Month: <span>November 2012</span>

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In a recent blog post, I have written about the importance of increasing the ratio of time that you live from Creation (higher consciousness, Source), rather than from survival or struggle. I understand that to mean connecting with Source (which you access through connecting with your higher self) and responding to and following through with higher guidance / inner guidance / inner excitation–rather than continuing on the well-beaten path that is the normal human struggle mode…meaning, being worried and stressed, trying to force things to happen, living from your mental conditionings, fears and societal pressure, coming from doubt and pounding the pavement to try to create the results you need in order to feel somewhat comfortable in the world. (Don’t we all know this path well…)

A few days ago, I listened to a Ron Van Dyke video where he also mentioned how important it is, particularly now, to listen to one’s higher self, rather than to just go along with “group think / group pressure / societal pressure / ego-based pressure,” he said. I would add mass conditionings, mental conditionings, limited thinking, societal and institutional programming, societal expectations, lower mind, surface-level perception, “3-D” thinking, the Illusion, mainstream consciousness, ordinary consciousness, what the establishment / institutions have taught us, lower-level understanding, etc. (I’m sure there’s still other ways to describe this.)

In numerous articles, particularly back in my days before I started this blog, I had emphasized the importance of learning to distinguish your inner guidance / higher guidance from your mental conditionings and societal pressures. I had avoided using the word “ego” because I felt that word was often used in a confusing way–and I didn’t want to confuse my readers any further. In this post, I’d like to take a closer look at the word “ego.” I hope to clear up some dis-empowering ideas around it, and I also encourage a discussion with my readers.

But first, into which category would you place the word “ego”: Higher self, or mass consciousness?

I see the ego a bit differently than most. The way I see ego is that it is neutral, sort of how a chair would be neutral, neither positive nor negative necessarily. For me, the ego is a vehicle that records your experience of life. Without an ego, you would not have an awareness of physical life on Earth.

The way I see it, the ego (conscious mind, conscious awareness, you) now has a choice–and a chance. You can either choose higher consciousness, you can choose to be your authentic self (that you can access through meditation, through connecting with your higher self, the divine aspect of you that’s connected with Source), or you can simply go along with what you have been programmed (by various institutions, vested interests, as well as your peers) to believe.

Your ego has a choice: connect with your authentic self and access higher consciousness, or continue on with the pretense, peer pressure and doubt. Which do you choose?

Isn’t it interesting, though, that when you follow your own inner guidance (as opposed to going along with your peers, with the crowd, with what was conditioned into you), to some people it might look like you’re full of “ego”? Why is this so?

I am bringing this topic up because I’m clear that I’m here to help people who read my writings to live from that higher space all of the time, to not get veered off the track because of confusion, particularly confusion around the word “ego.” Because when you’re not living from Creation, you’re living from doubt–and you and others around you are suffering.

By the way, I’d like to remind readers that in reality, it’s the higher self that chose to live through certain challenging experiences, for the lessons that were available in them. It’s the higher self that created / engineered the Fall in Consciousness, for some highly noble reasons–for the spiritual growth and evolution that was possible, including the immense amount of satisfaction and appreciation to be experienced as one now digs oneself out from under one’s self-imposed limitations.

The following is an excerpt written by Geoffrey Hoppe, who talks about living from creation rather than living from survival (living from higher consciousness, rather than from the programming and lies):

“Enlightenment comes in degrees. We are now living in both worlds, some days a little more in our sovereign consciousness, some days more in the old mass consciousness. It’s no wonder that we get confused, disoriented and exhausted! …

If you’re wondering what’s going on and why you’re feeling the way you do, there’s a good chance that you’re in between the two worlds. Take a good deep breath and give thanks to your Living Ascension.”

It is time to take the plunge and to live from Creation more and more until you’re living from that sacred space all of the time. It’s time to have your ego stay in that higher consciousness, in your authentic self, and it’s time to be more consistent. How do we be more consistent?–this is one of the topics this blog will focus on from here on out. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

To connect with and strengthen your relationship with your higher self, please check out the resources on my Connecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will be created by individuals such as yourself living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently. (And just a couple of days ago, astrologer Carl Boudreau emphasized the immense importance of individual effort and responsibility in his special “Astrology of December 2012, Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar” analysis–which I thought was quite affirming.) It’s not hard to see that we are now at the tipping point which is the Great Shift in consciousness; the beginning of living from Creation, rather than from survival and struggle.

