Tag: <span>Spiritual Awakening</span>

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In the past, I have published the words of teachers who I feel speak the truth about walking “The Way” according to Jesus Christ and activating your spiritual awakening. For example, I’ve shared the words of Juan O Savin here. Recently, I found another wonderful teacher of the Way of Christ, on being sovereign and not being controlled by either government nor religion. His name is Ethan Lucas and he has a website and channel on Rumble; links are at the end of this blog post. I am sharing this because Lucas has good news of the freedom and liberty in Christ.

I have written about my own journey to that understanding in my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening (hardcover). I published the eBook version of that as the title Reconnected: a spiritual awakening memoir. This journey, I am sure, is one reason why rejecting the recent government mandates came so natural to me.

In the paragraphs below, I share some of Lucas’ words. (He refers to his understanding of 1 Corinthians 15 verse 20 through the end of that chapter in the Bible.)

Ethan Lucas’ Message of Hope

“As people are waking up, society is changing, and people are becoming more sovereign. Do you realize part of the problem, part of the reason why evil was allowed to flourish in this world is not only because it is profitable, but it is profitable because the majority of people do not view themselves as sovereign? That is the biggest problem. Because if the majority of the people did, then most of the systems that exist, that allow for the corruption and the secrecy and the power over other people, the manipulation would not even exist. That is what the kingdom of heaven is. It is a kingdom of sovereigns, where there is only one king, and that’s King Jesus, Christ consciousness. And everybody minds their own #@*&-ing business. Right? People stop trying to manipulate and control others and have power over others because it is not even profitable. It is counterproductive at that point. And I know you and I see eye to eye on a lot of those things when you’re talking about an anarchic system, which people have confused with chaos and violence and criminality. And it is actually quite the opposite. The word anarchy actually means without ruler, without rulers. No ruler, no master!

And in fact, in my opinion, and I have a lot of evidence to back this point of view up, I believe that’s precisely what the majority of our founders in the United States, how they felt, and what they set up as a Republic, it was actually a form of anarchy, disguised as a government, so as to try to keep that form that was still ruling over people’s minds and emotions for the time being, until a time such as this, where people could see past even the facade of the need for that social structure to rule over them, to where they could become self-governing. The fact that our founders talked about being self-governing gave away the fact that they were anarchists. And you can actually have an anarchic Republic. And I believe that is what we are supposed to have …

Jesus has repeatedly in the Scripture said over and over, that you’re not going to ever see a literal Second Coming. That was never the plan. And if anybody ever says to you, that Christ has returned, believe them not. So what I want, and I mean I can ask this question until I’m dead and probably never get an answer, How the fvck? Pardon the French. But I’m sorry, it pisses me off to no end when all we have to do is just read what it says. And they’ve come up with these fantastical ideas that have misled people, and I think this is why I think there’s something nefarious behind it. Because these kinds of ideas on Oh, just wait for Jesus to come back flying down out of the sky on a white horse like Lone Ranger dogs and 747s. That kind of sh*t has caused people, even when Christ gave us, commissioned us, to have dominion and authority over the earth, and it’s up to us. That kind of teaching has caused people to sit back and do nothing. And that’s my personal belief, that’s where it started.

And it’s easy for people to get wrapped up in that, because a lot of people easily succumb to the Savior syndrome. And again, I’m not saying that Jesus was not a savior. There’s a difference between saying Christ is your Savior because that’s simply the quantum entanglement, that’s the Christ spirit, the logos, that’s you being connected and one with Christ, which he said I am the only way to the Father, to Source. Of course he is, because there’s this unbridgeable gap that we talked about last time. But that’s not a savior syndrome. That’s oh, I recognize that one plus one equals two. And if somehow we lose that second one, to add to the other one, which is you, you lose the Christ, the one Christ, and then the one you, you’re not going to get to two. It is math. It is not a savior syndrome. Savior syndrome is thinking that somebody is going to come here, both in the political world and the spiritual world, and they’re going to wipe your ass for you from now until the day you die. Guess what, if you never wipe your own ass, you’re gonna end up with a really crusty ass and a bad infection because nobody’s coming to wipe your ass. That was never the plan.

Here’s the good news. And I posted this on my Telegram a couple of days ago. Here’s the good news. It’s up to you. Here’s the bad news. It’s up to you! This is the thing with free will. And as soon as people get their head around this concept of free will and wake up and realize, oh shit, this whole experience is entirely up to me! I am responsible for my own life, no one is coming to save me. Jesus already did everything, not some of the things, already did everything that he needed to do and could do. The rest of it is up to you and me. It is our responsibility. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left. You think about that.

By the way I want to finally once and for all time make sure people understand when I say “who you are in Christ, “ there is 0% religiosity to that, there’s nothing religious actually about Christ. I know that’s a radical concept for people to swallow. But when you take the Bible seriously, instead of religiously, then you understand there is nothing religious about it. They used it to create a religion. They twisted it out of context and made it into a religious thing. And it never was. And in fact, the ultimate irony of it, is that what Jesus did, and one of his main goals, was to destroy the bondage of religion over the minds and souls of men and women once and for all time. So when we talk about being free in Christ, one with Christ, everybody has been programmed to think every time you hear Christ and being one with Christ and being free with Christ, they automatically go to these religious concepts. They think church, religion, this guy’s religious. No, no! Christ is anti-religious; anti-Christ is religious! People really have to let that sink in. Some people are gonna have to let that sit for a long time to fully sink in. Get it out of your head that anything about Jesus or about Christ is religious because it is not. There is 0% religion involved with Jesus Christ.

Because it is all about Christ’s consciousness, that word Christ comes from the concept of Christos, it’s a geometric spiritual metaphysical concept of quantum physics concept of reality. It’s scientific, it’s human psychology. There’s 0% religion to it. And I know it’s so hard to separate because we’ve been programmed since the day we were born, and it’s everywhere in society. We’ve been swimming in this big soup of religious garbage from day one. And it has permeated every aspect of our thinking and our being. That’s the Romans 12:2 we got to get hold of, being not conformed to the world, the religious world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of the mind. Get the new download, understand that religion is garbage. Religion is evil.

The word religion literally means to return to bondage. And that Jesus Christ, and the Christ consciousness that is imparted unto us, through Jesus Christ has zero to do with religion. All he did was come here, show us how it’s done, correct the record and said, Hey, follow me. It is, you have been deceived, stop doing all this stuff. Stop believing all this stuff. This is your true identity. It’s not religious at all. There’s no religion to it at all. In fact, all the animals out there, and if you were to go way up north in Canada out in the wilderness, 1000s of miles away from any civilization, you would find that all of the animals out there are doing what’s called Christ consciousness, which is nothing more than just being in touch with their natural existence, who they really are, their natural identity, instead of all of these convoluted manmade concepts that have twisted the minds of people and kept them in bondage. There is no freedom in religious concepts.

What Jesus started was an ecclesia, a political body, people who were free and sovereign in every sense of the word. People who have broken the chains of government control. People who have broken the chains of religious control. Because they had returned to their true identity. They weren’t like Eve anymore who questioned her identity in the Garden.

Religion has programmed and kept people’s minds in such bondage that they can’t even walk away from the most simple form of control. And they continually use gaslighting, and other psychopathic tactics to keep people locked into it. It is crazy, absolutely insane.

So with that being said, yeah, Paul said, If you are therefore with Christ within, meaning you’ve woken up to your true identity, now you’re done with religion, you’re done with tyrannical government control, why therefore then do you still continue to follow the ordnances and doctrines of man?

The excerpts above are taken from the following video, which is from the Rice TV channel:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU3QJ-_yyCs&t=1s

I agree with Ethan Lucas’ message above. Understanding will come from “doing” Christ consciousness (and “ascending” in our consciousness), not simply from book learning. (“We can’t just tell you and you’ll get it; we had to show you.”) Jesus taught his followers to walk “the Way.” Remember, even Jesus’ own disciples had difficulty understanding him at first.

