Category: <span>Higher Purpose</span>

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To some extent we all know that the year 2012 represents a time of great transformation and change on this planet, and for the beginning of the Golden Age. But what is the catalyst for this transformation and change? And what motivates you to grow and change the most in your life?

I read a comment on another blog recently that was pure wisdom and I’ll share it with you here. But first, I have been saying for years that things will get worse on this planet before they get better, and I’m still saying that. But that’s because all the bad stuff being exposed motivates us to make real and significant changes in our world…changes that will contribute to the larger 2012 transformation. (I feel the tide will begin to turn sometime later this year.) Anyway, Katie’s comment:

Humans by and large are moved toward growth and expansion by trauma. What is more outwardly traumatic than the world we live in today? This overtly corrupt world is helping to open the eyes of many, readying them for connection with their own inner Source and power.  And help is always readily available on the inner planes. Would as many be waking up if the Enlightened Ones were softening the blows?–Katie

I like to call this growth and expansion “The Big Test” that each individual is going through.The Big Test involves discovering for yourself what you’re truly capable of, getting in touch with your inner power by applying it daily, getting your manipulated human mind (brainwashed by years of disempowering messages such as, “You’re not good enough,” “You’re incapable,” “Who do you think you are, anyway?” etc.) to accept that you really are a powerful, worthy and wonderful being.. particularly when you’re fulfilling your higher purpose and contributing to the creation of the Golden Age for all. (We all like to have evidence and results to back things up, you know…)

So…what motivates personal growth and expansion more than challenge, hardship, and even trauma? From my own personal experience, I can definitely say that the close-to-traumatic events in my life (beginning about 10 years ago) motivated my transformation and change the most. The difference now is, I notice that there are many more people (even in my own circle of friends) experiencing personal challenges than there were about ten years ago.

Here’s a important point to take from this blog post: What made those events “close-to-trauamtic” (and not truly traumatic) was the knowing I had (communicated to me by the Counsel of Light) that there was a divine reason I was in the deep doo-doo, that there wasn’t anything wrong with me, that I was in this because of the things that were right about me, and that my experience would later help many others. Getting through my experience transformed, strengthened and uplifted by the challenging events rather than being crushed by them and sharing that experience was going to help others. (This is the story my memoir tells…about my Big Test.)

Anyway, the blog post where I found Katie’s comment claimed that the Enlightened Ones/Angels/ETs have ascended and have now actually abandoned us: Just look all around you, nothing’s happening; we’re left alone. But this viewpoint isn’t true at all.

It may appear that way, but that’s because it’s difficult for the Enlightened Ones/Angels/ETs to get through to the consciousness of the vast majority of people on this planet.

The way the “Angels” help you is to guide you–through your inner guidance and “signs” they give you that some think are signs from “God” or the “Universe.”  They “rescue us” by guiding us, and this is how the transformation will manifest.

Transformation is likely to occur when your inner pain and need for change becomes greater than the discomfort you feel when you step outside your comfort zone. Pain and anguish are the ultimate motivators.

Emotional pain and confusion is what had me search for answers years ago…and I was led to the Counsel of Light, who were already waiting for me. They guided me through several channeled messages (received through a Channel) and I followed through with my guidance for years. Now I can understand this Ascension process, and the importance of reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance such that you fulfill your higher purpose. I know that more people will awaken, and the way that will happen is by things getting even worse before they get better.

But no matter how crazy things get in your life, try to view it from this perspective: The chaos isn’t happening because there’s something wrong with you, but that you are going through a big test that will lead to your upliftment and the Golden Age in the not-too-distant future. Viewing it this way will make it a lot easier to get through.

I know that David Wilcock and many others have also spoken about the importance of alleviating the fears of those who don’t know what’s going on (your neighbors, family and friends) when some challenging events (such as the mass arrests of some elite) occur in the “near future.” Understanding better what’s going on will help people make it through the hard times with much more grace and ease.

