Tag: <span>Connecting with Your Higher Self</span>

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There are many good reasons to connect with your higher self. The top nine reasons (in no particular order of importance) are described in this blog post.

1. Your higher self (also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, your bridge to the Divine) is your access point to your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of awakening and transformation. The way you access your higher purpose is by developing a deeper and clearer relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you.

2. Your higher self is the “place” from where you access (and activate) your intuition.

Nothing activates your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your intuition and inner knowing are important elements that help guide you on your daily path so that there’s a sense of greater cooperation in the Universe.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a real relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your consciousness? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. Your higher self is your access point to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You probably have had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom by reconnecting within and paying attention to that part of you.

4. Your higher self is the place from where you clear your karma and make sense of your life and your “Soul Contracts” with others.

By understanding your life and your soul agreements from the perspective of the higher self, you will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it had helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. Your higher self is the place from where you restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you integrate with your higher self, you will notice that the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battle going on in your mind will settle down.

6. Your higher self is your access point to your potential, your gifts and unique contribution that will be key to creating your own “Golden Age.”

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential (your unique gifts and abilities).  Reconnecting within and following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently is the best way to create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. Integrating with your higher self is how you will help create the Golden Age for all beings on the Earth.

Your Higher Self is connected to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan, you will help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

8. Your higher self is your bridge to Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you follow through with your higher self’s guidance, you will benefit in the form of more flow in your life, favorable and sometimes amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness and following through. And when you benefit in some way, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is also connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

9. Your higher self is how you activate your Ascension.

There are many misconceptions about the ascension process. Ascension refers to the expansion of your consciousness (the raising of your consciousness, the Great Shift in your consciousness) that occurs when you begin to see the world as if you had the perspective of God. (After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.) When you begin to see the world from such a high perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until this point.

These are the top 9 reasons why it is worth your while to connect and integrate with your higher self.

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I received some brilliant comments on the Ascension Process and the practice of teachers charging for various spiritual services (personal growth services) in my last blog post titled, Paying For Ascension – The Truth about The Ascension Process. One particularly brilliant comment (with which I wholeheartedly agree) was from a reader named Patricia. Patricia commented,

“People continue to miss the BIG message here.  This topic really has nothing to do with people charging a lot of money for a spiritual service—even if it is related to  Ascension.

This dynamic simply provides a sought after supply matched with a demand created by those who are still seeking this help from outside themselves…They are a perfect match!   These are people who are unaware that it can only be found from within them….this is confusion that is caused by a false and limiting belief that was designed and set into play a long time ago.  It is one of many aspects to the belief that we are separate from Source.

Nothing could be farther from the Truth.

I would say to anyone who is not resonating with this sort of scenario of “helpless person seeks, asks, and pays money for help from another”…

You are obviously ready to begin your inner journey of finding and developing a relationship with your Soul and Higher Self!  So what are you waiting for?   Run do not walk!

Rather than spending anymore of your precious time distracted by what is unimportant…instead, be grateful for your new found awareness and realization that it has served you well by leading you to this point of readiness!  Now is the time for you to begin!  There is no going back!

Until you are actively connected and communicating with Your True Self…24/7, you will remain a player in this game and it is clear now that it does not work very well for you anymore.  So time to do something different that does work.

The only way out of this is to “GO WITHIN”!  For within you, the True Self, is the only place you will find the Truth and or FREE help for ascension or any other topic you seek.  That is just the way it is!

The Choice is yours to make!”–Patricia

So … when it comes to “going within,” how do you actually “run, not walk?”

My answer: You begin today (not tomorrow, not the next day) to cultivate a clearer, deeper relationship with your higher self. You do not have to do anything special about your past; you can begin where you are right now. So what you do (in the evening before you go to sleep and in the morning, if possible) is connect within with a meditation that works like a “shot in the arm” for connecting with your higher self and then, you begin to pay attention to your “sacred space.”

One way to “pay attention” is to “check in” to your sacred space several times a day, to anticipate the receiving of subtle guidance and inner promptings.  Because we are so used to ignoring or dismissing our inner guidance and the subtle feelings associated with our sacred space, it will take a bit of effort and re-learning to get into the habit of paying attention to that part of ourselves.

You then make note of what you feel or any guidance you receive and you “align with” and / or follow through with whatever guidance you receive as promptly and as consistently as possible. When you do this, what happens is that you get on the “upward spiral” that is Ascension. Another way to say this is: you spiral upwards when you listen to the spirit within you. Because if you ignore your higher self / sacred space, how can you ever expect to be happy or fulfilled?

Usually, your higher self will have you take baby steps at first, until you gain more confidence in yourself and in the process. For example, you may get a hunch to call a friend at a certain time. If you follow through and if a “synchronicity” occurs, you will have greater confidence to follow through with your inner guidance the next time.

An example: About five years ago, a friend of mine had gone on a road trip from the San Jose area of California to Alaska for several weeks. He stayed mostly at campgrounds in his van and spent some time in an area of Canada that was sparsely populated. About two weeks into his trip, I got a nudge to call him on his cell phone, to ask him how his trip was going.

He answered his cell phone and asked me whether I had tried to call him earlier.