Following in Christ’s footsteps will free humanity from religious programming. That is why his believers were persecuted, because they could not be controlled by either government or religion.

Miracle Case in the Supreme Court – Raland Brunson Case

Recently, I learned about a case moving forward in the Supreme Court (Brunson vs. Adams case number 22-380) that is on the docket for the beginning of 2023. This case has the potential to restore honesty and truth in our elections and government, as well as unite the people of the United States. (This is not a partisan issue.) Furthermore, it will help the people bring forth the kind of government our founding fathers originally had envisioned, a kind of government perhaps even Jesus Christ could get behind.

I urge you to listen to the following December 2, 2022 interview with one of the plaintiffs, Loy Brunson. It is extremely important, as well as hopeful. You can be a part of this, and you can help. (A couple of easy actions you can take to help create this future are shared in this interview.)


What I really like about this case is multi-fold:

  1. The court case is pro se. (No lawyers are involved; the plaintiff is not a lawyer and represents himself and U.S. citizens.)
  2. The plaintiff is an ordinary citizen (like yourself) doing an extraordinary service. (Proves my point, and the point of my books, that you really don’t know what you are potentially capable of, what your higher purpose is, until you begin following your inner guidance, higher self, Christ consciousness.)
  3. This case will help educate American citizens (and the world) in our Constitution.
  4. This case is non-partisan and has the power to unite our country in a common, noble goal.
  5. This case has the potential to turn our country and world around for the better.

You may receive a copy of the case for a $1 donation here (there are three cases available for purchase, the Raland Brunson case is the one on the SC docket):


And if you want to hear more of Ethan Lucas, here’s a link to his show: https://rumble.com/c/EthanLucasShow

Thank you for reading my post. Please share and comment below.

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Many people are experiencing turbulence and highs and lows in their states of consciousness and subsequent emotions, recently, as news, rumors and allegations of all sorts (in the political and other arenas) enter their consciousness. Even social media influencers with YouTube and Bitchute followings, even those who consider themselves psychic, are not immune to the white knuckle, nail-biting moments experienced when one looks to sources outside themselves, rather than to their inner connection with God, for the truth happening right now on this planet: a spiritual awakening on a momentous level. A Great Awakening.

I am qualified to discuss this topic as I was “lucky” to have experienced much of my spiritual awakening in the two decades before this C0V1D operation came into existence. I don’t mean to say I’m up on everything that’s going on. Far, far from it. But I am confident my connection to God, my subsequent intuition and the understanding I gained about the Earth Experiment through the past decades is solid. I also assure you that humanity will win this time. There is no question about that.

I place the word “lucky” in parentheses because while there are many on an awakening path these days, when I went through it, it was incredibly lonely. It also required some navigating between two worlds, some walking of fine lines in relationships, finances and situations, including some ginned-up legal situations. It’s only recently that I actually consider myself lucky to have gone through what I’ve gone through, years before.

My 20-Year Anniversary

I’m writing this blog post around the time of the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 because for me, it marks the time that I started to take my spiritual awakening and “higher purpose” seriously. You see, about a month before the 9/11 event happened in 2001, I met a woman who walked up to me at a Music-in-the-Park in Los Gatos (Silicon Valley) and said, “You’re an author, aren’t you?”

She had no idea that inwardly, I was troubled, trying to make a decision about whether I should pursue my spiritual path, which included writing books I had no idea of the topic, or whether I should view the channeled advice I had received months before from the Counsel of Light as manipulation and brainwashing. I had worked as a materials engineer, the thought of writing terrified me.

If that was simply just that, I might have blown the whole thing off. But because the advice from the Counsel of Light and this Silicon Valley stranger was coupled with my world falling apart around me, I could not ignore it. I knew I had to do something different. Intuitively, I knew I had to look deeper within for the answers. I knew I had to discover my higher purpose. And so, eventually, I did!

You are Your Own Savior

Anyway, to get back to the present, it appears that some people in YouTube-land have had their hopes dashed recently when they discovered that perhaps Trump was not our savior. (This “news” came from another person attempting to pose as our savior, LOL.) But, by now you must have gotten a clue: even if Trump were the second coming of Christ, he would still not be our savior.

Trump has a large role, yes. I agree he has a much larger role than most of us. A “YUGE” role. But you, too, have your own role! You are not simply to sit on your butt waiting for someone else to tell you what to do! You are supposed to find it (truth) within.

“Finding it within, looking within”: An idea that took me many months, in fact years, to get clarity on, as it involved much more than meditating. Well, here’s an article written in 2010 over at EzineArticles.com that I titled, Looking Within—What it Means to Look Within.

I will try to migrate, and update, the 144 articles I have at EzineArticles over to my blog. Those articles are buried, and no one, not even myself, can even find them in a Google search. I will work on that …

How to Discover Your Role in the Great Awakening

Rather than getting impatient with what you may perceive as the lack of progress happening in the world, it would be helpful, as well as self-empowering and deeply fulfilling, to immerse yourself in your role in the Great Awakening and help bring about our new world.

So, how will you know that you’re on the right path? It’s very simple: when you’re on the right path, you will receive positive reinforcement from God / the Universe in the form of favorable synchronicities, new insights, and an increase of creative flow in your life. Often, this will result in win-win-win situations for all parties involved. And you will spiral upwards.

Once you receive that positive reinforcement, you simply keep doing what you’re doing. As you get more and more positive reinforcement, your confidence in your inner guidance will grow. Keep doing this. It will grow to the point where your confidence in your inner knowing becomes stronger than any other input coming from outside yourself. I consider this the point of critical mass.

This is important as ultimately, if you are to “graduate” from this Earth Experiment / dimension, it is you who needs to decide the course of your life. Not any so-called experts, not anyone else, but you. You, as a sovereign.

My two books have tons of real-life examples that will help you on your spiritual path. They will reduce your fear and increase your confidence. They will help you to remain calm (when the “chit hits the fan,” as my Chilean friend would say) and know that, you’ve got this!

For info on my books, click the main menu at the top of this page. One book is a memoir (see “Spiritual Awakening Memoir”), the other a how-to book (“Spiritual Awakening Process”) in the main menu. Or go to Amazon and type my name, Christine Hoeflich, into search.

It’s going to be tough going the next few months. This is an understatement. But know that once we get through this tough time, it will be absolutely glorious for humanity!

Some Encouraging Words from Juan O’ Savin

I watched Michael Jaco’s interview with Juan O’ Savin last Sunday (Sept. 19) that Michael titled, “Juan O’ Savin’s most epic reveal will blow you away and leave you uplifted.” I picked a couple gems from Juan to share with you here.

“America’s future is bright. We’re going to go through what’s going on here. It’s going to be very dramatic over the coming months. But you know what? It’s going to be fantastic, too. … A lot of things are going to come to a head, including McAfee’s stuff, including the way taxes are collected. There are all sorts of revelations that are coming in the coming months, and even couple of years, that are going to be shocking. They’re going to change the way things are done in America, who does them, who gets to stay in power, even. So, we’ve got some beautiful stuff ahead for us.”-Juan O’ Savin

When I heard Juan say this, it reminded me of the “Bright Futures” sign I received from God / the Universe last year. I wrote about this sign in two blog posts. Read this first, then read this.

Juan O’ Savin also said,

“Pray for real. God is as serious as you are. If you need answers, if you need help, if you need guidance, God is as serious as you are. And He will give you answers if you’re serious in the questions and ask with a sincere heart.”