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Do you feel that your daily struggles prevent you from fulfilling your higher purpose? In this post, I expand a bit further on the topic of higher purpose, inspired by a reader’s comment from my last post. Jonas wrote,

“My question is, I feel like my belief that I have a higher purpose places me in a position where I feel like I should back away from all my daily struggles and try “winging it”; as in listening to my inner guidance for the next step in life after having dropped major parts of my life (friends/family/job/living place) as a cause of this belief. Should I not be backing away from my struggles? Sometimes I feel like my struggles are distracting me from my higher self/purpose, yet this seems potentially like an excuse to “escape” the problems. Could I develop a greater connection to my higher self if I stopped the daily struggles/demands and solely focused on my inner development (as uncertain as the future may then be) or is it better for my growth to let the time come when my higher self gets through to me in spite (or because) of my daily struggles? Any advice or thoughts?”

What a great question! I totally get where he’s coming from and am reminded of the time several years ago when I was struggling to begin my higher purpose. I wanted to know what my higher purpose was, and I wanted to begin it, NOW! (That’s becasue my life was really painful back then. Some weird events had turned my life into a painful mess, and I just knew that the faster I was doing my higher purpose, the sooner my life would get back in order…A great motivator, by the way.)

The first thing the Counsel of Light had me do was develop a deeper, clearer relationship with my higher self. The Counsel of Light knew my life situation (a family, not a lot of free time, two little kids) so they asked me to spend about 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before I went to bed in meditation, and to write for a few minutes whenever I had the chance.

They called this time in meditation cultivating the “vertical connection,” the connection with my higher self. I did not have a whole lot of time to focus on this vertical connection (my inner development) as I had family responsibilities while going through a personal crisis. In fact, most days a 10-15 minute meditation in bed is all I actually accomplished towards this vertical connection.

Then some months later the Counsel of Light talked to me about developing the “horizontal connection”–the connection you have in the real world. This was about bringing your higher self into the real world through your actions, attitude, speaking, and so on. So…there’s the vertical connection and the horizontal connection.

No one can say that the vertical connection is more important than the horizontal connection, or that the horizontal connection is more important. I have found that both are equally important.  And in fact, I discovered that it’s when I took action in the real world that I made the fastest spiritual progress. It’s when I worked the muscles of the horizontal connection that my confidence in my higher self (the vertical connection) grew the most.

Futhermore, following through with your inner guidance in the real world should help you resolve your daily struggles. It should help you get through your struggles successfully by finding new solutions to them. I still experience daily struggles, but I see them in a totally different light now. I don’t view them as obstacles to my goals anymore but rather as opportunities in disguise, placed there by divine design. In fact, the Counsel of Light said that going through the situation rather than trying to get out of it is a way to get you further than you ever thought possible. So rather than backing away from or trying to escape the struggles of daily life, accept them and ask how you can move things forward.

Remember that you don’t know what your higher purpose is. Nobody knows. I wrote in my last post that your higher purpose will likely be in an field you’re passionate about, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in that field right now.

For example, I was not trained to be a writer; I knew I wasn’t any good, anyway. And I certainly wasn’t confident as a writer when I was told by the Counsel of Light that I would write books. However, the Counsel of Light “eased” me into this undertaking by telling me that I would write “children’s books.” (Children’s books…not such a bid deal. I think I could do it I thought back then…)

However…over time I developed the capacity to write by listening within, writing it down, and spending many, many hours working on my writing, getting feedback, etc. And once I was on a roll, the so-called “children’s books” became books for adults.

So with regard to the question of focusing on your inner development (the “vertical” connection), you really don’t need a lot of time out of your day to do that. Fifteen minutes a day in the morning, fifteen at night, and paying attention to your sacred space several times a day (which “preps” you to watch for your inner guidance) is what you need. And then what you really need to do is to implement (follow through promplty and consistently) in the real world (the “horizontal” conenction) for maximum growth and forward movement.

In summary, it’s the integration of the vertical connection with the horizontal connection that allows for the fastest personal and spiritual development.

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