“No, this is the first time that I tried to call you since you left for your trip,” I said.

“Well, that’s interesting. This is the first time in about a week that I’m able to get cell phone service. I have to tell you that you have good timing,” he said. At the moment I called, he was staying at a campsite in Northern Canada that actually had cell phone reception!

So then what you do is you allow your higher self to play a bigger and bigger role in your life until your higher self gets at least as much attention as the physical world around you. This is an important milestone because it’s the “critical mass point” when your higher self really gets activated in your life. This is when you can expect to experience the “gifts” of following through: favorable synchronicities happen regularly, you have perfect timing, there’s much more flow in your life, the questions you ask the “Universe” often get answered within 24 hours, and you experience a greater sense of fulfillment and cooperation in life.

As you continue this process over time, your higher self will continue to inform and transform your life, including your outer world and experiences, so that you fulfill your potential and higher purpose. In summary, connecting and integrating with your higher self = the Ascension Process = the upwards spiral.

To discover the how-to steps of this process in detail, including two very powerful and relevant meditations, practical daily steps to take, and how to reduce your fear around the process (because the process is much more difficult when you’re afraid), please click on the link below. On that page you can access the eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity.

Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity


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I received an email from a reader asking me why some Ascension teachers charge an arm and a leg to help people in their Ascension Process. The following is her email, with the names of the teachers left out, slightly edited for clarity:

“How can anyone charge 2000 dollars for a soul reading (a soul origin and soul history reading)? I asked why it was so much and how can people afford that in this economy and was told that the soul reading is a unique and complex gift and that not all people on a spiritual path struggle financially.  He also stated that in order for people to ascend they need to heal their bodies and have a karmic clearing.

So if you don’t spend all this money does it mean that you don’t ascend because you are not receiving the karmic cleansing–which apparently can only be performed through them? Is it possible they are leading followers in a wrong way?  I also don’t understand why anyone would ever ask those whom they are trying to help to pay that kind of money.  This means that only a selected few will ascend and the rest of us will be stuck because we simply cannot afford to go their required steps.  How can this be when it seems for the collective whole we should be helped with learning to remember ourselves?  I feel like it’s a phony and greedy thing to do, very similar to the Catholic Church, in my opinion.  Any insight?”–A reader

My response:  First of all, I don’t doubt that by employing the help of an intuitive or a spiritual counselor, you will receive insights that will forward your spiritual growth. However, in this case these teachers have the Ascension Process backwards. It’s not that you have to first heal your body and clear your karma so that you are “allowed” or deemed worthy to ascend, rather, it’s the other way around. When you get on the path of Ascension (read: when you ascend your consciousness, when you tap into higher consciousness and then follow through with actions aligned to this higher consciousness), you will heal your body and clear your karma as part of the process.

Healing Your Body

When you raise your awareness of nutrition and exercise, resolve the emotional and spiritual blocks to health that are in your way, and follow through with an attitude and actions aligned with your new awareness, you will heal your body.

No one can heal your body for you, not any spiritual counselor, not even the best doctors. Only you can heal your body by resolving the emotional issues in you and making more informed and healthier lifestyle choices. The process of healing your body is your responsibility (and privilege).

Part of healing your body involves listening to your inner guidance about what’s going on in your body and in your psyche. By connecting deeply within and following through with your inner guidance you will gain new insights about yourself that will override the false beliefs you have about yourself and this is what will release your emotional and spiritual blocks. This inner process will help heal your physical body.

I happen to assist an acupuncturist with classes that teach people what to eat and what not to eat as well as the importance of dealing with unresolved emotions and I have seen amazing healing happening in people who are following the program. (I have shared some of these amazing results in a couple blog posts.)

Clearing Your Karma

I have stated before that only you can clear your own karma, by understanding your life from a higher perspective (read: through your higher self), because the higher perspective happens to be both liberating and freeing. As you connect within and tap into your higher consciousness, you will come to realize that regardless of the life path you’ve taken, it fit into the Divine Plan and benefited the Whole. (In truth, your higher self planned your life for your long term happiness and fulfillment and was not too concerned with what you needed to experience in order to get there. We are currently in the process of “getting there,” which some people call the Ascension process.)

When you connect with the part of you known as your higher self (your connection with Source) and follow through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently, you will experience many amazing synchronicities, “aha” moments and insights that, put together over time, will help you to attain a bigger picture understanding of the process of life and of your journey. (Each insight is like a piece of a puzzle that your mind will fit together over time, which will eventually lead you to a higher level understanding of your life journey.) This deep understanding of your life (that you’re responsible for) is what will give you peace and clear your karma.

Who knows the truth of your life (and your past lives) better than your higher self? Besides, no one can convince you of the truth of your experiences just by telling you it is so. On the contrary, you will convince yourself–when you have profound epiphanies and realizations about yourself, supported by amazing synchronicities and feedback from the Universe. A spiritual counselor can help you begin the Ascension process, but you will still need to take the steps of following through with your inner guidance. No one can waive that for you and besides, your higher self would not cheat you out of this incredible, wonderful and liberating experience, particularly now!