“There’s going to be a lot of people doing gut-checks and it’s going to be very wrenching. I understand that. I’m not trying to be trite. But there are a lot of answers here that can only come from that still small voice of God to you personally.”

“Enjoy the show? Yes. Chew your fingernails? Please don’t. It’s hand-wringing but it is not the end of the world. It is the end of the world as you know it. Take a deep breath. We are going to get through this. As long as you don’t get the jab, you’re going to get through this.”

I encourage you to watch the 2.5-hour video. The link is below:


If you don’t have 2.5 hours, Jetson White took out important excerpts and shared them in this 16-minute YouTube video:


If you live outside the U.S., remember that all this applies to you, too. And don’t lose heart: as America goes, so does the rest of the world.

Update Sept. 28: This is a great read about the C0VID situation / agenda:


Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

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If you are intuitive, you know that the world is ramping up for some kind of battle, some kind of emotional release. People here in California are on the edge, and with more and more information being dripped out from many different sources, the levels of fear, desperation, and frustration are rising.

For example, two days ago, I went to Whole Foods to purchase some colloidal silver, just to have some on hand when this next lockdown happens. (Which I feel will be very soon.) Colloidal silver is good to have around for many reasons, including for detoxing.

I couldn’t find the colloidal silver, so I asked the gal in the supplement department to point to where it was. She had a mask on, so I couldn’t see her expression, but I felt she almost jumped out of her skin as I came close. She told me that the product had been discontinued, and that, “they don’t tell us why they discontinue things.” (Of course not, we all know who owns Whole Foods, and whom they really work for.)

Another thing that’s been happening lately is, I’ve noticed that people posting on the website NextDoor have stepped up the fear and manipulation by at least a good notch or two. The posts cajoling you to get yourself jabbed in the arm remind me of that Greta Thunberg girl. The emotional manipulation is obvious, and laid on thick. Anyway, NextDoor moderators deleted some of my comments and temporarily disabled my account for several days. Who in the world do they think they are?

The good thing is, as these and other kinds of shenanigans continue, rising also are the numbers of people who are waking up from the psychological operation that is C0VID-19. More and more people, even those who were solidly in the “the virus is real” camp, are waking up.

So, we don’t know exactly when and how this final showdown between those still holding on (by their fingernails) to the agenda of the Dark, and those of the Light, will transpire, but we do know there will be a huge element of surprise. And I believe it is coming real soon.

Here in the United States, the government is ramping up to deliver forced jabs. My feeling is that fewer than half of our population has been injected in their arm so far. And I feel, this is what will set off the final showdown. But it will not happen as they (those with the Dark agenda) want. In the hearts and minds of many people is God, and God / Source will lead them forward.

I’ve put together some important tips for navigating what’s coming next. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Tips for Preparing for this Next Phase

  1. Make sure you have, at home, any items you need to feel comfortable: about a month’s worth of food, water, and whatever else you need for your well-being. Especially if you live in a city, you might want to avoid the crowds when the “chit hits the fans,” as my Chilean friend would say. Do not wait; complete this task this week.
  2. Get some good books, including a book or two on spiritual awakening. Make a bigger effort to connect with God and really work on developing that connection. Follow your inner guidance. Meditate and pray.
  3. Go outside and commune with nature. Get some natural Vitamin D every day, if possible.
  4. Reach out to, and help, friends, family and neighbors in whatever way you are guided to. Remind them to go within, and help them remain calm and balanced. There’s going to be some tough love coming our way.
  5. Do what you know you need to do to get healthy and strong. Exercise.
  6. Do not get into any fights. They want civil unrest, so that they (the Dark) can justify their next steps. Remember: the way forward is through non-violent, non-cooperation.
  7. Learn about your rights and use the laws already available to make your case. Force the governments to prove there’s a medical emergency. (They will not be able to do it.) For information on the law and for helpful, downloadable documents for work and school situations, check out Peggy Hall’s website at: THE HEALTHY AMERICAN™

A Few Words from Juan O’ Savin

The following is from a conversation between David Nino Rodriguez and Juan O’ Savin that happened on August 3, 2021, just two days ago. I add here some key highlights of that conversation, in case you didn’t catch it.

They can demand, they can stomp, they can require, they can do whatever they want. The reality is, on the numbers, more and more people are waking up.

People wake up at different times, at different ways. We are moving the numbers to 80% plus.

The only way to win this kind of war is to not play with them at all. They can demand, they can rant and set timetables, and you’ll see more and more people wake up.

It’s going to be gripping. It has to be, so that the American people will not ever let themselves be taken into a situation like this again and they will recount it to their children and grandchildren for many lifetimes. It will be so gripping and memorable.

Remember: like a mother giving birth to a child, it will all be worth it in the end. I am looking forward with you, for that time to arrive!

August 9th Update: here’s an in-depth update on the situation with Clif High. I highly recommend you watch it.


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My goal here is to help more people awaken to what’s going on right now … which is a spiritual and psychological war of global proportions. Although I’ve shared four months ago that humanity has already won the war against the dark agenda (also known as the New World Order, Agenda 21), and that what remains are smaller, local battles and “shaking the dust off ourselves,” the majority of people are still clueless as to what’s really going on.

I’ve been on the path of spiritual awakening for a long time, since the year 2000, ever since a crisis affecting every important area of my life shook my world. Over the next several years, I connected deeply to my “higher self,” kept track of the principles and practices that were critical for awakening and enlightenment, and wrote two books about my experiences. The first was a spiritual awakening memoir published early 2008. Then in November 2009 I published a PDF that later became my second book, titled The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light.

Well, my work and message didn’t catch on. Maybe because it went against popular new age ideas at the time that once December 21, 2012 rolled around, we’d have a wonderful and spontaneous “Golden Age.” Maybe because I claimed that practices such as positive thinking, forgiveness, and guided meditations would not be enough to get us there. Maybe because I said that, on the contrary, creating this Golden Age would be one of the hardest things we’d ever do.

From personal experience I knew that all the positive thinking in the world would fall flat in bringing about the Golden Age that so many desired. Rather, it would be the deep, raw personal crises and crude, rude awakenings that would force people to question the mainstream narrative, seek deeper truths, and attempt to make some sense of it by seeking the guidance of their “higher self,” their direct connection to God.

Plus, from personal experience I had a hunch that the Creator would not cheat anyone out of the incredible experience of the spiritual awakening process … Of discovering who you are and what you’re truly capable of … Of becoming the master of your life—even when times got tough. (Which you can take as good news, or bad news.)

Spiritual awakening was messy, involved pain, and was hard work. It’s not surprising that my message didn’t catch on, though I tried for years, wrote hundreds of articles, and posted them on the internet and my blog.

2020: Year of the Lockdown, or Perfect Vision?

But now in 2020 we can no longer ignore what’s happening in our world. On March 11, when it was announced that the USA was in a lockdown, I had been working at a small company for several months. I came home that day, thinking the reason for the lockdown was bull crap. I did not believe the virus was the real reason; they had tried the virus nonsense before. The virus is a hoax, said my intuition. What’s happening is something more sinister, a grab for power, a take-over.

The following months, with time on my hands, I began many hours of online research, trying to figure out what was really going on. I already knew in my bones that the nefarious NWO would not be. In fact, more than 12 years ago when I published my first book, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, I had declared in that book that the NWO (as was being planned, back then, by the Bushes) would never be. Why? Because it was not part of the Divine Plan for humanity.

Before publishing my book, I remember going over it several times, trying to make sure the fullness of my message was in it and anything that didn’t belong was taken out. I worried about bringing up the NWO because my book wasn’t about politics. In fact, I was a Green Party member. I believed both democrats and republicans were captured and compromised. But the chapter with the new world order message insisted on being there.