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This week’s topic is food and what good nutrition has to do with fulfilling your higher purpose. It is inspired by a reader who commented on last week’s blog post (on the topic of living from creation rather than from survival). Christopher shared that for him, good nutrition is a must for living from creation rather than survival. (What a great topic for this week of Thanksgiving!) Christopher writes,

“Hi Christine, I am having to resort to diet changes to get more connected to higher self/ earth/ love. Certain foods greatly aid my success. When I eat less food and eat slowly and mindfully and eat cruciferous veggies, raw chocolate (with stevia for sweetener), green tea, then I do much better.

If I eat sugar, refined carbs, meat, or if I eat too much (more than 80% full) this hinders my ability to connect with Spirit. In fact last night I did not eat anything after 3 pm and just had a green drink for dinner.

This is a sacrifice but for me well worth it.”

I have to agree with what Christopher writes. He has discovered the habits and foods that can drag him down, and he avoids them as a result. (It’s about practicing Self Love.)

In general, it is harder to connect with the energy of creation, fulfill your higher purpose, and keep consistently “on track” and enjoy life to the fullest when you have extra pounds to carry, when you have poor energy, or when you experience pain or other unpleasant symptoms in your body. (Sometimes, we experience these things so that we can learn specific lessons and then teach what we’ve learned so that it will become easier for others to take care of themselves better.)

I have found that for myself, it is easier to connect within and follow through with my inner guidance when my health is good. This often requires that I be very conscious of what I put into my mouth. For me, this means avoiding processed foods of all kinds, wheat, dairy, eggs, sugar, soy, processed vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and genetically modified foods.

The most common genetically modified foods are soy, canola oil, corn and, I recently heard, sugar from sugar beets. Avoiding genetically modified foods is critical as tests have shown that they damage the organs in the body (particularly the liver and kidney, the organs that detox your body). Artificial sweeteners are known to damage nerve endings in the brain. When the synapses in the brain become impaired, this will, no doubt, affect your ability to connect with higher consciousness. As a general rule of thumb, any “food” that is not found in nature is considered a toxin by your body.

I have been changing my diet over the last couple of years and have conducted some food experiments on myself. Although I have never been one to eat lots of junk food (I grew up on homemade food and I love to cook), I have found that by eliminating certain foods I was “sensitive” to, I lost some bloat and felt a lot better.

I have also noticed that when I get off of my healthy regimen for a few days or a week or longer (during the holidays, or because of some other excuse), not only do I regain the few pounds of bloat, I also experience fatigue, weird muscle soreness in my body and even small fever blisters on my lips.

That’s right. Ever since I was a kid I have been susceptible to fever blisters (sometimes called cold sores) after a bad cold or flu. But the slight fever / flush I feel in my face after “testing” myself by reintroducing gluten and dairy into my diet for a few days has resulted in tiny, “low grade” cold sores showing up on my lips a few days later. This happened four times already in the last year or so, after I went off of my “clean” diet. (The barely noticeable flush I feel in my face seems to be my body signaling an inflammatory response.)

I have found that how I feel in my body does affect all other areas of my life. I know that I’m not as “on target” when I’m feeling bad as when I’m feeling good. I tend to put things off when I’m feeling bad, and I’m not living in the moment as much. So how can you live in creation when when you’re struggling in the area of health, when you put life off because of your health, when you’re not living in the moment?

Wherever you are in your diet and health regimen, I recommend smaller amounts of nourishing, whole foods that are chewed well—organic, free range, grass fed, and raw when possible. Smaller amounts of nourishing foods will satisfy you more and make sure your body has the energy it needs for productive, satisfying activities such as fulfilling your potential, your higher purpose. (Overeating on the other hand results in much of the body’s energy being used in digestion and the processing and storing of toxins.)

According to nutritionist and fitness expert JJ Virgin, more than half of all Americans are sensitive to foods such as wheat, dairy, eggs and sugar.  To learn more about good nutrition (and the easy way to reduce food cravings), I wholeheartedly recommend JJ Virgin (she has a new book coming out next month titled, The Virgin Diet) as well as Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch. Matt Monarch has a great list of the foods that are okay to eat on his “Whole Foods List,” available on his website. Since Matt’s list is not easy to find, I am including a link to it here:

Matt Monarch’s Whole Foods List

I wish You and Yours a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving, and please remember to chew each morsel of good food well!