Ascension = Connecting and Integrating With Your Higher Self

As I have said many times before, the Ascension process begins when you connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance (the integration part of the process). To discover the how-to of this process in detail, including meditations, practical daily steps to take and how to reduce your fear around the process, please click on the link below. On that page you can access the eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity.

Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity


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Thursday morning I awakened from a strange dream. In the dream I was upset because I had realized that my daughter had parked my car in the ocean. I stood on the shore looking at my car; it wasn’t that far away, maybe a hundred meters or so, and it was not the only car out there: there were about a half dozen other vehicles parked in one neat row off the shore.

A storm was brewing and the cars were getting a beating from the waves but that is not why I was upset. I was upset because my car being out in the ocean was a weird, unexpected oddity and also, I didn’t have access to my vehicle and didn’t have any idea how to get it back! So I looked for my daughter and demanded that she get my car right back.

After hearing my complaint she left to see someone, perhaps the “ocean valet,” and a few moments later, my car was being delivered to me on some kind of mechanical platform that delivered cars, one by one. Before awakening from the dream, I remember thinking that all I had to do was ask, and it was delivered.

I believe the storm is a sign of the tumultuous times we’re living in right now, and the ocean signifies our spiritual world (our inner world). I’ve been feeling a bit of anxiety lately in my “body vehicle,” and my other “vehicles”–my car and my computer–have had their issues as well. My car’s problem (the ignition lock) has been recently fixed, and my laptop (still under warranty) most likely has a hard drive failure that ought to get fixed shortly. (I asked a friend for his assessment and was relieved to hear that it most likely is a simple hard drive failure having nothing to do with me.)

One of the lessons here is to ask for what you need. Many “lightworkers / warriors” are used to plowing through on their own and forget to ask others to help them. Sometimes reaching out and asking those who can help can take a bit of courage, but it’s the next step in your personal growth. Sometimes you need to ask the “ocean valet” (God, the Divine, our spirit guides) for help and guidance.

There’s another dream that has been on my mind quite a lot lately. I had the dream in 2005, but am being guided to share it here, to help change the direction of the path humanity is on. The following dream is excerpted from my memoir What Everyone Believed:

“At the end of January 2005, I awakened from a dream where I was scrambling across a craggy landscape that looked like the aftermath of a mountain  explosion. Large boulders and slabs lay all around in disarray, as though they had fallen from the sky. Crevices wide enough to fall through stymied your path; you had to watch your every move. I was stepping through the wreckage,  hopping from boulder to boulder, headed towards a city that looked like ancient  Rome. When I entered the city through the front gates, I saw lions living among the people. Lions loitered in the courtyards, on the piazzas and the verandas.  The people hummed about the city guardedly–quite understandable, given that you could never be sure what a lion might do. I too walked around feeling guarded, and slipped away to a safe place while still going about my normal business. I  was with a Hispanic woman. She had been stopped for questioning at one of the  city’s checkpoints–a common thing. And as I was waiting for her, I awakened  from my dream.

After I recorded my dream into a journal, it had occurred to me that the people had learned to live with the lions; the two had coexisted. And perhaps after a few generations, it became the only way they knew how to live. They had learned how to walk, what to do, what to feed the lions. They went about their daily business taking certain precautions and thus, remained relatively safe. And then, the lions did not seem so much like lions anymore. They mostly lazed around, swishing their tails.”–End of excerpt.

Back at the time of my dream (which was for me … divine guidance), I had interpreted it to mean that I was to keep going with my mission while coexisting with my fears. Furthermore, I saw the fears being tamed, and the “lions” out in the world could also be tamed.

What about you? Is your fear still blocking you from doing what you’re here to do? Perhaps you’ll discover that your fears and anxieties (if you examine them and move through them) are the catalysts that allow you to discover your unique contribution at this important time in humanity’s history. Dreams are a form of divine guidance and a way your higher self uses to get through to you. And when you connect and integrate with your higher self, you will have clearer dreams that guide.

To learn the how-to steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (including how to release your fears), click on “eBook on 2012” in the main menu.

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I am convinced that the fastest way to spiritual growth (and personal success) that’s available at this moment in time is to connect with the part of you known as your higher self and to follow through with your higher self’s guidance, consistently. I also assert that at this moment on planet Earth, it shouldn’t take longer than a few weeks to receive some positive feedback from the Universe so that you’re clear that you’re on the right path.

Why only a few weeks? Why two to four weeks? Let me illustrate with an allegory.

I know an acupuncturist who teaches people how to lose weight and detox the body. I’ve conducted some research on nutrition for her and assisted with two series of 10 week classes we’ve put together this year.

We had the pleasure of having 8 participants in one class and about 20 in another and what we’ve found is this: those who stuck with the program we proposed (that eliminated / limited certain foods, not calories) not only lost weight within the first 2-3 weeks, a majority also lost pains in their bodies they’ve had for months, in some cases for years. (We have to admit we really didn’t expect that result.)

For example, one woman was used to getting up and stretching every 45 minutes because her back pain would get too intense to continue sitting. About two and a half weeks into the program, she found herself sitting at her job all morning, into lunchtime, before she realized that she had forgotten to stretch! (However, when she went on vacation and returned to her previous food habits, her back pain came back quickly, in about three days.)