Anyway, in my book, I had placed Dick Cheney in a police lineup, and had then-president George W. Bush as one of the “people in high places who were waking up humanity from their ages-long sleep.” I also emphasized the importance of never giving up freedom for security.

Regarding the NWO, the following is an excerpt from my book:

“The new world order isn’t something that can be imposed from the outside. Order can’t be legislated or commanded into being, and that’s not how it’s been ordained in the divine design. The struggles and chaos in the outer world today merely reflect what’s happening inside many individuals. You can’t have outer order where there’s struggle and confusion within. When there’s no longer any struggle inside, there won’t be any struggle outside. Only then will a new world order arise.

“Therefore, a new world order begins with having order in your own self first. It’s an inner, individual thing that will grow and become outwardly apparent once more and more individuals participate in their own spiritual evolution.”

This is a long way of saying that the top-down, government-imposed new world order that was being secretly planned would never be. I also had chosen not to put “new world order” in caps. I didn’t want to grant it even that much recognition.

I did not mention the 9/11 event in my book. The morning I first heard of the twin towers being attacked my intuition said, “It’s an inside job.” I “knew” there were agents within our own government who planned that disaster; it was a planned event. Communicating my insight to others, I discovered soon enough my view wasn’t widely shared.

I’m going to share what I learned in my months of research, but first I want to share that there are really two categories of Awakening.

The Two Types of Awakening

  1. Awakening to the truth of what’s been happening on this planet … because much of what we’ve been taught, much of what we’ve been hearing on the news, are lies.
  2. A spiritual awakening that involves strengthening your relationship with your higher self (your direct connection to God) by following through with your inner guidance and discovering your contribution to the Great Awakening.

I guess you can call it outer-world awakening vs. inner-world awakening. Although interconnected, they are separate areas of focus with different practices and actions.

My work has focused mainly on #2 above, one’s spiritual awakening. However, I’ve also been interested in #1. This is why the last several months since the lockdown I searched deeper into #1, because I didn’t believe for one minute the narrative on the TV news. For many hundreds of hours I searched to find answers, to make more sense of what is really going on. And I want to share that what I discovered changed my mind about President Donald J. Trump!

Before I go there, I want to share something else, and explain where I’m coming from. As I said, I’m Green Party, and believe both political parties are corrupt. I often vote third party. And I voted third party in the 2016 presidential election. But something unusual happened when I found out who won the 2016 presidency.

A Surprise on Election Night 2016

I remember walking into the house that November night of the election. In those days I was not very emotional. Except for my younger daughter who had just started her first year of college nearby and my older daughter who lived near LA I didn’t have a whole lot to be thrilled about. I was mainly concerned with earning a living so I could pay my bills and keep promoting my message to the world somehow. Even though doing so felt like dragging through mud.

Anyway, as I walked into the house my housemate shouted to me from her upstairs bedroom that Trump had won. Suddenly, my heart defrosted and I felt this subtle, but joyful feeling in my core, right next to my heart. The feeling was totally unexpected, and it got my attention. As if it were a sign from the Universe.

I considered myself the queen of “signs from the Universe” and had written about these special kinds of signs and synchronicities. My first “signs from the Universe” article was published back in August 2008. Anyway: change is good, was my sentiment on election night. And I predicted lots of learning opportunities for the public.

Getting back to the present, the end of August 2020: After spending hundreds of hours of research, reading articles and watching investigative videos into what’s going on, here’s what I believe is happening …

We are Currently in World War III

We are in WWIII, which has so far manifested mainly as a spiritual war, a war for control of our minds. The corona-virus pandemic is a last-ditch effort by the behind-the-scenes globalist ruling cabal / deep state (that I’ll call vampires, because that’s what they are) to take down the United States and install a horrific and oppressive one world government / new world order. (How long we’ve been in this war, I’m unsure. Perhaps ever since WWII.)

Fortunately, and in the nick of time, the plandemic was hijacked by Trump and the Alliance (US Military, including other countries) who were on to their evil game, which includes a global pedophile network and the practice of harvesting children, most from China and third world countries, for their adrenochrome. (Adrenochrome is adrenalized blood. It’s a powerful youth elixir used by many Hollywood, political and global elite.) Apparently, a batch of adrenochrome from Wuhan, China was tainted. (Wuhan is a major human trafficking port, and the real reason the Yangtze river was dammed.) The evil plan was hijacked and is being used to expose the criminals.

Have some patience, because a Divine Plan is at play. Most world leaders have capitulated to the Alliance, and the plan is now being used to wake people up to what the globalists had in store for us. It’s important that some of this gets played out … because you can’t just TELL people what’s going on; they will not believe you. You have to SHOW them, you have to help them wake up, as much as possible under their own volition. This is why the craziness must, to an extent, be allowed to play out.

Win the War Before the Majority Even Notices

Trump has already accomplished the critical pieces; he’s already won the war against the deep state / cabal. In fact, recently I learned on Dr. Charlie Ward’s (UK) podcast that Dr. Ward received military intel that we completed the major, critical milestones sometime around the third week of May. Interestingly, mid-April I received an amazing “sign from the Universe” that I shared on my blog on April 17 that humanity has “turned the corner.” And that we can expect Bright Futures on the horizon. In the meantime, what we need to do is “flick the parasites away.” (Read that post here and check out the sign I received.) Anyway, people might have to stand up to their local and state governments but the world war has essentially been won.

Okay. This is a lot to wrap one’s head around, I get it. And it’s extremely upsetting. I mean around 2017 I learned about Pizzagate from David Wilcock’s blog. (Pizzagate is a scandal in Washington D.C. about a pedophilia network operating from a pizza shop.) But it’s only recently, while doing my COVID-19 research, did I learn that it is much, much worse and much more widespread than that. And I learned that many of our Hollywood celebrities, politicians all over the world, and media are involved.

And under the cover of COVID-19, while you and your children were safe at home, work is being done around the world to rescue the children that were at risk and remove the criminals from power. Remove also the structures that put them in power, and eradicate their nefarious plans. In other words, getting the war over and done with, before the majority even realized what happened.

When Will the Nightmare be Over?

When will all this be over? No one knows for sure, because the Divine Plan is fluid. But I can tell you this for sure: the sooner that people wake up, the faster this will be over. Which is one of the messages I emphasized in my books.

In the meantime, I expect more pain, confusion and craziness coming, because that’s what will help wake up the masses. Because when you find yourself in a crisis, when you feel like you’re in deep trouble, you’re more motivated to go within for answers: which is the whole point! So … you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, your connection with God. You begin to receive intuitive guidance. And when you follow through with your intuition, you’ll receive signs and often, helpful synchronicities. This is your confirmation, from God, that you’re on the right track!

Many of us have bigger roles to play. It’s highly likely you have a much bigger role to play. Plus, we’ll learn a lot from this experience and spiritually grow from it. It’s an initiation into the Golden Age, and also how we help bring it about.

The faster people wake up, the faster we’ll be done with the stressful part and on to the next phase, which involves working together to create a Golden Age for humanity. This is why awakening to your contribution to the Golden Age (spiritual awakening category #2 above) is so important. Truthfully, there’s no better time to be alive!

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I’ve been meaning to relaunch my spiritual awakening blog for a few months now, but was waiting for the right inspiration. The last several months, I’ve been busy working for a company that designs water treatment systems, and waiting for insight and direction to emerge for my “new” blog.

As you can see, I have a new header photo (designed by my photographer and graphic designer friend, Anne’ Phillips). Besides spiritual awakening, I added “uplifting your life,” “living consciously” and “fulfilling your purpose” as the main themes. Part of this (slightly new) direction came to me from a recent, vivid dream …

Your Higher Self Speaks to You through Your Dreams

If you’ve read my blog or books in the past, you might remember that I shared some of my dreams. And you also may know that your higher self, your connection to the Divine, often speaks to you in your dreams. So, here’s a dream I had recently …

Around mid-December 2019, I had a dream where I was climbing a ladder to get to the top of it, where I reached a ledge. I got up on the ledge, which was only about 4 inches wide, and began pulling people up. But there was a problem: the people could not stay up on the ledge, because it wasn’t wide enough.

