Tag: <span>The Great Shift in Consciousness</span>

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When I was cat sitting at a friend’s house at the beginning of December, something unusual happened, which I intuitively viewed as a kind of tipping point. It was December 1, and as I sat in the kitchen that evening, I noticed how unusually warm it was in the house compared to previous days. A couple of hours later, around 10:00 at night, I went outside. It was a balmy 70 degrees outside!

I checked the weather app on my phone and the temperature was 46 degrees where I lived in Felton, just several miles away. Then I checked the temperatures in the nearby towns of Saratoga, Campbell, San Jose and even downtown Los Gatos. The temperatures were at least 20 degrees cooler than where I was. So weird.

So, I spent some time outside that night, enjoying the warmth, looking up at the stars, half-expecting to see a UFO or something. But I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in the night sky.

The next morning it was still around 20 degrees warmer outside compared to other towns nearby. I had my coffee outside on the deck and took a screenshot of my phone.

Tipping Point in Temperature

You can see a 20-degree difference between my location in Los Gatos (I was in the Los Gatos mountains) and central Los Gatos just a few miles away.

I texted my friends, the homeowners, about the temperature anomaly, but they didn’t have any answers for me. “Wow, enjoy the miracle,” she said.

Later that day, I came across an image of the date on social media. It was December 2, 2021.

December 2 2021 is a tipping point.

I discovered that the date December 2, 2021, when viewed in digital form, is a both a palindrome and an ambigram. Which means you can read the date from left to right, from right to left, and also when flipped upside down.

I took this as a sign of a shift in the energy, a flipping of the energy, a positive sign for the world, a positive sign for humanity! And the epicenter appeared to be near my friend’s house! It made my day! (If you’ve followed my writing for any length of time, you may know I’m big on signs and synchronicities.)

A couple of weeks later, I noticed that the terms “tipping point” and “flipping” were the topic of a few videos of people I follow who discuss the Great Awakening that’s occurring at the moment. For example, Clif High, in his “Revealing Woo” video of 12/19/21, says that, “The load is lightening already. Things have turned already; it’s getting a little easier.”

He goes on to say that, “the light at the end of this is a little brighter, every step we take gets us that much closer, every action you take gets you that much closer. Don’t stop; keep going. It is being revealed to us every day.”

Soon after, my friend Salini Teri Apodaca, who is a healer and Reiki master who helps people heal from SRA and PTSD, said on her channel that, “It’s time to act boldly.”

Then on January 5, 2022 David Nino Rodriguez interviewed Juan O’ Savin, where Juan gave an update on the current situation.  The video is titled, “The Year of the Tipping Point.”

I am also sure that Tore Says has a lot to do with the tipping point, with the people gaining ground against our oppressors / the globalists, with wins that are happening because of actions taken earlier last year, and sooner. (Follow ToreSay+ on Telegram.)

I wrote the paragraphs above in a Word document, then prepared myself for a trip to Buffalo, New York I was doing on the 12th of January. More good news was soon to follow …

Supreme Court Ruling on Government Health Mandates

On Thursday January 14 the Supreme Court of the United States, in a 6 – 3 vote, ruled that the vaccine-or-testing mandate is both illegal and unconstitutional. This is very good news! This ruling from the highest court also sets a precedent that will affect all vaccine mandates, all across the board.

I believe this SCOTUS ruling is a huge tipping point and that from this point on, we will see positive changes happening in the world, and they will occur faster and faster. That is, after an intense (but hopefully brief) period of chaos, confusion and disbelief on the part of those who are still married to the mainstream narrative. And if you are observant, you will notice the narrative (“matrix”) is currently falling apart.

If you live in a big city, or a city known for its “peaceful protests,” you might want to lay low for a while. This is when having a few weeks’ worth of food and supplies in the house will come in handy.

We’re in for some Intense Spiritual Awakening!

I am reminded of the chaos and confusion in my own life 20 years ago, and how it eventually led to my spiritual awakening and subsequent understanding of what’s going on right now. (I have written about this in my spiritual awakening memoir. A year and a half later, I wrote a how-to book on the spiritual awakening process.)

Even though the world appears to be super messed up and chaotic right now, I know from personal, firsthand experience that the driving force behind this process is God, and that eventually, we will be in a much, much better place. As I’ve said for many years, the faster you awaken and follow your inner guidance, the faster you will get there.

Remember, we hypnotized ourselves so we could play the Earth “game” for some highly noble reasons: so we could learn through personal, firsthand experience and become more compassionate, understanding, loving, sovereign, evolved human beings in the process. And since we each had a say in the creation of this “matrix,” each of us also has the capacity to awaken from it and fulfill God’s plan, by connecting with our higher self and following through with our inner guidance. (Which is what Christ did; we are just following Christ’s example. We are not waiting for Christ to save us, we are following Christ consciousness.)

And now, I’d like to share the following, most recent personal experience:

Sharing Good News about My Dad and Ivermectin

My 84-year-old father, who lives near Buffalo, New York, has been doing fine all throughout the plandemic. My cousin and I had coached him to steer clear of any C0VID injectables, which he’s done. But then in December my dad’s doctor convinced him to get the annual flu shot. He got so sick at Christmas, with horrible muscle pains and bad flu symptoms, and he sounded so horrible, that my niece who’s a nurse wanted to take him to the hospital. I said, NO WAY is he going to the hospital at Christmas! (I had heard of many old people being left to die in hospitals, especially in states such as New York. Me being paranoid of this, I did not want him to go to the hospital and suffer the same consequences.)

Luckily, I had ordered some Ivermectin a month before and tracking showed that my package was already in the U.S. After I received the Ivermectin two days later I overnighted my dad some of it. On the 4th day of taking the Ivermectin (costs less than a dollar a pill), he got out of bed to watch television. A couple of days later he was walking up and down the stairs. He says his taste buds are the only thing that isn’t back to normal yet. Yesterday, I took a photo of him working on a puzzle at the dining room table. I am happy to be visiting him at the moment, and thrilled that he has his health back!