The point being made here is this: if you follow some nutrition program, or if you follow the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (which is the fastest way to spiritual growth and your success), you should expect some positive results within a month, or less. Then you will know you’re on the right path; you have the results to prove it!

Of course it’s not all that easy to change your habits and follow the steps for connecting with your higher self consistently, just as it’s not that easy to give up bread or wheat products, for example. But if you’re sick of the way things are and you yearn for your life to be better and you make that last ditch effort, you will succeed.

Frankly, I am understating the results, as some people who followed the connecting and integrating process the Universe had “shown me” have communicated that they have received amazing feedback within the first week of following the program, in some cases just by reading about it. (But … I am conservative in some ways, an engineer-type, and I tend to understate results.)

A good friend of mine has recently found herself needing to make some changes in her life, one of which is to move out of her current apartment. About two weeks ago, she was about to sign a one-year lease for another apartment at her current complex when her inner guidance “told” her to go check out another apartment complex nearby. What she found was that the amenities at the new apartment complex not only excelled, her rent was $200 less a month for basically the same square footage.

I have another amazing example of an acquaintance who was blown away by several results he manifested within a month of just reading my story. (A vacation home in the Sierra foothills and everything he needed to furnish it–all at bargain prices.) If you’re new to this blog, you may want to read about G.’s story in an earlier post titled, An Inner Guidance Example: A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance. (I have to admit I really didn’t expect that result.)

What kinds of results can you expect from following through with your higher self’s guidance? Anything from favorable synchronicities, new insights, “signs” from the universe that help show you the way (particularly helpful when you’re too tense to hear your inner guidance), a sense of greater connection and cooperation in life, more flow in your life, and more.

As you connect within, follow through with your higher self’s guidance and manifest the kinds of results listed above, your confidence and trust in your higher self will naturally grow. And it will continue to  grow until you begin to trust it more than anything or anyone outside of yourself. (Which is what it will take to “graduate” from this realm, by the way.)

Can you see that having this kind of trust in your higher self will help you make huge strides in your spiritual growth, personal development, accomplishments and inner confidence?

How long will it take to manifest your success? That depends on your higher self’s plan, your commitment and your level of consistency, of course. However, it should only takes a few weeks to achieve some results so that you know you’re on the right path.

Want to access an eBook that shows you all the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self? Please click the link below:

How to Connect and Integrate with your Higher Self

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This morning I listened to a Ron van Dyke video on overcoming the ego by integrating with your higher self. I agree with what Ron says about the Big Lies of both the Western religions (Judeo-Christian, Muslim) and the Eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.). All religions share some wonderful truths, but all are also full of lies.

Before you read on, I highly recommend you take a few minutes to listen to Ron’s entire video, regardless of your religious background or whether or not you consider yourself “new age.” When you view this video, you will know that Ron van Dyke is the real thing.

To access Ron’s video on overcoming the ego by integrating with your higher self, please click on the link below. Then come back to read the rest of this post for the how-to info.

Video:  Overcoming the Ego By Integrating With Your Higher Self

I agree with Ron that Eckhardt Tolle’s teachings on the ego (that we must deny the ego, we must bring it down a peg or two, we must become “ego-free”) are pure nonsense. Eckhardt Tolle’s teachings never resonated with me as I knew the key to enlightenment was not in denying a part of us but in integrating, becoming whole and understanding the bigger picture of life here. When I read his first book The Power of Now (because a relative had recommended it highly), I didn’t get what the big deal was. I did not hide my opinions abou this; I had shared my ideas about the ego and the importance of integration in my first book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening and I wrote a couple of articles disagreeing with Tolle’s ideas back in 2008 and 2009. (Once I did that though, I concentrated my efforts on promoting the how-to of reconnecting and integrating with your higher self.)

Ron does not go into the how-to of connecting and integrating with your higher self. Sharing the “how-to” steps in plain English (including sharing real-life examples) is what I had concentrated my efforts on for the last ten years or so.

The How-To of Connecting and Integrating with your Higher Self

In a nutshell, the how-to involves reconnecting with your higher self with an effective meditation practice, learning to recognize and distinguish your inner guidance from your mental conditionings and your wants, gaining enough confidence and trust in your inner guidance such that you follow through with it promptly and consistently, even if doing so puts you in a (temporarily) uncomfortable situation, and then paying attention to what happens over time.

When you follow through with your inner guidance the “Universe” will bring you the results you need (new insights, “aha moments,” favorable  synchronicities) so that you gain more and more confidence in your connection until eventually you get to a point where you follow your own inner guidance rather than the advice of those whom you considered the experts in their field (e.g. the “Eckhardt Tolles of the world”). It’s not that you will disregard all expert advice, not at all. But having a bigger picture viewpoint will help put things in proper perspective.

Following through with your inner guidance and making changes consistent with the nudges of your higher self is how you integrate with your higher self. If you ignore your higher self, if you ignore your inner guidance and just do as you did before (by just following conventional wisdom or how others want you to behave), you can’t expect to integrate with your higher self and you can’t expect to activate the higher power within you!