So then I needed to build a wider ledge. I dragged wood and tools up the ladder to build this wider ledge. I figured I should make the ledge at least a foot or so wider, so people could stay up on it, once they got up. I took a hammer, nails and a board and began hammering the board to widen the ledge. That’s when I woke up.

Is it a Coincidence, or a Sign from the Universe? My Hike on Tuesday

It’s been a while since I hiked. Years ago, when I was writing my books, I used to hike daily. The last few years, I’ve been working, focused on other things, and maybe like yourself, just too busy. But after a long break, I started hiking again on Monday, March 30.

On Tuesday, I went on another hike. This time, I said a long prayer, out loud, for all that we’re going through right now, for the best outcome for humanity and all of the Earth’s inhabitants. As soon as I was done with my prayer, I walked to the other side of the street, then noticed something weird. There was something under a huge log, a literal sign, and I began to pull on it. I couldn’t pull it out because the left side was stuck under a heavy log. So I bent the wires, so that anyone walking or driving by could see it and read it. I took a photo of it, it’s below …

Sign from the Universe

If you’ve read my blog posts, articles and books in the past, you might remember my article from 2008 titled, “Is it Coincidence, or a Sign from the Universe.” I’m not able to find it on Google anymore, it’s gone, but it is on the EzineArticles.com site. (I may republish it here on my blog in the near future.)

Does this mean I think everything is hunky-dory? No, actually, quite the opposite. But I do believe we are in a time (finally!) of the possibility of a great spiritual awakening. A bright and promising future is definitely a possibility, that is, if we bend the current trajectory.

Right now, things aren’t looking so great. But I’m not going to discuss here what I think about this “virus.” I have my own understanding, and have been suspicious of the mainstream narrative since day one. So I’ve been waiting for something really worthwhile to share on my blog, and yesterday I found that something.

Rather than me writing about it, I’d rather have you listen to the following two explanations, one from a decades-long health reporter (one of the greatest journalists ever, and he’s crystal-clear, too), and another from an insightful MD. I urge you to listen to all three parts of Jon’s audio, and to Dr. Cowan’s entire presentation. (The total time for both presentations is about three and a half hours.)

This short investment in time (3.5 hrs.) is really worth your while, as you might come to the conclusion, as I did, that you can now stop listening to and reading other “trusted sources” for insight into what’s going on.

Jon Rappoport Audio

Dr. Cowan Explanation

(On 4/11 I’m adding the following video as well:)

Professor of Epidemiology Knut Wittkowski

When you’re inundated with so much contradictory news, so much misinformation, you’ve got to listen to some voices of reason that make much more sense than the current popular narrative.

In addition, you’ve got to go within and activate your inner BS detector, follow your own inner guidance, and awaken to the bigger picture regarding this planet’s evolution. That is the whole point of this time.

Let me explain. Around 2001/2002 I went through a major crisis. I knew that no one or nothing outside of myself could help me through that crisis. I knew I had no other choice but to go within, deep within, and “figure this whole thing out.” The culmination of that work is the numerous articles and blog posts I wrote and shared, as well as the two books I published.

When you’re in a crisis, when you’re suffering, the potential for great change and personal growth, aka “spiritual awakening” exists. But none of this is automatic, and it’s not going to happen automatically. You must strengthen your relationship with your higher self, the part of you that has a direct connection to the Divine, Great Spirit, God, Jesus, Buddha. And you take it through, you go through the spiritual awakening process. You take it through to the end.

I don’t think we’re going to be rescued from this chaos. I mean, sure, it would be nice to have a large group of heroes working toward the planet’s liberation, but I wouldn’t necessarily count on it.

Why do I think this? Because from my own experience, being rescued is not part of Divine Plan. What’s going on is about the hero’s journey. Everyone gets to be a hero, in their own way. Because we all need to do our part in the Divine Plan.

Well, maybe there are groups of heroes, ready to fulfill their assignments, but they definitely need the help of each one of us, to help transform the consciousness of the planet.

Here’s another thing to think about before I end this post: “They” are as much a part of the Divine Plan as you or I. “They” are not pulling the strings behind the curtain, orchestrating the Divine Plan. Them pulling the strings behind the curtain is part of the Divine Plan, and they are also subject to it. The point is: Please do what you’re called to do from within, to bend the trajectory of humanity’s future!

Finally, I’d like to share from Dr. Cowan two things:

The first is, find out what it means to be human. And please, find someone less fortunate than you and help them out.

The second thing is “a Verse for Our Time” from Rudolph Steiner.

We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.

We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future.

We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come.

And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.

It is part of what we must learn in this age, namely, to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence.

Trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world.

Truly, nothing else will do if our courage is not to fail us.

And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves every morning and every evening. — Rudolph Steiner

The last word is from me: Remember, this is much, much bigger than (most people) think.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIn David Wilcock’s latest post of October 22 on his website DivineCosmos.com Wilcock asserts that something big is coming that involves the highest level of the U.S. government, the Mueller investigation as well as Julian Assange of Wikileaks. Wilcock writes that “full disclosure” about the true nature of our government as well as world events is coming and if Mueller isn’t going to reveal what he knows, Wikileaks will, and it will be soon … like probably this week soon. David asks his readers to share this article with others, and also to meditate more and sever ties with those in our lives who have psychopathic and narcissistic tendencies, so that we can more easily release the ties the powerful elite have over our lives and the world.

That’s all fine and good, but I doubt that full disclosure, the announcement, will happen anytime soon, simply because I don’t see changes in the world that show that a great many people have awakened spiritually. You just have to look at the world around you and people’s behavior to see that most have not yet awakened … yet. Which to me means that full disclosure, the announcement, will continue to be stalled. I will now explain why, and define what I mean by “spiritual awakening.”

You do not “awaken spiritually” by reading about humanity’s origins, history, or the truth about religion, although reading can definitely be a step in the right direction.  You do not awaken spiritually by reading spiritual books, articles or blog posts, no matter how enlightened or how true they may be. Quite simply, you do not awaken spiritually by reading.

The only way to awaken spiritually and accomplish what it is that is required of all of us at this point in humanity’s evolution is to strengthen the relationship with your higher self, your direct connection with the divine. By strengthening the relationship with your higher self, you will awaken your inner power, your soul’s power.

In other words, spiritual awakening means awakening the power in you that’s been dormant and ignored for a long, long time. And by strengthening the relationship with your higher self, you will, over time, contribute to the unfolding of a new world.

When you strengthen the relationship with your higher self, you’ll discover that your life will not go along the same trajectory that it’s been on; you will make changes. Your higher self will guide you to take certain actions and when you take those actions, you’ll discover things about yourself and others that are truly eye-opening.

You’ll have profound firsthand insights that will change your view about yourself, about others, and about life on Earth. And when you change your views, it will help change your behavior. This is the same path to becoming the master of your life, and a necessary ingredient to experiencing “full disclosure.”

By strengthening the relationship with your higher self, you’ll discover who you are and what you’re truly capable of. You’ll fulfill your life purpose, and feel like you’ve finally arrived. And you’ll also discover the role the powerful elite have had in this Earth drama and in your spiritual evolution and you’ll be grateful to them for this, too.

I can’t emphasize enough how super important this is. And the divine will not cheat you out of this profound experience.

This is really good news. The Earth drama is not just some “good guys vs. bad guys,” the-good-guys-defeat-the-bad-guys-and-save-the-Earth drama that’s been around for millennia. Who is the hero anyway?