Dad's Ivermectin Experience

In case you want to know, I ordered my Ivermectin from the following link:   https://brooksagnew.blog/ivermectin-report/

I ordered an “Ivermectin report,” which got me 100 “samples,” or enough for at least 10 adults. According to the seller, shipping to the U.S. usually takes 4-6 weeks. It took about 5 weeks to receive my package. (Note Jan 24 updated shipping info: Now that Christmas season is over, shipping is only 2 – 3 weeks.)

My cousin who lives in Michigan received his in only 3 weeks. (And he got his in perfect timing for his bout with some kind of lung infection / bronchitis. After taking high doses of Ivermectin, Vitamins C, D3 and zinc, his wife said he was totally healed on the 4th day.) I have read, in forums where people comment, that Ivermectin helps in all stages of illness, though of course the sooner, the better.

According to several sources who are MDs, Ivermectin also helps people detox from “injected thingamajigs” that they might have second thoughts about being exposed to, as well. However, as part of a good protocol, some “Frontline” doctors advise taking Patented Detox Supplements such as Vitamin C, D3 and zinc before thinking of Ivermectin for detoxing. Please do your own research so you feel comfortable that you have the best protocol for you.

You might also want to listen to the Saturday, January 8th episode of Mike Bara’s show, where several people share their personal experiences with Ivermectin. Here’s the link to Mike Bara’s website:  https://mikebara.blogspot.com/

Please take good care of yourself and have no fear, no matter what’s happening around you. Trust that God’s got this, and that your connection with God will get you through!

Update for January 17, 2022 in Cheektowaga, NY … My dad working the snowblower.

Dad after Ivermectin.

Image of dominoes by FirminoGennarino from Pixabay

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Many people are experiencing turbulence and highs and lows in their states of consciousness and subsequent emotions, recently, as news, rumors and allegations of all sorts (in the political and other arenas) enter their consciousness. Even social media influencers with YouTube and Bitchute followings, even those who consider themselves psychic, are not immune to the white knuckle, nail-biting moments experienced when one looks to sources outside themselves, rather than to their inner connection with God, for the truth happening right now on this planet: a spiritual awakening on a momentous level. A Great Awakening.

I am qualified to discuss this topic as I was “lucky” to have experienced much of my spiritual awakening in the two decades before this C0V1D operation came into existence. I don’t mean to say I’m up on everything that’s going on. Far, far from it. But I am confident my connection to God, my subsequent intuition and the understanding I gained about the Earth Experiment through the past decades is solid. I also assure you that humanity will win this time. There is no question about that.

I place the word “lucky” in parentheses because while there are many on an awakening path these days, when I went through it, it was incredibly lonely. It also required some navigating between two worlds, some walking of fine lines in relationships, finances and situations, including some ginned-up legal situations. It’s only recently that I actually consider myself lucky to have gone through what I’ve gone through, years before.

My 20-Year Anniversary

I’m writing this blog post around the time of the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 because for me, it marks the time that I started to take my spiritual awakening and “higher purpose” seriously. You see, about a month before the 9/11 event happened in 2001, I met a woman who walked up to me at a Music-in-the-Park in Los Gatos (Silicon Valley) and said, “You’re an author, aren’t you?”

She had no idea that inwardly, I was troubled, trying to make a decision about whether I should pursue my spiritual path, which included writing books I had no idea of the topic, or whether I should view the channeled advice I had received months before from the Counsel of Light as manipulation and brainwashing. I had worked as a materials engineer, the thought of writing terrified me.

If that was simply just that, I might have blown the whole thing off. But because the advice from the Counsel of Light and this Silicon Valley stranger was coupled with my world falling apart around me, I could not ignore it. I knew I had to do something different. Intuitively, I knew I had to look deeper within for the answers. I knew I had to discover my higher purpose. And so, eventually, I did!

You are Your Own Savior

Anyway, to get back to the present, it appears that some people in YouTube-land have had their hopes dashed recently when they discovered that perhaps Trump was not our savior. (This “news” came from another person attempting to pose as our savior, LOL.) But, by now you must have gotten a clue: even if Trump were the second coming of Christ, he would still not be our savior.

Trump has a large role, yes. I agree he has a much larger role than most of us. A “YUGE” role. But you, too, have your own role! You are not simply to sit on your butt waiting for someone else to tell you what to do! You are supposed to find it (truth) within.

“Finding it within, looking within”: An idea that took me many months, in fact years, to get clarity on, as it involved much more than meditating. Well, here’s an article written in 2010 over at EzineArticles.com that I titled, Looking Within—What it Means to Look Within.

I will try to migrate, and update, the 144 articles I have at EzineArticles over to my blog. Those articles are buried, and no one, not even myself, can even find them in a Google search. I will work on that …

How to Discover Your Role in the Great Awakening

Rather than getting impatient with what you may perceive as the lack of progress happening in the world, it would be helpful, as well as self-empowering and deeply fulfilling, to immerse yourself in your role in the Great Awakening and help bring about our new world.

So, how will you know that you’re on the right path? It’s very simple: when you’re on the right path, you will receive positive reinforcement from God / the Universe in the form of favorable synchronicities, new insights, and an increase of creative flow in your life. Often, this will result in win-win-win situations for all parties involved. And you will spiral upwards.

Once you receive that positive reinforcement, you simply keep doing what you’re doing. As you get more and more positive reinforcement, your confidence in your inner guidance will grow. Keep doing this. It will grow to the point where your confidence in your inner knowing becomes stronger than any other input coming from outside yourself. I consider this the point of critical mass.

This is important as ultimately, if you are to “graduate” from this Earth Experiment / dimension, it is you who needs to decide the course of your life. Not any so-called experts, not anyone else, but you. You, as a sovereign.

My two books have tons of real-life examples that will help you on your spiritual path. They will reduce your fear and increase your confidence. They will help you to remain calm (when the “chit hits the fan,” as my Chilean friend would say) and know that, you’ve got this!

For info on my books, click the main menu at the top of this page. One book is a memoir (see “Spiritual Awakening Memoir”), the other a how-to book (“Spiritual Awakening Process”) in the main menu. Or go to Amazon and type my name, Christine Hoeflich, into search.

It’s going to be tough going the next few months. This is an understatement. But know that once we get through this tough time, it will be absolutely glorious for humanity!