The process of connecting and integrating with your higher self isn’t something that happens overnight and it isn’t just a good thing to do, it’s a requirement right now. It’s how you discover and fulfill your higher purpose and unique contribution toward the Great Shift. It’s how you fulfill your potential and create the success you always wanted, your own Golden Age. And it’s how you do your part, through your contribution, to create the Golden Age for all beings on the Earth.

Added July 18, 2012:

After reading all the comments and pondering it all, I woke up this morning (in that inbetween state of sleep and waking) being reminded again of the bigger picture. When you see the bigger picture you will realize that it’s the Higher Self (not the ego self) that created the Separation, the higher self created the Fall in Consciousness–for the very noble goal of spiritual growth through learning and experiencing firsthand many types of experiences, including difficult challenges. The ego self is just a vehicle the Higher Self uses for this experiencing / process. (Focusing on the ego is not the most direct way to transform your life.)

Furthermore, one can spend many years processing through one’s pain body and feelings of unworth and inadequacy, and actually not get very far. However, when you muster up the courage to follow through with your inner guidance, that’s the fastest way to discover who you truly are and what you’re capable of–which does absolute wonders for your feelings of worth and adequacy. I know this because this has been my experience, not just a theory.

Want to learn how to integrate with your higher self and activate the higher force within you? The eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity contains clear, easy to understand steps in plain English, including real-life examples. Just click the link below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

Thank you for reading my work!

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In this blog post I share a bit about my Catholic background, how my views of Christ and Christianity have evolved over time, my insights about what it really means to follow Christ’s example, and how this fits with the Great Shift in Consciousness.

I am clear that humanity will save itself not by believing in Jesus Christ’s existence, but by following Christ’s example. What this means is that each individual will “save” him or herself (which includes clearing his or her karma) not by merely believing that Christ is our personal savior, but by personally following his example. (And because Christ is the one who’s showing you the way, I suppose you could view him as your savior. It’s just that you have to take action and follow his example, because prayer and meditation aren’t enough.)

I am also clear that you have within you the capacity to do what Jesus did 2000 years ago–to cultivate a strong, unbreakable connection with your higher self, which has a direct connection to Divine Guidance (to Source, God). Part of cultivating this connection requires that you not just connect with your higher self / higher consciousness through quiet time and meditation, but that you actually follow your inner guidance–even when it goes against the preachers and religious and cultural institutions of this time. (By the way, what a great example of this Jesus was…)

Some Christians may question people’s ability to connect with their higher consciousness, but this has nothing to do with truth and everything to do with what they were taught to believe. It’s certainly not my truth. I’m clear that I have cultivated a direct connection to God / Source and I know that others can do the same. Furthermore, I am clear that Jesus Christ was here to teach us, to be an example for all of us to follow. We are here to follow his example, not merely to believe in him. (As a child who was raised Catholic, my impression was that following in Jesus’s footsteps was the right path … which however some had interpreted as having a calling as a Priest if you were a man, or a Nun if you were a woman.)

Many misconceptions about Jesus, his life, and Christianity exist. Some of these I learned over a decade ago from Father Charlie Moore, a former Catholic priest who was dismissed from the Church for teaching hidden truths about the origins of humanity and religions. The rest was heard during a discussion with a Catholic friend who had studied the religion deeply in order to excel in Continuing Education for Clergy and similar university courses. From what I understand, Jesus was not at all fond of organizations, and he never founded the Christian Church. It was Constantine who founded the Christian Church – in the year 325 A.D. Constantine needed an army to invade other lands–so that he could acquire their wealth. (Does this remind you of anything still going on today? Is humanity finally waking up to all of this?)

Jesus taught his disciples how to attain direct access to God (to Divine Guidance, to higher consciousness, to Source). However, not all his disciples had a deep understanding of Jesus’s teachings. The level of their understanding was a reflection of the level of their courage in following through with their own inner guidance rather than what they were taught to believe. (Naturally, the easier, more common path was to deny their own connection with Source as they had been programmed to do and to place their trust in some Messiah to do it all for them. This path of course did not allow them to grasp Jesus’ true message, did not allow the shift in consciousness that Jesus was.) According to Father Charlie Moore’s findings, the books written by the disciples who had a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings were excluded from the Bible. I am clear that the writings of those disciples who I understand were closest to Jesus and most involved with his mission were excluded from the Bible.

Around 2003 I received a message from the Counsel of Light (channeled through Flo Aeveia Magdalena) that I had “Christ consciousness.” But it wasn’t until I connected with my higher self and followed through with my inner guidance promptly and consistently (which, by the way, deepened my understanding of Jesus’ story) that I finally accepted their assertion.

Jesus was a rebel and a threat to the powers that be. He taught that there was no such thing as sin, according to Father Charlie Moore’s research. The idea of “sin” was introduced by the powerful elite so that the people would be obedient to their (man-made) laws.

Jesus didn’t believe in sin; he nurtured innocence. He pointed the way back to our original innocence when he said, “The kingdom of heaven is within.” By connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance, you will receive favorable synchronicities and new insights that will help you understand the bigger picture of your life and how it fits in with Divine Plan. Furthermore, you will fulfill your part of the Divine Plan. And this is what will clear your karma.

