Category: <span>Your Higher Self</span>

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Prince's Power

Noah St. John, author of the Book of Afformations, recently wrote about Prince’s belief in himself and in his vision: Prince’s belief in himself was so strong that he signed a recording contract at the age of 19.  Then he fought for—and got—total creative control over his first three albums. (Which is kind of unheard of in the record industry.)

Noah writes about Prince’s belief in himself, “I believe in myself and understand my vision better than any of you do. So I’m going to do things the way I want to do them.”

Then Noah asked his community, What about you? Do you believe in yourself? Have you stood up for your vision?

In this article, I’m sharing an example of how signs from the Universe helped me stand up for my vision, and how you can harness the power of Prince for your vision, too.

So, early in 2007, I hired a top-rate editor in the spiritual niche to edit a book I was writing. Although she was tops in her field and I was open to her input, I knew my book needed a “light” editing—meaning language and grammar and tense—rather than content editing. I was confident my book was a memoir of my spiritual reconnecting process as the Universe had supported the writing of each page. What I mean is that crazy amazing, favorable synchronicities happened almost daily that became content for my book, once I had tapped into the reconnecting / creative process. It’s how my book got written.

(Read on, a sample of one of those amazing synchronicities is coming up shortly …)

My editor recommended I write a “how-to” book instead, rather than a memoir of my process. After all, she explained, you’re an unknown. (So was Prince, by the way, before his albums went platinum.)

We exchanged a few email conversations and I finally convinced her I needed to do it my way. This was a book on intuition; I had tapped into intuitive flow; it only made sense to honor my intuition, my higher self’s guidance, I had explained. It’s how my book got written. She finally agreed.

But then, rather than honoring her word to edit my manuscript as we had agreed, she spent hours rewriting it. She deleted my wonderful, true-life examples and repeated a bland, Buddhist-inspired message over and over again that I wasn’t even in agreement with—exactly what I asked her not to do. Then she sent me a big fat invoice.

Well, since she hadn’t honored her agreement, I could only use maybe half of her work. I sent her a letter explaining the issues, including references to our previous emails, and paid her slightly more than half of the invoice. I thought I was both generous and fair.

Adamant that I pay every penny, she threatened legal action against me. But I chose to stick to my convictions. I knew I was in the right.

Two months later, I received a letter from a collection agency. Further research on standard industry practices confirmed I had a decent case. I wrote the agency a letter explaining the matter.

Then she wrote the agency, stating that in her 38 years of service, nobody had ever taken issue with any of her invoices, or advice.

I wrote another letter in rebuttal, thinking that would be the end of that.

But the case wasn’t closed. About a month later, at the end of June 2007, I received a letter from a law firm in San Francisco. Too upset to even look at what was inside, I shoved it unopened in between the seats of my car.

But then a few days later, while working on polishing my manuscript and listening to music over the radio online, I got an intuitive message to go get the letter out of my car. (I usually didn’t listen to the radio while writing as it’s distracting, but I was “inspired” to do so that day. Just following my intuition, I was …)

Walking back from my car with the dreaded letter in hand, I was informed that if the balance of the editor’s bill wasn’t paid immediately, a lawsuit would be filed against me. Furthermore, additional amounts would be owed in the event of litigation.

I have never been sued before, so this was disturbing and upsetting. Furthermore, I was now risking lawyers’ fees in addition to the original balance, and I only had a small sum of money to launch my book project.

I trudged back into my house disheartened, heading towards my bedroom, back to my computer, my spirits crushed. Nobody believed in me. And not only did my editor not believe in me, she was now going to sue me …

But as I walked into my bedroom, the first words I heard were: She a-howlin’ about the front rent, she’ll be lucky to get any back rent, she ain’t gonna get none of it!–of course sung by “Bad to the Bone” George Thorogood.

I knew this was a sign from the Universe as these sorts of things happened to me almost daily, sometimes several times a day, when I was writing my book!

I felt inspired immediately and wrote a letter to the law office explaining exactly why I wouldn’t be paying the balance. And I’m telling you, I haven’t heard from the lawyers or the editor since.

I self-published my book so I could have it the way I wanted it, the way the Universe was showing me to do it, and later it was recognized by conventional publisher North Atlantic Books as one of four “notable spiritual awakening memoirs” of the last several years, along with Eat Pray Love, The Happiness Project, and Star Sister.