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This past Wednesday I had a message from the Counsel of Light channeled for me through Flo Aeveia Magdalena. The gist of their message, if I could put it in a single nutshell, is: Live from creation and not from survival and struggle. In other words, if we want to manifest a Golden Age, it is high time to begin living from creation, consistently.

As some of you may know, it’s been quite some time since I had Flo Aeveia channel a personal message for me. It’s been several years, in fact, the last time during the Summer of 2005. But I felt, with my move back to the house I lived over nine years ago, that this move was significant and an opportunity for a new focus for me–and also that the moment was urgent. And indeed, I received the message that it is time to much more consistently live from the creative mode and less from survival.

Oh yes, I admit to not being so consistent. Even though I write these blog posts on reconnecting with your higher self and following through with divine guidance in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently), I have made many choices that I would consider a reaction to the world around me rather than living from the creative potential. (Particularly in certain areas of my life, such as family relationships and personal economics.) In other words, rather than operating from the creative realm consistently (the vertical connection, the connection with Source), I was reacting to the struggle around me from the normal human operating mode, making choices from fear and outer circumstances and the manipulations of the outer world.

In the channeling the Counsel of Light advised me to be more consistent, to increase the time I’m living in creation compared to living in survival from a ratio that right now approaches 50:50, to 60:40, then to 75:25, and to keep increasing that ratio. This means being in the creative mode in all areas of my life more and more consistently, until that’s the only mode I’m operating from.

They advised me to get that vertical connection really strong first (the connection with Source, with Origin actually) so that the “horizontal begins to spin.” What they mean is, I am feeling that excitation and that strong excitation I’m feeling in my heart is what drives my horizontal connection, is what drives me, is what drives my choices and actions in the outer world. Because that is how one attracts whatever one needs, whatever resources one needs to fulfill one’s purpose.

I have to agree with them. While I was writing my 2 books, I felt that excitation really strongly. I was in creation mode consistently, the resources were flowing, and I experienced many amazing synchronicities daily that furthered my book projects along. Universal cooperation and flow happened consistently on a daily basis.

I experienced flow and amazing synchronicities while writing many articles and blog posts, and when I moved my place of residence near the end of September. (To see a recent example of what is possible when living from the creative potential, please read my blog post from a few weeks ago titled, Following Your Intuition in the Moment Makes Overwhelming Projects Manageable). But at the same time, I see that I have been operating from fear and struggle in other areas of my life (which I am sure caused a damper in what I was able to create and/or manifest around me).

I am reminded of what the Counsel of Light told me several years ago, something like, “Don’t worry about what you need to do next week, don’t worry about tomorrow, even. Just take care of what you’re being called to take care of today.”

Regarding the moving example, I am reminded of another amazing thing that happened that illustrates the above beautifully: I had been trying to sell a heavy, solid wood entertainment center for a few weeks on Craigslist. A few people came in to look, but no one bought. On the last day of my move around 5 pm, after I okayed with the landlady that the new tenants could begin moving in their things, I got an email from a woman who told me that she wanted the entertainment center and could come over in 20 minutes. The buyers and the new tenants arrived around the same time, and the guys moving their furniture in helped the people who bought the entertainment center load it onto their truck. (It was very heavy, too heavy for only two guys to lift up onto a truck.)

I know some of us get glimpses of the magic of living from that sacred space and the creative energies that are possible, but do we actually dwell in that place for any length of time? Do we live from that place consistently? Look around you, look at the state of the world, and you will have your answer. Does it look to you like we’re on the brink of a Golden Age?

Yes, I understand that I have not been as consistent as I could have been. And yes, I am ready to live from that place consistently, I’m ready to live from that vertical connection consistently, from that connection with Source, with Origin, that’s accessed through the higher self, consistently. I will be sharing what I experience as well as parts of the Counsel of Light’s message in future blog posts because I feel many will benefit from their message. Will you join me in this endeavor?

In the meantime, I invite you to strengthen your relationship with your higher self, and if you haven’t already, please take a look at the resources on my Connecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will not created by the wave of someone’s magic wand or just by meditating in our retreats, but by our living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently.


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