In fact, by taking this path and strengthening the relationship with your higher self you will become like the master Jesus. Jesus had a different attitude toward his enemies even 2000 years ago because he had a different view of life on Earth, a view informed by his deep insights that came from actually following his inner guidance, his connection to God. I know that even his close disciples had difficulty understanding his views.

That’s because rather than just listening and following him as if he were some sort of religious leader, or was unique in some way, or had all the answers, he had instructed them to discover their own inner power and connection with God. (This is why it’s true that Christianity has yet to be practiced.)

So how do you strengthen the relationship with your higher self? Quite simply, you pay attention to your heart and soul and you respond to the promptings of your heart / soul. The following are the five steps I’ve outlined for you that I discovered over years of connecting, responding to my soul’s higher guidance, and observing what happened as a result.

Five Steps for Strengthening the Relationship with Your Higher Self

  1. Ask your higher self to help you reconnect

Your higher self will respond to your intention and willingness to reconnect. Your higher self also knows what works best for you and how to get your attention. So … ask your higher self to help you connect.

  1. Meditate and pay attention to your Sacred Space

Next, pay attention to your “sacred space.” Your sacred space is your center, the area in the center of your body near your heart, “soul seed,” and solar plexus. Then you will do the following: you meditate with your attention on this area, asking for guidance, and you “check in” to this area several times a day. (Take a few seconds, several times a day, and place your attention on this area. Is your heart telling you something? What are you feeling?)

  1. Follow through on your inner guidance promptly and consistently

Make the commitment and build up the courage to follow through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently. In the beginning, your higher self may have you take little steps that will help build your trust. For example, your intuition might tell you to call an old friend, write down an insight, or do something that might not be your usual behavior. Follow through with your inner guidance as soon as possible and notice what happens as a result. And when something favorable happens to you because you followed through, what happens is your trust in your inner guidance, your ability to “read” it, and in your connection with your higher self will grow.

  1. Ask your higher self for clear guidance when you feel stuck

What do you do when you need guidance but don’t trust yourself to interpret it correctly because you’re feeling too anxious or stressed? Try to relax and ask your higher self to send you guidance so clear it can’t be misinterpreted.

I’ve received such “signs from the universe” on numerous occasions. And these signs came rather quickly after I asked for them, too.

  1. Be willing to let go of old beliefs and societal / mental conditionings

Sometimes, old beliefs and mental conditionings (about yourself, about others, and about the world) will get in the way of your progress and you’ll need to let go of them. (Note: This is especially true for the beliefs you have about yourself, and what you think you’re capable of!)

The good news is that as you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, your new experiences will simply override those false beliefs and mental conditionings. In the meantime, your greater trust in your inner guidance, the new insights and wisdom you’ll receive, and your new habits, capacities, and confidence will help you gently change your mindset. After all, when’s the last time you changed your mind about something that’s dear to you just because someone told you to?

The five steps above will help you cultivate a deeper, stronger and clearer relationship with your higher self … as well as bring more and more of your soul’s expression into the world. It’s also how you’ll know firsthand that you’re doing it, you’re on the right path.

If you feel comfortable and are ready to practice the five steps above, I urge you to begin today. I can say without a doubt that many blessings are in store for you.

But maybe you’re not quite sure about the steps above and would like to have the full details about each of them. Maybe you’d benefit from having simple, real-life examples? And maybe you’d like to know how to distinguish your gut instincts (which are influenced by your past experiences, your fears, and societal conditionings) from your higher self’s guidance? Then I suggest you get a copy of the book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light.  The steps detailed in this book will help you find your Self again and become the master of your life.

In summary, David Wilcock does a good job of summarizing some of the planet’s hehind-the-scenes happenings. I recommend you read his latest post, even though I don’t agree with some of his assertions. However, much more emphasis must be placed on spiritual awakening, specifically the awakening of individual inner power. Because it’s time to have access to all your resources, to your deepest wisdom, and to become the master of your life. It’s time to experience “full disclosure” and help fulfill the Earth’s full potential.Share this

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Total solar eclipse Aug 21

Summary: On Aug 21, 2017 in the United States millions will crowd the cities, campgrounds and roadways that are in the path of the total solar eclipse, in order to witness around two minutes of mid-day darkness when the moon goes in the direct path of the sun. Yet a much, much rarer cosmic event that’s unfolding at this very moment is mostly being ignored …

A rare total solar eclipse will span across a tiny sliver of the United States on August 21, 2017. To show you how rare an astronomical event this is, you might hope to witness a total solar eclispe perhaps once or twice in a lifetime.

On August 21, the path of total darkness will start on the West Coast at about 10:15 am local time, at a small stretch of sand on the Oregon beach. The path will curve slightly southward as it moves east across the country. Finally, the last place in the U.S. to witness the total solar eclipse will be a small stretch of South Carolina beach, starting around 2:45 pm local time.

To witness the longest period of darkness, you must be present near the center of the “path of totality.” For example, the town of Lexington, South Carolina (located right on the center line of the narrow band) will experience a full two minutes and 36 seconds of complete darkness, while the city of Charleston, South Carolina, only about 35 miles away from the center line, will get one minute and 33 seconds of darkness. That’s a full minute more of darkness.

Astronomy enthusiasts have planned for this event for years. Campgrounds and hotels in the path of the eclipse in Oregon have been booked years in advance, according to local residents. State officials expect about a million people to flood into Oregon for eclipse events and festivals, including a big event at the state’s capital, Salem. Other states in the eclipse’s path also have special events and festivities planned. Even Perry Marshall (engineer, author, and thought leader) has a three-day camping and educational event planned in his home state of Nebraska.

On this epic day, millions of spectators across the U.S. will jam up the cities, campgrounds, and roadways in the path of totality, trying to get the best view. All this … because of the very visible phenomenon that occurs when the moon perfectly aligns with the sun, which creates darkness during the day. The last time the U.S. went total eclipse dark was 1979 (and only a few Northwestern states that saw totality). The next total solar eclipse in the U.S. will occur in April of 2024, with Buffalo, New York being one of the areas in the path of totality.

On the other hand, I doubt many of these spectators are aware that planet Earth is undergoing a vastly rarer cosmic alignment occurring at this very moment. This rare cosmic event happens only once every 26,000 years, the length of one “wobble” around the celestial sky (one cycle around the Zodiac). In other words, the North Pole, which is tilted, takes 26,000 years to complete one of these cycles. This means a one degree shift in the Earth’s wobble takes about 72 years to complete.

This once-in-26,000-year important cosmic event is marked by the shifting of the Earth’s North Pole from pointing away from the core of the Milky Way Galaxy to pointing toward galactic core (galactic light). Which signifies a return, after a long, long dark period in humanity’s history, to galactic awareness (galactic consciousness). From Darkness to Light, as they say, yet this important shift is mostly ignored.


One reason is that unlike the solar eclipse occurring on August 21, there are no special visual effects in the sky that coincide with this immensely important, once-in-an-eternity kind of tipping point. Even though it signifies humanity’s return to the Light. Another reason is that few can explain the galactic alignment with accuracy or deep insight. Finally, change is threatening and scary for all vested interests.

I have been shedding light on this topic with the publishing of my new book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, which came out earlier this year. (Before publishing this updated version, a PDF was available on my website since November of 2009 …)

The new book is packed with powerful epiphanies resulting from a deep exploration of the cosmic shift that’s currently occurring, including an exploration of the astronomy of this cosmic event. I show how understanding the astronomy of this cosmic shift and its easy-to-see spiritual implications will, in itself, lead to a shift in one’s consciousness regarding life, love and humanity. This new understanding will, in turn, lead to positive changes in the way that we all interact with each other and the planet around us. In other words, there is indeed a shift happening from Darkness back to Light.