Some Encouraging Words from Juan O’ Savin

I watched Michael Jaco’s interview with Juan O’ Savin last Sunday (Sept. 19) that Michael titled, “Juan O’ Savin’s most epic reveal will blow you away and leave you uplifted.” I picked a couple gems from Juan to share with you here.

“America’s future is bright. We’re going to go through what’s going on here. It’s going to be very dramatic over the coming months. But you know what? It’s going to be fantastic, too. … A lot of things are going to come to a head, including McAfee’s stuff, including the way taxes are collected. There are all sorts of revelations that are coming in the coming months, and even couple of years, that are going to be shocking. They’re going to change the way things are done in America, who does them, who gets to stay in power, even. So, we’ve got some beautiful stuff ahead for us.”-Juan O’ Savin

When I heard Juan say this, it reminded me of the “Bright Futures” sign I received from God / the Universe last year. I wrote about this sign in two blog posts. Read this first, then read this.

Juan O’ Savin also said,

“Pray for real. God is as serious as you are. If you need answers, if you need help, if you need guidance, God is as serious as you are. And He will give you answers if you’re serious in the questions and ask with a sincere heart.”

“There’s going to be a lot of people doing gut-checks and it’s going to be very wrenching. I understand that. I’m not trying to be trite. But there are a lot of answers here that can only come from that still small voice of God to you personally.”

“Enjoy the show? Yes. Chew your fingernails? Please don’t. It’s hand-wringing but it is not the end of the world. It is the end of the world as you know it. Take a deep breath. We are going to get through this. As long as you don’t get the jab, you’re going to get through this.”

I encourage you to watch the 2.5-hour video. The link is below:


If you don’t have 2.5 hours, Jetson White took out important excerpts and shared them in this 16-minute YouTube video:


If you live outside the U.S., remember that all this applies to you, too. And don’t lose heart: as America goes, so does the rest of the world.

Update Sept. 28: This is a great read about the C0VID situation / agenda:


Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

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On Tuesday, April 14 I went on a hike, checked on my “Bright Futures” sign and got disturbed by what I saw. (For context, see my recent post on April 4 about this “sign of mass awakening,” here.)

What disturbed me is that a massive chunk of the log broke away and slightly tilted the “Bright Futures” sign downward, making it not as visible to passers-by. Not at all happy about that, I took my fingers and flicked the piece of log away, and the sign bounced back up. Then I continued my walk.

At first I didn’t know what to make of this, but then the next morning I awakened with the message. I knew I had to go photograph the log, and went on my walk early that day. Here’s the photo below.


As you can see, a huge chunk of the dead log broke away. This dead log, that was preventing the people from seeing Bright Futures, had broken away. And all you have to do now is just flick it all away. Like you’d flick an ant off your lunch plate.

I took a closeup. See below.


(No, I did not have anything to do with physically breaking the log.)

This reminds me, though, of an incident back in 1988, when I was on a trip in Turkey with my then-boyfriend, W., and my sister, L. The following is an excerpt taken from my first book, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, describing that incident. (I later created a Kindle verson under the title, Reconnected: A spiritual awakening memoir.)

“W. was extra irritated with me … because I had accidentally bent the passenger side headrest of his beloved VW bug—the pair of stainless-steel prongs that attach the headrest to the seat back. We had been sightseeing in the interior of the country, admiring limestone terraces that reminded me of frozen, cascading waterfalls, like the Minerva Terraces at Yellowstone National Park, except in Turkey the tourists were, oddly enough, allowed to trample all around those magnificent natural formations. I had innocently gone back to the car to get my camera. Leaning my left arm on the passenger-side headrest, I reached over to the back seat where my Nikon lay and before I knew it, I bent the steel back, as if by magic. Strange, too, was that I heard it kind of click into place at an angle of about forty-five degrees. I tried to bend it back but it wouldn’t bend. This incident startled me; it was something I would call a phenomenon.

I caught up with L. and W. at the terraces and informed him that something was wrong with the headrest of his car. The three of us rushed back to have a look and indeed, it was still bent.

But it was W.’s reaction that surprised me the most: Instead of being interested by the odd unexpectedness of this and perhaps curious as to the cause—maybe a flaw of some sort, and the best I could do at the spur of the moment—he got angry with me. He started yelling and screaming, “Why did you do that? You put your whole weight on it, didn’t you?” and we weren’t even married yet.

“I didn’t do anything, something must be wrong with it,” I tried to explain. But he dismissed my explanation.

I protested: “I weigh a hundred and twenty-five pounds, and even if I did put my whole weight on it, which would have been a pretty sight and which anyway I most certainly did not, I shouldn’t have bent that stupid thing!”

Were the properties of stainless steel so variable, so unreliable that if you were to lean on a structural element of an automobile, it might collapse? I was a materials scientist after all, on staff at the Department of Experimental Physics of a prestigious German university. I mingled with Nobel laureates in physics at staff barbeques, and I didn’t have a rational explanation. Yet he had the nerve to pin the blame on me, as if I had done this on purpose just to spite him.

W. tried to bend the prongs back, but they wouldn’t bend. Then he lifted the whole contraption out and tried to bend it against the ground, but it wouldn’t budge. So we took it to an auto-repair shop, where the three of us stood around waiting for it like strangers at a train station. I saw a mechanic put it into a vise, but it wasn’t easy to bend. I noticed I actually felt guilty about it, as if I were a child who had done something wrong. They might have wondered how it got bent—a bad car accident, maybe. Maybe they viewed it as some sort of practical joke. There must be practical jokes in Turkey, I would think. Well, I am just babbling on self-importantly here because I’m not so sure they wondered about it at all. They didn’t ask any questions, and we didn’t volunteer any information; they just continued fixing it as if a bent headrest was completely normal. And now that I think about it, perhaps calling my experience a phenomenon or a wonder is a bit grandiose for what could, after all, have been a common occurrence in Turkey.

In any case, after it was fixed W. and I didn’t discuss this incident further and nothing of this sort ever happened again. Maybe we figured that if we had actually discussed this, it might have come to seem real, so we avoided the topic altogether. Years later I discovered a possible clue about the area in Turkey where the stainless-steel supports got bent—the veils between dimensions are supposedly thin there. I read this once in some book, but I’m not sure it explains anything. However, perhaps one reason why the European Union is reluctant to admit Turkey is that the basic natural laws of this dimension can’t always be counted on over there. But maybe our laws of physics are currently incomplete?”