Jesus taught how to use the power that you were given, to get in touch with higher consciousness, with your intuitive powers. Jesus taught how to get in touch with God through your higher self–the “holy spirit,” the higher consciousness within you.  Father Moore would say, “Instead of worshipping God, use the powers you were given. Be the glory of God. And help everyone else be the glory of God!”

Jesus was not meant to be an intermediary between the people and God. Rather, he was to be an example, someone who through tremendous struggle had found the way by finding Divine Guidance within. Through his example the people would be able to find God within.

Father Moore would also say that masters never tell you what to believe, or to believe in them. They only help you to figure it out for yourself by helping you to get in touch with the higher consciousness within you. Jesus was indeed a master.

The powerful elite took over Jesus’ teachings and perverted them. They turned Jesus into a mediator, in the tradition of the priest-gods of the Old Testament that mediated between the people and God. They co-opted Jesus’ teachings, twisted them to support their own agenda, so that they would continue to gain power over the people.

The true followers of Jesus were not called Christians; they were called  “followers of the way,” according to Father Moore. I understand the way; it’s the journey that reconnects and integrates you with your higher self, with your higher consciousness, with Christ consciousness. The journey of higher consciousness is a journey into truth. Are you ready for the truth?

If you would like to learn more about how to reconnect with your higher self from someone who’s been there, who gives detailed, concrete information in plain English, please check out my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity by clicking the link below.

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

If you would like to further explore Scripture and the hidden meanings of the Bible, please check out The Spirit of the Scripture blog of Joshua Tilghman. (Joshua is very supportive of my work.)

Another resource I recommend for those ready to evolve their Christianity is Nancy B. Detweiler’s blog, The Way of Love Blog, and her website Pathway to Ascension. Nancy is a Minister (M. Div.) who helps bridge the gap between mainstream Christianity and the emerging spirituality that’s based on the revelation of a much fuller knowledge of Cosmic Truth.

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Many in the spiritual communities are discussing the Event (or events) that will awaken the masses and trigger the Great Shift in Consciousness that will eventually transform the world for the better. (This topic would be completely uninteresting if we actually lived in a world that worked for all….)

Channel Blossom Goodchild, in her latest blog post, “There is to take place an EVENT that will give souls a kick start!” asked her guides questions regarding Ascension / Awakening. In this blog post I help clarify the answers she was given as concretely as possible. I offer this different perspective because of what I’ve already experienced firsthand. Blossom asked about Ascension,

“I feel that we don’t actually go anywhere. We still stay on planet Earth, yet move into a Higher dimension upon it. Can you clarify this for me please?”

True, you don’t actually “go” or even “move” anywhere, except deeper within you to the part of you known as your higher self / soul (which is your connection with Source). You will attain a higher level understanding, a bigger picture understanding, of the process of life and of your journey here. This understanding comes from many “aha” moments and insights that arise in you as a result of following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently.

It’s not about having one profound insight or moment. Rather, gaining a whole new understanding is a result of experiencing many new insights and synchronicities, where each insight is like a piece of a puzzle. Over time your mind will put the “puzzle pieces” (new insights) together, which will eventually result in a higher level perspective / understanding. As this happens, you will make peace with your life and clear your karma. This is what the Ascension process is all about.

You clear your own karma by understanding the bigger picture of your life. When you connect with your higher self and receive insights about your life, you will come to understand your life choices and your life plan and how it all fits in with Divine Plan–which will give you peace and clear your karma. The truth comes from connecting with your higher self (which is within you) and following your inner guidance.

Blossom’s guides then bring up how this shift in consciousness will be catalyzed:

“There is to be an undertaking of great magnitude that shall surely rock the boat for many of you. This we accept in our realms as being unavoidable. Yet … do we feel this shall put you in danger? Of course not. There can be NO danger … IF/WHEN you understand that it is YOU that decides your journey.”

Blossom asks, “Can I interrupt here … an undertaking of great magnitude? … What … like a massive pole shift?

“Like a shift in consciousness,” her guides responded.

Okay, her guides seem to be going round in circles. What they’re referring to is an event or series of events that will catalyze the shift in consciousness. I will try to explain what I had known for years from my personal experience about what will cause the shift in consciousness. By the way, the “pole shift” is an inner pole shift; it refers to the shift from your personality self being your “North Pole” to your higher self being your “North Pole” (and your personality self standing behind / supporting your higher self).

Several years ago, something happened in my life that was quite devastating. In fact, it wasn’t just one thing, but many puzzling / unsettling events that happened in my life over the course of a few years, events that actually made no sense to me. About a year into these events, I sought answers in the spiritual community and was guided to a woman who channeled the Counsel of Light. (Believe me, I wouldn’t have gone that route if it hadn’t been for the strange, painful events that I couldn’t explain that were happening in my life, as well as my being conscious of the dysfunctional state of the world.)

The Counsel of Light primed me a bit on what was to come and told me to look within for the answers, because I “already had everything figured out” and it was my purpose to write books that shared what I learned with others, to help those who would go through similar experiences later. They also motivated me to embark on this project by promising that my writings would become “very popular.” (I write about all these experiences in the book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening.)