Furthermore, the steps for strengthening the relationship with your higher self (your direct access to the Divine) and for connecting deeply with the Divine are shown in the book. You can refer to this process as “spiritual awakening.”

After going through my own spiritual awakening process and viewing personal as well as world happenings in a new light, I am happier, more optimistic, more at peace, and have more compassion and understanding toward my fellow humans, as well as myself. And I definitely feel better prepared to face new challenges.

This shift is the “Good News” humanity has been preparing for, and waiting for millennia for. It’s just that things will not play out as the major religions of the world have traditionally taught their followers. On the contrary, I’m sure there will be many pleasant surprises.

To learn more about the cosmic shift that’s affecting planet Earth and her inhabitants at this time and how to activate your own spiritual awakening, visit the book’s Amazon page at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NAUA9NJ/.

Will you be witnessing the August 21, 2017 total solar eclispe? Do you have any tips, advice or insights about it that you’d like to share in the comment section below? Will you attend any festivities? Whatever you do, please make sure to let people know about the Good News that’s occurring right under our noses that so far, very few are aware of.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinSpiritual Awakening SymptomsWhat are the most common and significant signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening? This post is an update of an article I’ve written back in April of 2012 titled, “Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – Essential Signs of Spiritual Awakening.” I’m reviving and updating it because five years later, I can add even more clarity to a topic that still has a lot of confusion around it.

For example, a current google search of spiritual awakening symptoms includes the following “symptoms:”

  1. An increased interest in metaphysical and/or religious topics, including in developing a mind-body-spirit connection
  2. Unusual sensations in your crown, headaches, ringing in your ears, vertigo
  3. Increased chills or shivers not due to illness
  4. Taking things less seriously
  5. Increased empathy and compassion for yourself and others
  6. Seeing the numbers 11:11 regularly
  7. Experiencing regular synchronicities, “coincidences,” intuition and messages from the “Universe”
  8. A desire to reconnect with yourself and become more authentic; to finally be yourself
  9. Becoming aware of your old negative habits, and feeling you want to finally change your life
  10. Deep yearning for meaning in your life
  11. Increased creativity and inspiration
  12. More awareness about food and nutrition
  13. Change in sleep patterns; inability to sleep
  14. Becoming less worried, judgmental and confrontational (and sometimes, more worried)
  15. Feelings of being connected to everything and everyone; feelings of bliss

It’s generally understood that these signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening will intensify and accelerate as humanity awakens from it millenia-long sleep, and that humanity will continue to be thrown temporarily out of balance. (Why? To help us awaken. Awaken to what? To the truth.)

Back in 2012, James Tyberonn stated that the spiritual awakening symptoms predicted to increase included, “mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy, apathy and fatigue.” Other spiritual teachers had their own lists, which included headaches and other body aches and pains, emotional rollercoaster rides, angry outbursts, sweating, changes in energy levels, sleep patterns, jobs, and relationships, and gaining or losing weight.

I think you’d agree that this is a huge hodgepodge of “symptoms,” and most of these don’t sound like a whole lot of fun to deal with, either. And it’s understandable that after reading these lists, someone new to the process of spiritual awakening can be left feeling a bit confused.

Back in 2012, James Tyberonn channeled,

“We have told you that the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, whether it is understood by mankind en masse or not, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of transition speeds into reality more quickly today than it did yesterday on the linear and Omni-Earth….Each advancing energy will require physical, emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.”-Archangel Metatron channeled through James Tyberonn.

What does the above channeling mean? In a nutshell, and on a macro level, it means humanity is adjusting to discovering the truth of its millenia-long journey (implying that as a society, we’ve been living a bunch of lies for a long, long time). (But keep reading and don’t despair … because eventually you’ll discover that even the lies had a noble purpose.)

And on the micro level, it means that we as individuals will need to respond to and adjust to each event or challenge that comes up in our life. Despite the challenges sometimes showing up one right after the other, including sneaking suspicions of lies we’ve believed and have been living since we were children, we will need to make efforts to expand our awareness and respond to each challenge to the best of our ability.

Archangel Metatron encouraged,

“Do not despair, for the symptoms will pass quickly, and the benefits are a stronger ‘you’.”-Archangel Metatron channeled through James Tyberonn.

I agree that many of those symptoms will catalyze your personal growth. This is because when you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms, you are more motivated to take action and to follow your inner guidance (which will help you discover the truth). However, the physical symptoms will not pass by quickly all on their own. You will need to be proactive about each of them.

Regarding physical symptoms, I’ve seen people on Facebook asking questions such as, Should I do something about this ache and that pain or are they symptoms of ascension and awakening?

When it comes to physical symptoms, you may find that your mysterious aches, pains and skin issues disappear when you eliminate certain foods from your diet. For example, a friend of mine noticed that she has increased stiffness in her body when she eats gluten. So now she avoids it and feels much better as a result. I totally get this, as this has happened to me, too. So I eliminated gluten from my diet about four years ago.

A colleague of mine named Shasta Tierra (an herbalist and licensed acupuncturist in San Jose, CA) has been advising her Natural Health Makeover Class participants to totally eliminate gluten, dairy, and GMO foods from their diet, for about a month. Just to see what happens.

People who’ve taken this class have had pains in their arms, swelling in their feet, stiffness, skin irritations and back pains disappear within several days of following the healthy diet she recommends. One lady who couldn’t sit at work for more than 45 minutes without experiencing excruciating back pain found herself sitting all morning without having to get up and stretch. But when she slipped back to her normal diet, her back pain came back within a couple of days. Some people may look towards natural alternatives to help treat their pain, and check out the (wax weed price) to compare and see what would be best for them if they want to go down the pain relief marijuana route.

Please don’t ignore these so-called “awakening symptoms.” Be proactive, do some research, and follow your inner guidance.

Regarding the spiritual awakening process though, I like to refer to Father Charlie Moore’s definition of what happens when you begin to awaken, which he borrowed from the Gospel of Thomas:

“Those who seek will find, and that is a promise. Those who find, will find the truth in their own heart. And those who find that truth will be disturbed because of the conflict between what their heart tells them and what they are being told by others.

“Those who are disturbed will wonder and ponder, and at last they will choose the truth in their own heart. They will then become masters of themselves and become truly human, which is the best thing any human can be.”-from Synthesis Remembered: Awakening Original Innocence.

Anyway, I have my own list of what I understand to be essential and relevant signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. The following is a list of nine “symptoms” I experienced during my process of awakening:

  1. Painful life changes you can’t explain, or know how you’ll get through. (This helps motivate you to look deep within for the answers. Because that’s where you’ll find the guidance that will actually place you squarely on the path of your awakening.)
  2. Synchronicities that are meaningful to you. (These help point you in the right direction on your path or help spark a new insight.)
  3. Intense inner contemplation including questioning and/or reexamining of beliefs and events, especially at three or four in the morning. (This is often triggered by events you can’t explain using your current belief system or knowledge.)
  4. Receiving “secret messages” from people who may or may not be aware that they’re relaying special messages to you. (Because spirit works in interesting ways.)
  5. Having the same thing (especially something unusual) happen to you two or three times in a relatively short period of time, like 24 hours. (This assures that you actually notice what your higher self wants you to notice.)
  6. Waking up in the middle of the night feeling intense confusion. (This means your beliefs and the foundation they are based on are being adjusted. Before you become clear and solid in your new awakened state, you’ll no doubt find yourself mucking through a period of deep confusion.)
  7. Intense, vivid dreams that seem to point you in a certain direction. (The further along in the process you are, the clearer your dreams will be and the more your dreams will help guide you in your daily life. The dreams will be in metaphor form, often in metaphors that make sense to you.)
  8. Favorable synchronicities that happen regularly. (You can expect these to occur after you regularly follow through with your inner guidance.)
  9. Finding yourself laughing more often. (Sometimes you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and in pops a new, freeing insight about one of your beliefs or an event from your past, and then you laugh your head off. Don’t worry about this behavior. It just shows that your higher self has a good sense of humor.)