So what do I make of all this? In a nutshell, I believe that things are finally falling into place. The work that we’ve been doing for decades is finally coming to fruition. Humanity is awakening en masse. Bright Futures are manifesting. And all you have to do right now is flick away the “dead wood.”

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Total solar eclipse Aug 21

Summary: On Aug 21, 2017 in the United States millions will crowd the cities, campgrounds and roadways that are in the path of the total solar eclipse, in order to witness around two minutes of mid-day darkness when the moon goes in the direct path of the sun. Yet a much, much rarer cosmic event that’s unfolding at this very moment is mostly being ignored …

A rare total solar eclipse will span across a tiny sliver of the United States on August 21, 2017. To show you how rare an astronomical event this is, you might hope to witness a total solar eclispe perhaps once or twice in a lifetime.

On August 21, the path of total darkness will start on the West Coast at about 10:15 am local time, at a small stretch of sand on the Oregon beach. The path will curve slightly southward as it moves east across the country. Finally, the last place in the U.S. to witness the total solar eclipse will be a small stretch of South Carolina beach, starting around 2:45 pm local time.

To witness the longest period of darkness, you must be present near the center of the “path of totality.” For example, the town of Lexington, South Carolina (located right on the center line of the narrow band) will experience a full two minutes and 36 seconds of complete darkness, while the city of Charleston, South Carolina, only about 35 miles away from the center line, will get one minute and 33 seconds of darkness. That’s a full minute more of darkness.

Astronomy enthusiasts have planned for this event for years. Campgrounds and hotels in the path of the eclipse in Oregon have been booked years in advance, according to local residents. State officials expect about a million people to flood into Oregon for eclipse events and festivals, including a big event at the state’s capital, Salem. Other states in the eclipse’s path also have special events and festivities planned. Even Perry Marshall (engineer, author, and thought leader) has a three-day camping and educational event planned in his home state of Nebraska.

On this epic day, millions of spectators across the U.S. will jam up the cities, campgrounds, and roadways in the path of totality, trying to get the best view. All this … because of the very visible phenomenon that occurs when the moon perfectly aligns with the sun, which creates darkness during the day. The last time the U.S. went total eclipse dark was 1979 (and only a few Northwestern states that saw totality). The next total solar eclipse in the U.S. will occur in April of 2024, with Buffalo, New York being one of the areas in the path of totality.

On the other hand, I doubt many of these spectators are aware that planet Earth is undergoing a vastly rarer cosmic alignment occurring at this very moment. This rare cosmic event happens only once every 26,000 years, the length of one “wobble” around the celestial sky (one cycle around the Zodiac). In other words, the North Pole, which is tilted, takes 26,000 years to complete one of these cycles. This means a one degree shift in the Earth’s wobble takes about 72 years to complete.

This once-in-26,000-year important cosmic event is marked by the shifting of the Earth’s North Pole from pointing away from the core of the Milky Way Galaxy to pointing toward galactic core (galactic light). Which signifies a return, after a long, long dark period in humanity’s history, to galactic awareness (galactic consciousness). From Darkness to Light, as they say, yet this important shift is mostly ignored.


One reason is that unlike the solar eclipse occurring on August 21, there are no special visual effects in the sky that coincide with this immensely important, once-in-an-eternity kind of tipping point. Even though it signifies humanity’s return to the Light. Another reason is that few can explain the galactic alignment with accuracy or deep insight. Finally, change is threatening and scary for all vested interests.

I have been shedding light on this topic with the publishing of my new book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, which came out earlier this year. (Before publishing this updated version, a PDF was available on my website since November of 2009 …)

The new book is packed with powerful epiphanies resulting from a deep exploration of the cosmic shift that’s currently occurring, including an exploration of the astronomy of this cosmic event. I show how understanding the astronomy of this cosmic shift and its easy-to-see spiritual implications will, in itself, lead to a shift in one’s consciousness regarding life, love and humanity. This new understanding will, in turn, lead to positive changes in the way that we all interact with each other and the planet around us. In other words, there is indeed a shift happening from Darkness back to Light.

Furthermore, the steps for strengthening the relationship with your higher self (your direct access to the Divine) and for connecting deeply with the Divine are shown in the book. You can refer to this process as “spiritual awakening.”

After going through my own spiritual awakening process and viewing personal as well as world happenings in a new light, I am happier, more optimistic, more at peace, and have more compassion and understanding toward my fellow humans, as well as myself. And I definitely feel better prepared to face new challenges.

This shift is the “Good News” humanity has been preparing for, and waiting for millennia for. It’s just that things will not play out as the major religions of the world have traditionally taught their followers. On the contrary, I’m sure there will be many pleasant surprises.

To learn more about the cosmic shift that’s affecting planet Earth and her inhabitants at this time and how to activate your own spiritual awakening, visit the book’s Amazon page at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NAUA9NJ/.

Will you be witnessing the August 21, 2017 total solar eclispe? Do you have any tips, advice or insights about it that you’d like to share in the comment section below? Will you attend any festivities? Whatever you do, please make sure to let people know about the Good News that’s occurring right under our noses that so far, very few are aware of.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIt’s been a while since my last post and a good place to restart my blog is by examining how far we’ve come since a few short years ago, and indeed even how far we’ve come since the December 21, 2012 Solstice just six months ago. (I’ve been busy with one daughter graduating from high school, another daughter flying to Germany for a few weeks, as well as getting some necessary home repairs done, amongst other things.) The Great Shift in Consciousness is indeed upon us. The following are just a few top ideas that show our progress regarding our understanding of the Great Shift.

1. Your transformation is not going to be automatic, but requires your individual, active and diligent participation.

I remember emailing a draft of my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to an acquaintance who was a life coach and active in the spiritual community and receiving not the best feedback from her. In fact I sensed she was somewhat upset with what I claimed in my manuscript. She had taken issue with my assertion that the Great Shift that we’ve been all waiting for would not be automatic but would require our individual work and effort. Real work and real effort, I emphasized. “But what about the photons that are bombarding us from Galactic Center that will transform our DNA?” she insisted.