Of course I didn’t have anything figured out at the time they relayed their messages to me, and them saying that I had was, to say the least, confusing. My soul / higher self may have had things figured out, but I certainly wasn’t conscious of what my higher self knew, or the inner resources I had. I did not have my higher self’s (soul’s) perspective and understanding available to me in my waking consciousness. (That I would have to discover through following my inner guidance.)  So … I “looked within” for the answers to the strange, unsettling events in my life because I just knew I would NOT find them in any books or gurus or religions or on any stone tablets.

I committed to doing this 100% because basically, I was in deep trouble and I experienced deep pain. (Heck, if life were running smoothly, I wouldn’t have bothered to seek deeper answers!)

So I looked within*, developed the confidence and the courage to follow through with my inner guidance consistently, and then experienced many synchronicities, new insights, a lot of “reprogramming” going on in my brain, until eventually, I got the higher level understanding (that I write about in my eBook, Activating 2012). So … the “events” in my life (that were difficult to experience) turned out to be the catalysts to my awakening / Ascension.

*Please note that there’s a lot more to “looking within” than what those words literally imply. Looking within (or connecting within, meditating) is only the beginning of the process of spiritual growth and upliftment. There are other important steps involved that few, if any, talk about. For example, if you keep looking inwardly but you ignore the inner guidance you receive (often it’s very subtle) or if your insights never get applied in real life, you will not get anywhere.

The Shift that will happen in the world is a shift in consciousness first. And the shift in consciousness will affect individuals on all levels, including what you do and how you do it, and this is how the positive changes will come about in the world. (For example: raising your awareness about GMO foods will help you avoid them, which will create positive changes in your health http://nosubhealth.com/ and well-being.)

Blossom’s guides continue,

“What you came here to do and HOW to go about it … you ‘think’ you don’t know. Yet we say you do … within each one of you … you KNOW what to do to make this shift into a Higher plane take place.”

Blossom replies,

“I accept that we KNOW … trouble is … I can’t remember! You keep asking us to remember , but I’ve TRULY forgotten.”

But we were supposed to forget on a conscious level, so that we could play our roles in this Earth Experiment with full conviction. So don’t look to your conscious mind to try to remember. The way you remember is, again, to connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance because this will result in the aha moments, the new insights, the favorable synchronicities and the glorious and heavenly moments that will cause you one day to say to yourself, “Oh, I’m getting it now; I “remember” why I’m here doing what I’m doing.” (Re-member means to “put the pieces of the puzzle together.”)

Blossom’s guides continued,

“The shift IS happening. You ARE moving up into a Higher plane … WITHIN YOURSELF. IT IS NOT ANOTHER PLACE.”

Then, they said,

“WE WILL ADD SOMETHING OF GREAT INSIGHT AND IMPORTANCE …There is to take place an EVENT that will give souls a kick start! It will give souls a choice as to follow ‘IT’ through … or remain as they are.”

Yep, so we are waiting for this event (events) that will act as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness … meaning the shift from the current low-level understanding of life here to the higher level understanding. Because what we’ve been taught / programmed to believe in the past will not explain what’s occurring, many people will then be “looking within” for the answers.

To learn more about “looking within,” you may want to get a copy of my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity. Click the link below to learn more about this eBook:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

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In a previous article titled, Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – Essential Signs of Spiritual Awakening, I put together a list of 9 of the more common signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening that I consider essential to the awakening process. In this article, I discuss meaningful dreams (one of the 9 signs of spiritual awakening) in more detail.

Intense, vivid dreams that seem to point you in a certain direction are one way your higher self guides you, particularly when the dreams reflect a process you are currently undergoing in real life. Your dreams may also help confirm subtle feelings you have that you’re not yet sure about. (This used to be one of my issues–needing more than subtle feelings to be sure about something, needing signs from the Universe to confirm my hunches.)

In my experience with dream interpretation, the further along in the spiritual awakening process you are, the clearer your dreams will be and the more they will help guide you in your daily life. The dreams will be in metaphor form, often in metaphors that make sense to you.

An example of a meaningful dream that guided me

Before I get into an example of a meaningful dream that helped guide me, first a little background: Around the time of this dream (October of 2005), I had already been committed to following my inner guidance promptly and consistently and was well into my awakening process. I viewed the dream as a message from the divine, and as guidance meant to help get me to the next level in the Ascension process. The following is an excerpt from my memoir What Everyone Believed.

“With a pounce onto my chest, my kitten awakened me from a dream the day I  was revising this chapter. In my dream, I was on my way to Alaska as a passenger  in a new, comfortable, European-style city bus. I was aware  that I’ve never been to Alaska, only to Canada, and I was thinking that going to  Alaska would be just as easy as going to Canada.

“The bus traveled through a picturesque, green valley in between beautiful  snow-capped peaks, maybe ten miles from one side to the other. The valley  reminded me of Davos, Switzerland, still snowy in the higher elevations though  it was almost Summer. The bus meandered, switchbacking up an incline, went here  and there, stopping in many places for passengers, taking its time. Impatient, I  asked a passenger sitting next to me how long this trip to Alaska would take.  ‘It’ll be around four hours,’ she said.

Four hours? That was way too long for me! I wanted to get there sooner! I  explained that if I drove my own car, it would take me only two hours. So  I decided to get off of public transportation and drive my own vehicle. I pulled  the signal to stop and got off the bus. That’s when the cat woke me up.”–end of excerpt.