Experiencing any (or all) of these symptoms means that you’re deep into your spiritual awakening process.

If you want to fast-track your awakening, though, because you’re tired of being in the dark, I’d recommend the book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light. This book lays it all out, and is easy to understand, too.

Remember, your individual growth is super important right now. The symptoms you experience aren’t just signs or symptoms. They’re catalysts, designed to assist you in your spiritual growth.Share this

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Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir really does reconnect, according to “Hall of Fame, Top 1000” Amazon Reviewer Dr. Joseph S. Maresca. Dr. Maresca goes on to say that, Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir by Christine Hoeflich is an excellent book on the mechanics of tuning into the spiritual domain. Christine explains the inner self, accessing intuition and showcasing creativity.”

Reconnected explores the steps needed for strengthening the relationship with, and developing trust in, the higher self, in intuition, despite societal expectations. It lays the foundation for how readers can understand their soul’s bigger plan, and how to access Interconnectedness.

Christine said that she discovered on her journey that when people work with more than simply their will alone, they gain the support of the divine, helping miracles and magic to occur that might not have been possible through their will alone.

This Kindle book is available today, Wednesday November 2, 2016 until midnight PST time at no cost. Readers may download the eBook onto their Kindle, laptop or smartphone for free. (Amazon.com has free downloadable apps for reading Kindle books on laptops and smartphones.)

The following excerpt is just a small sample of what’s in store for the reader, from the “Superconductor” chapter:

After what had happened in merely a matter of months, I was only motivated to connect further to become an even clearer conduit of creative energy, to see what would be possible continuing on this course of listening within for guidance. I had a sense this was only the beginning and I wanted to see what was next, and how far I could go.

With a pounce onto my chest, our kitten awakened me from a dream the day I was revising this chapter. I was on my way to Alaska as a passenger in what looked like a new, comfortable European-style city bus. In my dream, I was aware that I’ve never been to Alaska, only to Canada, and I was thinking that going to Alaska would be just as easy as going to Canada.

The bus traveled through a picturesque, green valley in between beautiful snow-capped peaks, maybe ten miles from one side to the other. It reminded me of the area around Davos, Switzerland, still snowy in the higher elevations though it was almost summer. The bus meandered, switchbacking up an incline, went here and there, stopping for passengers to get on, taking its time. Impatient, I asked a woman sitting next to me how long this trip to Alaska would take.

“It’ll be around four hours,” she said.

Four hours? That was way too long for me! I wanted to get there sooner! I explained to her that if I drove my own car, it would take me only two hours. So I decided to get off public transportation and drive my own vehicle. I pulled the signal to stop and got off the bus. That’s when the cat woke me up.

So if the key to memory and the key to dreams is metaphor, was this dream telling me to forgo mass transportation or public direction and follow my own, to power up my vehicle and drive up the spiral of evolution? Furthermore, I got that Alaska doesn’t have to be viewed as some destination or end point because in reality, once you get to Alaska, there’s a whole new, big wonderful state to explore.

With a new level of enthusiasm I began to do a second meditation (a grounding meditation) to strengthen my connection with the heavenly dimension and with my environment, so as to help clarify and completely unveil my mission for this lifetime. (The “heart and soul” meditation described earlier in this book connects you to your inner core, while this grounding meditation helps to further strengthen the “vertical” connection of the above with the below.)

At least twice a day, I practiced a simple three-to-ten minute exercise for this purpose, an exercise slightly modified from one I had learned in the Soul Recognition Workshop.

Standing with my feet shoulder-width apart, my hands hanging loosely at my sides, my knees slightly bent, my eyes closed, and exhaling slowly, I’d imagine energy or sunlight flowing from the sun (or source, or the dimensions above) down to the top of my head, entering my body at the crown of my head and going down through my body in a line as straight and as coherent as a laser beam, down my spine all the way through to the bottom of my feet, to the core of the earth. Then inhaling slowly I’d imagine this energy reflect back up from the center of earth, through the bottom of my feet and the rest of my body to the top of my head and back up to the sun, or the higher dimensions. I would repeat this several times, imagining the energy or light flowing up and then down; inhale energy going up, exhale energy going down, with a short pause at each endpoint, and sometimes as long as I could hold it. (Alternatively, I sometimes imagined this energy going out to the universe with each out-breath and coming back into my inner core with each in-breath.)

I’d do this exercise expecting the connection to both my physical environment and to the heavenly or angelic realms strengthen and the energy to flow in between with more clarity and ease. This grounding exercise, as well as paying attention to my inner voice throughout the day, helped deepen the connection to the interconnectedness and made the inner guidance clearer. It was a simple practice I could do anywhere, but it seemed to do the job. –excerpt from Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir

Christine is seeking more awareness and more reviews for her book, and the Amazon eBook free day is one way to help spread that awareness.

Dr. Joseph S. Maresca finishes his review by writing, “Overall, Christine’s book covers the intuitive side of being in a way that few psychology, philosophy or theology books succeed in doing rationally.”

Go to the following Amazon link today, November 2, to get the eBook, Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir for freeand remember to write a review!


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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinYour Higher SelfThere are many good reasons to connect with, and strengthen your relationship with, your higher self. As you’re probably aware, your higher self is also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, and your access point to God, Spirit, Infinity, the Divine. The top ten reasons to connect with your higher self, in no particular order of importance, are listed below.

1. To discover your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of rapid spiritual awakening and transformation. The way you discover your higher purpose is by developing a deeper, clearer and stronger relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you and your higher self will guide you on whatever your next step is.

2. To rev up your intuition.

Nothing increases your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your higher self will help guide you on your daily path, and you’ll experience more favorable synchronicities. This means whatever you need so that you can fulfill the next step of your higher life purpose will show up for you.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your spiritual awakening? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. To gain access to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You’ve probably had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom you’ve acquired by reconnecting within and paying attention to that inner part of you.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to receive in the present moment the wisdom from all your past lives, all aspects of yourself, and your innate wisdom will become increasingly available to you now.

4. To clear your karma and make sense of your life and “soul contracts” with others.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to understand your life and your soul agreements with others from the perspective of the higher self–which will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. To restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll also notice the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battles that sometimes occur in your mind will diminish.

6. To finally realize your potential.

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential. (Your potential includes your innate wisdom, and your unique gifts and abilities.)  When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. To access Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll connect with Interconnectedness and receive its gifts. This means you’ll experience more flow in your life, more favorable and amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights that help increase your understanding of life. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness. And when you benefit, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

8. To jump start your spiritual awakening and “Ascension process”

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll raise your awareness, awaken spiritually, and expand (“ascend”) your consciousness.  In fact, you’ll begin to see the world from a higher perspective, as if you had the perspective of God. After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.

When you begin to see the world from this higher perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until that point.

9. To work with more than just your will alone.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll be working with more than just your will alone. You’ll have the support of Divine will. Which means that miracles and magic will occur that aren’t possible through your will alone.

Your higher self has access to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan (by fulfilling your higher life purpose), you’ll help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

10. To finally experience true happiness.

It’s true. When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll finally experience true happiness. And that’s because your higher self will be getting expressed in the world. (If your soul doesn’t get expressed in the world, you won’t experience much happiness.)

Plus, when you begin to understand what’s really going on here on Earth, the higher perspective of what’s going on, God’s view, that alone will bring you tons of joy.

So these are the top 10 reasons why it’s worth your while to strengthen your relationship with your higher self.Share this