Well, of course there was greater Light (consciousness, insight, etc.) coming from “the heavens” that would transform our inner essence but we had to tap into that consciousness through meditation and then to act on (to test) that consciousness by seeing what happened (the results) after that consciousness was actually applied. Real learning and real understanding is realized only after we apply our knowledge (i.e. test the theories).

I would propose that today, few people believe that the process of individual or societal transformation is automatic but that it requires diligent and right effort on the part of individuals (some of which turns into “grass-root” efforts). Furthermore, no one will be able to gloss over fulfilling their own individual contribution toward this Great Shift. (This was not a popular position to hold a few years ago, but it’s increasingly accepted these days…)

2. The Galactic Federation is not coming to save us. No one is coming to save us. We will save ourselves by following through with our inner guidance as opposed to just going along with the crowd, the status quo.

I don’t think very many people believe anymore that our space brothers and sisters will come to our rescue. In fact, I would think that people are more open to the idea that we are doing a huge service for our space brothers and sisters, by attempting to work out the most difficult problems of the Universe through our work here on this planet.

Well, I do hear some people still believe that of course they won’t do it FOR US, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t work TOGETHER with us. But they’re just fooling themselves, because our guides are ALREADY working together with us (and have been for ages), by already guiding us. We just need to listen and follow through with the guidance, and to see what happens as a result of our efforts.

I remember receiving emails from more than a few disappointed souls, who actually believed that some savior or saviors (in the form of a Messiah, or the Galactic Federation) would come to this planet to finally make things right here. (When in reality, what will make things right is you as an individual listening within and following through with your inner guidance.) Yes, we’ve certainly come a long ways with regard to these beliefs.

So when do I think they will finally come? My understanding (which came to me after some eye-opening personal experiences that I share in my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening) is that they will come when we no longer need them to. Which means there’s no good reason to wait for anything or anyone anymore. It’s high time to connect to your inner being, your higher self, and to follow through with your inner guidance.

3. We are making real progress; the tides are shifting. The “north pole” of the planet is shifting toward greater awareness and consciousness (greater “Light”) and we have passed the “tipping point” of December 21, 2012. “All” we have to do now is to act on our inner guidance and we will succeed.

I have communicated in the past that the Great Shift will happen (relatively) very fast for us because there’s so much useful information and tips available to us at the press of a button, i.e. via an internet connection from one of the many internet providers out there (which was not true in the past).

For example, in May of this year Portland, Oregon voters rejected fluoridating their water, despite a 3-to-1 advantage in money spent by the pro-fluoride groups.This was the fourth time Portland residents were asked to vote on this issue since the 1950s.

Individual and grass-roots efforts will win because when properly informed and aware, the vast majority of the public will do the right thing. Awareness is also spreading, even in the mainstream news, about the truth of GMO foods and the problems associated with the consumption of our highly-hybridized wheat. CBS recently aired an interview with Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist who called modern wheat a “perfect, chronic poison.” (And of course I’m much more apt to see things this way after what I personally experienced experimenting with avoiding wheat for a couple of years now….)

So, where are you being led? What issues are you being guided to work on? I can assure you this: The faster you connect with that inner guidance and muster up the courage to follow through, the faster your world will transform and the faster the outer world will transform. Things are going in the right direction, but the actual speed of change, how fast your life transforms for the positive, is totally up to you. I don’t know about you, but to me this is most obvious.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinA recent email I received from a  reader showed her loss of faith and disappointment over the “non-event” that was December 21, 2012. The following is her email:

I have to say I feel like I’ve really lost faith in so many things but most of all I’ve lost my faith.  I feel so disrupted with everything that I’ve read and or learned and feel like nothing has changed.  Now to hear that it’s only to be worse before getting better and even more disheartening is to know it will be difficult through this lifetime never unveiling this so-called golden age.  I feel as if we were fooled.  December 21 2012 was yet another great public ploy.  Everything supposedly led up to this date…………… Nothing.   I feel angry and frankly let down.  I don’t know what to believe and what not to believe.  People may say, “all your guidance comes from with in and you must learn from that”.  To the contrary I went to school to be a nurse, I didn’t just listen from within during meditation and get a job the following day.  Is it not taught we must also learn from those teachers who inspire, who are more enlightened than others?  Are there not those who spread false information for nothing but financial or selfish gains strictly for themselves?  Who do you believe? This all seems so transparent right now.  I feel as if I simply no longer believe.

I can understand a side of those who believe in nothingness.  Life is nothing more than a game of luck and chance.  The cards you get cannot be changed.  And the only being looking out for you is you.  I suppose that would called atheism. And for the first time in my life, I feel this.

I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but it all seems false at this moment.  I’m tired of being told stuff that is in hindsight is ridiculous. The world is getting worse, our pollution is horrible, this list goes on.  It seems to me that all verbiage is changed when an event does not occur.  A new date is set.  New “prophets” emerge.  All keeping us hooked until the next day of nothingness.  I’ve read the books.  I’ve done research in which so many conflicting points of view weaved nothing but a giant web of confusion leaving the student more dumbfounded and lost.

Truly a different tune for a different day.

Just my viewpoint and feelings on this. Read this with a grain of salt as life is subject to change :)–Cynthia

Dear Cynthia, I love your email and I’m sure there are many who feel the same. You have stated that there are many conflicting points of view and yes, this is a major source of the confusion right now. I have done my best to let my readers know that nothing particularly “magical” was going to happen on December 21, 2012, and that the “magic” occurs when the individual follows their inner guidance and experiences amazing, favorable synchronicities–as signs from the Divine that they’re on the right path, as well as real, tangible support for their path.

I used to be confused as well, even with a dozen long, channeled, personal messages from the Counsel of Light behind me (channeled from early 2001 through mid-2005). It was only after many months of consistently following my inner guidance (meaning, taking courageous action when I was so prompted) that the puzzle pieces finally began to be pieced together in my conscious mind. The taking of those courageous actions and the insights I received from doing so was necessary to develop the kind of understanding that would no longer be manipulated by others. (This is the major advantage of having a deep understanding that comes from deep engagement and profound personal experience–as compared to having superficial, “book” knowledge.)

