated with the whole experience she was about to cry.

I’m not writing this blog post to share the crazy whims of teenagers (although that can be amusing at times), but because I was “urged from within” to share it, because it’s a good example of what is happening in the larger world at this time. (And if you re-read this blog post, you’ll get the deeper message within it, which has to do with the great shift in consciousness and the “tipping point” that occurred yesterday, December 21, 2012.)

I texted the following message to my teenage daughters: “If a problem occurs, it means there must be a solution already available, and all you have to do is CALMLY look for the solution.”

The message to light-workers and other adults is this: If a problem occurs, it means your higher self had planned it and also that your higher self has the answers–if you connect within and search for the answers.

Another relevant and important idea I wish to share here has to do with a blog post I had written a few weeks ago that urged the importance of coming from Creation mode rather than survival mode, more and more. The important concept to grasp here (that will bring the “New World” into being) is this: If you are feeling any sort of doubt or panic around some issue or some thing, that’s a clue that you are NOT coming from Creation. So get yourself back into creation mode!

Finally, I want to share a brilliant message from Geoffrey Hoppe’s latest “Shaumbra Monthly” newsletter.

“When you wake up on December 22 and realize that it’s just another day on planet Earth, take a deep breath instead of a deep sigh. Go inside yourself for a moment. Remember that you brought all of these energies of personal change into your life, and your life is in the process of making a huge shift into embodied, conscious spirit. Take a look at how far you’ve come these past 10 – 20 years, then thank yourself for making it (mostly) intact to the marker date of December 22. Put aside what’s going on in the outer world, and then get ready for a series of quantum transformations that begin to unfold in your life. You see, it never was about what was going to happen on December 21. It’s always been about what was going to happen AFTER this historic marker.”

Now that the famous December 21, 2012 solstice is behind us, we can let go of the “end of the world” distractions and get to work on the real things that matter, that need to be done, that require changing your life from the inside out.

To receive good directions for the “inner work” we’re being called to do, please click the following link and consider reading the two books I’ve written. The memoir (hardcover) is an account of my reconnecting experience, and the eBook contains how-to instructions, as well as other helpful information.

Connecting with your Higher Self and Living From Creation


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Are strange events happening in your life that you can’t quite explain? Can they be somehow related to the 2012 shift that many are talking about? My understanding is that the “tipping point” of this shift in consciousness is to occur on December 21, 2012 (according to the astronomy, anyway), even though all of us have been in different stages of the awakening process for a good number of years now.

The way I see it, there’s a purpose to these strange events. I believe that having strange things happen in your life that you cannot quite explain opens you up to searching for answers and to being more open to considering alternative viewpoints–viewpoints that are alternative to the mainstream doctrines that have been pushed on us by the media, government, religion, industry and society.

For example, I had something strange happen in my life back in 1988 that I still to this day cannot explain. I spoke to barely a handful of people about it, engineers and scientists mainly, just to make sure there was no gaping hole in my scientific understanding.

I didn’t get any definitive answers, but the strange happening had an impact on my life, in that it made me more open to searching for answers outside of conventional or known explanations. I wrote about what happened in my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, but will briefly describe it below.

In 1988 I was working in Munich, Germany in the Experimental Physics Department at the Ludwig Maximilian University. I had been hired as a materials engineer and my job was to work with a physics professor and his graduate students, analyzing ceramic superconductors using various materials analysis techniques.

My vacation that year consisted of a car trip to Turkey with my boyfriend (who later became my husband) and my sister, who was visiting from New York. At one of Turkey’s tourist attractions (that looked like the limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park), something strange happened. We had just parked my boyfriend’s VW Bug in the parking lot and were walking to see the terraces when I realized I had forgotten my camera. I asked my boyfriend and my sister to go along without me, that I would catch up with them after I got my camera.

I got to the car, leaned my left arm over the passenger side headrest (the front passenger side is where I normally sat), and reached for the camera that was on the back seat. As I was reaching for the camera, the two stainless steel rods that attached the headrest to the passenger seat had bent back in parallel motion. In my “inner hearing” I heard them “click into place” at an angle of about 45 degrees from vertical.

What the hell? That wasn’t supposed to happen! I tried to return the headrest to its original position (vertical) but it wouldn’t bend. After trying to bend it back into place for a minute or two I ran over to tell my boyfriend that something strange had happened to his car, and the three of us rushed back to look.

I had half expected the headrest to be back in its original position, perhaps one chance in a million I had somehow imagined this event, but nooooo, it was still bent. (I didn’t do drugs, nothing like this had ever happened to me or anyone else before–that I knew about, anyway.) I was really puzzled.

My boyfriend, six foot three and athletic, tried to bend the rods back into place but no matter what he did, he couldn’t make them budge. And boy was he upset with me! We took it to an auto shop to have it fixed, the three of us standing around waiting for it at the shop like strangers at a train station. The people at the auto shop were able to bend it back, and the headrest was as good as new for the rest of the time my boyfriend owned the car.

A couple of days later, still in Turkey, I got sick with some kind of virus or some other strange thing that left me very weak for about 24 hours. Years later, while I was writing my memoir and pondering upon this and other strange events in my life, I “got” that supernatural forces were tampering with the relationships in my life. I wanted to know why…which helped further lead me down my path of discovery.

So…what is happening in your life that cannot be explained using conventional wisdom? If you’re willing, please share your experiences in the comment section of this blog. A couple of other strange things are happening in my life at the moment, that I might share in future postings.

I believe that strange events are happening more frequently on this planet in order to help us question our current reality…which supports us in making the shift in consciousness that will bring about a new age for humanity, one that works for everyone (particularly now that we’re so close to the December 21, 2012 tipping point). It is this shift in consciousness and inner shift that will be the foundation for the positive changes that we make, including the shift from living from survival (struggle, fear, societal and peer pressure) to living from Creation (trusting in the divine, connection with one’s higher self, one’s true self).

As we learn the truth about what 2012 is really about, we will be able to live more and more from creation and joy. And as we learn to align with and follow through with our inner guidance, we will be well on our way to creating a world that’s supported by the heavenly realms.

To learn more about the exact nature of the December 2012 alignment and the positive implications for humanity’s future (and how you can make a difference in your own life and help others at the same time), please click on the link below.

Thank you for reading!
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