I had interpreted “driving my own vehicle to Alaska” as a sign of stepping up my awakening efforts and later, as a sign that I had broken away from the “public transportation” of awakening (the rhetoric, the public discourse, the language that’s long on flowery words but short on concrete, practical guidance)–and getting there sooner. (Well, one thing I know about my higher self, my soul, is that it’s been a spark-plug of individualism and breaking away ever since the beginning of time. But now my soul has come full circle and is assisting with unification.) I also got that the Ascension process this time around was different from all the other times.

So what did I do / change after this dream? I began a second type of meditation daily, one designed to increase my capacity to access wisdom and insights (“energy”) from the higher realms (from spirit / Source) and carry it over to my waking consciousness (mind / brain) as clearly as possible. And then I spent almost 2 more years revising my memoir, until I was clear about the bigger picture.

So why am I telling you to pay attention to your dreams? Because it’s one of the signs of spiritual awakening that also acts as a catalyst and as guidance for your life. Because as you’re probably aware, we’re living in extremely important times right now, times that call for prompt and right actions. A recent channeled message from Mathew stresses this:

“…There isn’t much time left for the masses to reach that level of consciousness about what is behind wars or religious dogmas or any other facet of life that is of dark origin and intent. The light [I read it as understanding] that would let individuals avoid severe psychic trauma is the same light [understanding] that would enable them to physically ascend with Earth.  Many will not be ready to accept that for millennia Earth’s population has been controlled by darkness through fear, deception and various forms of mind control.”–excerpt from Mathew Ward’s channeled message, June 3, 2012.

The further you are in your spiritual awakening process, the more your dreams will be meaningful to you and will help guide you, and the more you will continue to awaken to the truth as gently as possible. Connecting and integrating with your higher self (by following through with your inner guidance / divine guidance), as usual, is the key.

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My last blog post Divine Guidance – How To Recognize Divine Guidance and the two examples detailed in that post that show the variety of ways one can receive higher guidance prompted a response from a moderator at Rumor Mill News:

“I’m not getting the meaning of her examples. They seem a bit unimportant but I would like to stand corrected if anyone can explain. Thanks.”–MisterBoll

Since no one over at Rumor Mills News came forth with a response, I am responding to MisterBoll’s comment in this blog post.

MisterBoll, it doesn’t matter if the examples given seem a bit unimportant to you. Not all instances of divine guidance are going to be dramatic or life-and-death. What’s important is that we as individuals develop confidence in our inner guidance and our ability to recognize and correctly discern divine guidance. The fact is, most people do not have a well developed inner guidance system / internal B.S. detector … because cultural programming has taught us to mostly ignore our inner guidance. It’s important we reverse this trend now.

Furthermore, the only way that humanity will create a new world that works for everyone is by following divine guidance. There is a Divine Plan for creating a Golden Age for humanity, but it will not be accomplished simply by doing things that have been done before. Everything we’ve tried before will not work. Indeed, what we need to do is to resolve the world situation once and for all, to complete it for all time, from the highest level of consciousness we have access to–our connection to Source.

This means that a shift in consciousness is required. By “shift in consciousness” I don’t mean that we’re aware of the extent of the lies we’ve been taught about our world or the level of corruption of our governments. This level of awareness is important but  insufficient to resolve the situation. Rather, we must become aware through firsthand experience why we willingly chose to create this scenario / Earth Experiment in the first place–which requires that we cultivate a deep relationship with our higher self, our connection to Source. (And this really isn’t an option.)

The fact is, we did not embark on this long, long, hard journey merely to survive the experience, but to realize its amazing and tremendous benefits. You will discover the gifts of your life choices when you connect deeply with your higher self, follow through with its guidance, and begin to fulfill your contribution to the Golden Age–which, by the way, will give you more joy than you ever thought possible.

Note that your mind would not know why you chose to experience the life you’re experiencing, but your higher self does. Your higher self (your soul, that has been around since the beginning) will show you one puzzle piece at a time if you get to know it and follow the guidance within. If you follow the guidance within, you will discover your gifts and the level of your success will be unprecedented. This is why most of my writings involve connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance. It is THE KEY to everything.

The only way the people of Earth will win this Dark vs. Light game is if we trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan for our victory, a bigger picture that includes everything and everyone, and that we consciously follow this plan to the best of our ability. And the way we connect to this plan is by connecting to our higher self and following through with its guidance promptly and consistently.

Most people cannot develop this kind of confidence overnight. It’s a process that often requires baby steps and simple examples. As you can imagine, following through with your guidance in spite of the contrary opinions of those who are considered the experts requires a bit of confidence, particularly when the guidance places you in uncomfortable situations. (I am reminded of Jesus here. Well, we all, in our own way, now get to follow Jesus’s example…)

For those who want to know more about the Divine Plan and how to connect with divine guidance, I would suggest reading my eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity. Workshops are not required and you don’t need someone outside yourself to activate your higher self for you. You activate things for yourself, and you will gain a good understanding of this simply by reading this book. Your understanding will reduce your fear and help build your courage–which will be required when it’s time to follow through with divine guidance in the days and weeks to come.

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