Once I published my first book in 2008, I was ready to start writing articles about what I discovered. As part of this process, I read other people’s articles, blog posts and channeled information. I discovered then that much of the information, even information from the big gurus, did not resonate with me; it didn’t resonate with what I had experienced. But even before then, I already knew that I had a huge job (and burden) ahead of me, and that much of what I would share would not necessarily be liked.

I would also not be liked because I knew this “great shift in consciousness” would not be an easy process for anybody to go through, and I knew that no beings were coming to physically help us in any way. I knew that if they helped us by doing things for us, they would cheat us out of discovering for ourselves who we really were and what we were capable of–which was necessary for us to experience firsthand if we were to create a Golden Age. How could we even sustain a Golden Age when the population has not experienced self-actualization and true self-esteem? But of course very few people wanted to hear this.

None of these things made me very popular. Neither my books nor my articles made me popular with many bloggers, reviewers, or readers. I was the brunt of some nasty comments, even from “spiritual” book reviewers, and different forms of online sabotage. In fact I still am.  (My friend and personal psychic Pamela Leach says I couldn’t get a better confirmation that I’m on the right track. But that isn’t such a great consolation…) Not long ago another reader commented that she was surprised, considering the quality of my writing, why I wasn’t more popular. Well, there you have some reasons.

I am also disappointed in the non-event that was December 2012, but not because I expected great events to occur. I am disappointed because so few people had actually awakened to the truth, so few people had really “gotten it,” and it was my job to help people awaken, to help them fulfill their higher purpose.

We are indeed entering a Golden Age, but it’s us, as individuals, who are creating it–one step at a time, through our efforts and by following through with our inner guidance. (Which, by the way, helps us deepen the knowledge we have, including knowledge we received in the various schools and programs we attended. We just don’t throw out everything we’ve learned, rather, we gain a deeper understanding of things, including of the process of life.)

Even though it will take some time to transform the entire world, once you as an individual get “on your wave” (and that does not have to take too long), you will have faith in yourself and your life will be transformed. The feelings of despair will dissolve because your understanding of the process going on in your life and in the world has been transformed. (Which will help you have faith in others and the world as well.) All this will help keep you going even though you may still have a rough day now and then.

Of course, having personal experiences of the magic of this process is one thing, and believing it’s true just because someone says so is another. (People say all sorts of things, and much of the information out there is meant to confuse and distract.) This is why I promote my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, not because I make a little bit of money when I sell a copy (although it helps put food on the table)–but because a detailed account of someone’s personal, real life experiences of the process (and the incredible, amazing synchronicities and learning experiences I went through) does offer the seeker much more (in terms of real and tangible support) than someone’s theoretical information, or their promises / predictions, or channelings. Through sharing my personal experiences I offer hope and faith and an understanding that helps others go through their own process with much less pain and more grace and ease.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinI listened to a few people (astrologers, channelers, bloggers) make predictions for 2013 and I’m sharing in this blog post my “take” on 2013 predictions and what I feel are the most important themes to consider regarding this year.

Basically, what I’ve seen is that there aren’t a whole lot of wonderful, lovey-dovey, fluffy predictions for this year. One person (Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com) predicted a number of unpleasant events happening in the U.S. over the next three years, that have to do with our rights being eroded here. Another person, a channeler, is spreading the message that it will take about “two and a half generations to fully integrate the New Paradigm.” (How does she know? Well, actually she doesn’t know for sure; she’s just guessing.)

From what I understand of this time period (meaning, after December 21, 2012), we are more oriented towards the Light than not right now. In my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide I explain that the astronomy shows that the planet’s “GPS” is now oriented towards galactic light, which is good news. Of course this does not mean that life on this planet will now all of a sudden become hunky-dory, but that the guidance system of this planet is now oriented towards the Light (whereas before, it was actually oriented away from the light, toward the dark).

I understand that there will be many challenging events still to come on this planet, but the good news is that these events are actually helping to activate positive change; they are helping to awaken the people, even if sometimes it seems like one individual at a time. For example, my awakening process did not happen because I had heard about the wonderful “New Age” that was upon us. Rather, it kicked in because of some painful, confusing events that happened in my life over 10 years ago, that I couldn’t explain with the framework I had at the time. The other good news is, the scales are finally tipped in favor of the light. (Whereas before, if you look at the collective experience, one could say that the “dark” has had the “upper hand,” has been “winning” for quite a long time.)

All this is good news, but what does this mean for the individual? It means that now, more than ever, we need to follow our inner guidance system, the “internal compass” that’s oriented toward the light–which is our higher self. The individual must follow his or her own inner guidance to fulfill his or her potential.

This is indeed the message of a couple of the astrologers I have listened to earlier this month: In 2013 it is extremely important that we seek the light and have our actions be guided by the light. If you seek the light (by “light” I mean your higher self, your soul, your higher consciousness, higher awareness, greater connection with Source and truth) and muster up the courage to align your life with that light, you will be supported by the Universe, you will receive guidance when you need it, you will get clearer and it will get easier for you. It will be easier to fulfill your potential. In other words, those who seek the higher path will receive more support from the Universe than those who just go along with the status quo or societal pressure.

The following is an example of a very simple but empowering change one can make–thanks to a former client of mine that I ran into at Trader Joe’s just yesterday. Mitchell is a local businessman, about 60 years old, who has completely changed how he eats: no more gluten, the dairy is gone, no processed junk, and no hormone beef. He’s been juicing vegetables and eating “natural” and in a few months, he lost 35 pounds. His goal is to get off all medication, including blood pressure medication. He’s off of cholesterol medication, as his cholesterol went down enough, and he’s been testing himself to see what’s responsible for reducing his cholesterol. (He’s not just blindly following doctor’s orders, he’s experimenting and testing himself, he said.)

What motivated him to change his habits is personal pain (the ultimate motivator). He had realized that he and his friends who are his age all had the same complaints: an extended belly, an extra 30 to 40 pounds or more, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout and other unpleasant symptoms and he decided to “cross that bridge” and do something about it. He’s not particularly “spiritual” or a light-worker, but this is how we create a new world, by beginning to change the things we can change; we begin where we are. When we do this we become more empowered, and we are closer to reaching our potential.

If you are a light-worker, if you consider yourself more aware than the average person, the following message is for you: one of the astrologers I listened to advises that we take our higher work seriously this year. 2013 is the year of great potential, it’s the year to take your higher purpose seriously–by setting your goals for this year by the end of January and then making agreements with yourself and others that will help you manifest your goals. (If you don’t know how to make your goals happen, ask the Universe for guidance on the how-to and you will receive the right guidance so that you achieve the results and receive the rewards.)

When we as individuals follow our inner guidance, eventually we will have greater light manifest in the larger world. When you are fully doing your higher purpose, you won’t worry so much about what’s going on in the outer collective. (You will have the inner understanding that what’s happening in the world is for the greatest growth and learning and transformation of all.)

So yes, it will take some time to transform every corner of this planet, but when you’re on your path fully and the amazing synchronicities and favorable events begin to occur, it will become obvious to you that you have crossed over the threshold into the age of light–and it will become that much easier to help others around you as well.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinI have been following nutritionist JJ Virgin for a few years now and ordered her latest book The Virgin Diet even before it was released (I got around to reading it this week). While the main “hook” for the book is “lose 7 pounds in 7 days by dropping 7 foods” (foods that are often touted by the mainstream media and even doctors as “health foods,” by the way), the book starts the reader on a (relatively easy) health and healing journey that can benefit the majority of the population in many ways. Let me explain.

Although I always considered myself a healthy person (I have avoided all prescription and over-the-counter medications, except for occasions such as when I got my wisdom teeth pulled), about 3 or 4 years ago (when I was in my late 40s) for the first time in my life I began to wake up with stiffness in my back. No, this isn’t just about age, I said to myself, and promised to look for a solution. Not long afterwards is when I first heard about JJ Virgin and enrolled in one of her online classes. I followed the diet recommendations she prescribed, and about a week later, the morning stiffness was gone!

So what are the 7 foods that she recommends you eliminate completely (100%) for a 3 week period?  Dairy, Gluten, Soy, Eggs, Peanuts, Corn and Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. Any food that has any of these ingredients in any form are pulled from your diet, which means most processed foods are out the window. (You will later reintroduce some of these foods in a controlled manner, to see how your body reacts to them. Some foods, for example artificial sweeteners, are never recommended.)

Over 50% of the population has food challenges (food intolerances or sensitivities) to at least one of these foods. The foods listed above are known to be inflammatory, which means they cause disease as well as weight gain and aging. So what do you eat? Clean protein such as free-range chicken (in small amounts), healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil and nuts, high fiber gluten free grains, fruits and lots of vegetables. (She has tips for vegetarians and vegans as well.)

In 3 weeks of following the JJ Virgin plan, it is highly likely you will lose 10 pounds and look and feel about 10 years younger. (Which will be very helpful in the new year as many of us “conscious folk” would like to have the energy and stamina to create a lot of wonderful things in the world…)

What I like about JJ’s approach is that it’s intuitive and allows for occasional treats. Once you reach maintenance stage, you can indulge in pizza (gluten, dairy) if that’s what you absolutely have to have, you’re allowed an indulgence for one meal a week. (One meal out of 21 meals a week is 5%, so 95% of the time you’re eating healthy. I like 95%. It feels industrious and energetic, yet doable.) Moreover, just knowing that you can have your favorite food occasionally will help you stick to your health plan. And as your healing journey continues over the weeks and months you will find that you might not enjoy that piece of pizza as much as you used too…

Three or four years later I am still free of my morning back stiffness, except when I have some wheat products for a few days in a row (like for example during the holidays)! JJ Virgin shares in her book that when she has gluten occasionally (such as a roll with her dinner), the next morning her fingers swell up and feel stiff.

I plan to live my life healthy and completely prescription-free and rather than supporting the international “health cartel” I choose to spend my money on clean, organic food grown locally as much as possible. In fact, while I was at my local farmer’s market in Saratoga, CA yesterday I overheard a middle-aged couple telling a farmer that they have switched almost all of their weekly grocery budget over to farmers markets. Supporting your local small farmers will help the economy of your community, and it will also help employ more people while at the same time raising the quality of life for the Whole.

Now that we have surpassed the December 21, 2012 date the projects and journeys we embark upon will be easier to manifest, if they are beneficial to the Whole. As Ron Van Dyke recently said, we light-workers have a lot of “boots on the ground” work to do. (While it is about coming from Creation mode, coming from the “Heart,” once you feel inspired you go off and actually work on the things you feel inspired to work on!)

To help with that journey, I would recommend reading The Virgin Diet cover to cover, and then implementing the plan in the book. The book contains the “how-to” details (details that cannot be adequately covered in an article) that are very helpful for the speedy success of your healing journey.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinI dropped off my teenagers at the San Francisco airport the other day. They are visiting their Dad (who is working in Germany for the next year) and their Oma and Opa for the Christmas holidays. After we checked their luggage and they got into the security line, we said goodbye and I left. The security line was as far as far as I could physically go, and they were big girls now, one would turn 15 at the end of March and the other 18 next month.

Five minutes from my house I got a phone call from the younger one, telling me that their flight was delayed by over two hours, which meant that they would not make their connecting flight from L.A. to Munich. I instructed her to go talk to an airline representative right away, to let them know that they would miss their flight. I assured her that the airline would get them to Munich; there were other flights flying out to L.A. all the time.

A few minutes later she let me know that she was talking with customer service. Some time later she called to let me know that they were told they could possibly get on a direct flight to Munich, if they got to the right gate fast (and it might already be too late), but that they were already given wrong directions twice, and what should they do? I said to go for it, get the right directions and get over to the right gate–fast. And most likely, the right gate was in the International terminal at the beginning of the airport.

“Is that all you have to say?” she asked in an annoyed tone (as if I had said something wrong).

“Congratulations on negotiating the problem well,” I said, but I’m not sure how much of that she heard, as she had hung up on me at that point. And then neither one answered any further texts or calls from me. How was I supposed to know what flight they were or were not getting on? I had to call the airline to find out that indeed, both of them were going to be on the direct flight to Munich. I could then let their Dad know the flight number and when to expect them.

In the end, they got to Munich five minutes before their original flight, even though they had been given “wrong directions” that made them “go through security four times.” The older one was so frustrated with the whole experience she was about to cry.

I’m not writing this blog post to share the crazy whims of teenagers (although that can be amusing at times), but because I was “urged from within” to share it, because it’s a good example of what is happening in the larger world at this time. (And if you re-read this blog post, you’ll get the deeper message within it, which has to do with the great shift in consciousness and the “tipping point” that occurred yesterday, December 21, 2012.)

I texted the following message to my teenage daughters: “If a problem occurs, it means there must be a solution already available, and all you have to do is CALMLY look for the solution.”

The message to light-workers and other adults is this: If a problem occurs, it means your higher self had planned it and also that your higher self has the answers–if you connect within and search for the answers.

Another relevant and important idea I wish to share here has to do with a blog post I had written a few weeks ago that urged the importance of coming from Creation mode rather than survival mode, more and more. The important concept to grasp here (that will bring the “New World” into being) is this: If you are feeling any sort of doubt or panic around some issue or some thing, that’s a clue that you are NOT coming from Creation. So get yourself back into creation mode!

Finally, I want to share a brilliant message from Geoffrey Hoppe’s latest “Shaumbra Monthly” newsletter.

“When you wake up on December 22 and realize that it’s just another day on planet Earth, take a deep breath instead of a deep sigh. Go inside yourself for a moment. Remember that you brought all of these energies of personal change into your life, and your life is in the process of making a huge shift into embodied, conscious spirit. Take a look at how far you’ve come these past 10 – 20 years, then thank yourself for making it (mostly) intact to the marker date of December 22. Put aside what’s going on in the outer world, and then get ready for a series of quantum transformations that begin to unfold in your life. You see, it never was about what was going to happen on December 21. It’s always been about what was going to happen AFTER this historic marker.”

Now that the famous December 21, 2012 solstice is behind us, we can let go of the “end of the world” distractions and get to work on the real things that matter, that need to be done, that require changing your life from the inside out.

To receive good directions for the “inner work” we’re being called to do, please click the following link and consider reading the two books I’ve written. The memoir (hardcover) is an account of my reconnecting experience, and the eBook contains how-to instructions, as well as other helpful information.

Connecting with your Higher Self and Living From Creation

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinAre strange events happening in your life that you can’t quite explain? Can they be somehow related to the 2012 shift that many are talking about? My understanding is that the “tipping point” of this shift in consciousness is to occur on December 21, 2012 (according to the astronomy, anyway), even though all of us have been in different stages of the awakening process for a good number of years now.

The way I see it, there’s a purpose to these strange events. I believe that having strange things happen in your life that you cannot quite explain opens you up to searching for answers and to being more open to considering alternative viewpoints–viewpoints that are alternative to the mainstream doctrines that have been pushed on us by the media, government, religion, industry and society.

For example, I had something strange happen in my life back in 1988 that I still to this day cannot explain. I spoke to barely a handful of people about it, engineers and scientists mainly, just to make sure there was no gaping hole in my scientific understanding.

I didn’t get any definitive answers, but the strange happening had an impact on my life, in that it made me more open to searching for answers outside of conventional or known explanations. I wrote about what happened in my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, but will briefly describe it below.

In 1988 I was working in Munich, Germany in the Experimental Physics Department at the Ludwig Maximilian University. I had been hired as a materials engineer and my job was to work with a physics professor and his graduate students, analyzing ceramic superconductors using various materials analysis techniques.

My vacation that year consisted of a car trip to Turkey with my boyfriend (who later became my husband) and my sister, who was visiting from New York. At one of Turkey’s tourist attractions (that looked like the limestone terraces in Yellowstone National Park), something strange happened. We had just parked my boyfriend’s VW Bug in the parking lot and were walking to see the terraces when I realized I had forgotten my camera. I asked my boyfriend and my sister to go along without me, that I would catch up with them after I got my camera.

I got to the car, leaned my left arm over the passenger side headrest (the front passenger side is where I normally sat), and reached for the camera that was on the back seat. As I was reaching for the camera, the two stainless steel rods that attached the headrest to the passenger seat had bent back in parallel motion. In my “inner hearing” I heard them “click into place” at an angle of about 45 degrees from vertical.

What the hell? That wasn’t supposed to happen! I tried to return the headrest to its original position (vertical) but it wouldn’t bend. After trying to bend it back into place for a minute or two I ran over to tell my boyfriend that something strange had happened to his car, and the three of us rushed back to look.

I had half expected the headrest to be back in its original position, perhaps one chance in a million I had somehow imagined this event, but nooooo, it was still bent. (I didn’t do drugs, nothing like this had ever happened to me or anyone else before–that I knew about, anyway.) I was really puzzled.

My boyfriend, six foot three and athletic, tried to bend the rods back into place but no matter what he did, he couldn’t make them budge. And boy was he upset with me! We took it to an auto shop to have it fixed, the three of us standing around waiting for it at the shop like strangers at a train station. The people at the auto shop were able to bend it back, and the headrest was as good as new for the rest of the time my boyfriend owned the car.

A couple of days later, still in Turkey, I got sick with some kind of virus or some other strange thing that left me very weak for about 24 hours. Years later, while I was writing my memoir and pondering upon this and other strange events in my life, I “got” that supernatural forces were tampering with the relationships in my life. I wanted to know why…which helped further lead me down my path of discovery.

So…what is happening in your life that cannot be explained using conventional wisdom? If you’re willing, please share your experiences in the comment section of this blog. A couple of other strange things are happening in my life at the moment, that I might share in future postings.

I believe that strange events are happening more frequently on this planet in order to help us question our current reality…which supports us in making the shift in consciousness that will bring about a new age for humanity, one that works for everyone (particularly now that we’re so close to the December 21, 2012 tipping point). It is this shift in consciousness and inner shift that will be the foundation for the positive changes that we make, including the shift from living from survival (struggle, fear, societal and peer pressure) to living from Creation (trusting in the divine, connection with one’s higher self, one’s true self).

As we learn the truth about what 2012 is really about, we will be able to live more and more from creation and joy. And as we learn to align with and follow through with our inner guidance, we will be well on our way to creating a world that’s supported by the heavenly realms.

To learn more about the exact nature of the December 2012 alignment and the positive implications for humanity’s future (and how you can make a difference in your own life and help others at the same time), please click on the link below.

Thank you for reading!

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