Now … what about you? Do you have a vision for your life, a vision that comes from your heart and soul, but not a whole lot of support from the people around you? I’m here to tell you that when you reconnect with your higher self and follow your inner guidance, the Universe itself will show you it supports you. Your stronger relationship with your higher self will empower you and charge you up with the power of Prince. And that’s because the Universe supports the dreams that arise from your soul.

Do you want support for your vision from the Universe? Get my free spiritual awakening Quick Start Guide and follow the simple instructions. It’s time you manifest YOUR vision in the world.

Have a similar story? Please share YOUR story or your dream in the comments below.

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connect with your higher selfLast weekend, at a New Living Expo expert panel discussion on cultivating conscious awareness, a gentleman in the audience asked, how do you connect to your higher self?

From the responses of the panelists, it’s obvious to me that when it comes to understanding the higher self and what it means to connect to one’s higher self,  we’re still really not all that advanced. I’ll explain why.

First, let’s examine the question asked by the gentleman in the audience: “Can you tell me how we can connect to our higher self?”

Well, the truth is, you’re already connected to your higher self. If you weren’t, you’d be dead.

So the real question he asked goes beyond simply being connected to his higher self, because he already is connected.

So why do you suppose he asked that question?

Most likely, the real reason he wants to connect to his higher self is that his life isn’t working all that well. Maybe he’s experiencing challenges in his personal relationships, or at his job, or maybe his life isn’t as fulfilling as he’d like it to be.  Maybe he’s looking at the state of the world (and the state of his world) and it depresses him. Maybe his relationship with himself isn’t all that hot, either, and his hope is that by connecting with his higher self, he’ll receive the insight and the guidance that’ll begin to turn things around for him. (Why else do people want to connect to their higher selves, anyway?)

So the question the man asked the panel isn’t really about how he can connect to his higher self, is it? No. The real question is, how does he connect to his higher self so that he feels connected and he experiences being connected and his higher self guides him in his life daily and he experiences the manifestation of this higher power / higher consciousness in his life daily and his life gets transformed as a result of this connection.

So the real question is: how does he strengthen the relationship he has with his higher self so that it becomes as real to him as any of his other relationships?

The panelists responded to his question, “How do you connect to your higher self?” but I can’t see how the answers they gave him could have helped him all that much: Go within, was one answer. Get into a state of deep consciousness.

It has to do with sound frequencies, was another answer.

Tune your antennae, was another answer.

You have a connection between your heart and your brain. The heart helps you access it, was another response.

You access it with your emotional state, yet another response.

(Answers we’ve all heard a million times before–which means they’re not all that effective at actually helping you gain access to that higher consciousness.)

I think we all can agree that it takes more than just meditation or tuning into special sound frequencies to effect life transformation.

True, it does begin with having a certain level of awareness and yes, you do want to have an effective meditation that connects the heart with the soul (your current life with your infinite life, respectively), and yes, there are important steps you take after that. Such as, paying attention to a certain area in your body (your “sacred space”) and following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently.

And there’s more you you should be aware of. For example, how are you going to gain the courage to follow through with your intuition promptly and consistently if your inner guidance doesn’t make logical sense to you? Or if it’s inconvenient for you to do so? Or if you don’t know what’s possible when one follows through with one’s intuition as you don’t have a whole lot of real-life examples of this and all of this is new to you?

Or what if you don’t even recognize your inner guidance, or can’t distinguish it from your mental conditionings or fears? (Most people have ignored their inner guidance / intuition for so long that the connection is very weak.)

The truth is, every time you ignore your intuition you weaken your relationship with your higher self, give up your power, and possibly, place yourself in some kind of trouble. (This is probably what prompted that gentleman to ask his question.)

Don’t do that. Get my free Quick Start Guide (the opt-in box is located near the top of the right-hand column) and begin the journey that revs up your intuition, gives you back your power, and transforms your life.

And please comment below! (Thank you!)

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At an event I attended last month (March 2016), I heard Dr. Sean Stephenson share an incredible story about what happened when he followed an intuitive urge he thought was—to say the least—strange.

You might have heard of Sean before. He’s the three-foot tall motivational speaker / psychotherapist who’s been on TED talks and TV and who gets around in a wheel chair.

Born with a rare brittle bone disorder, doctors didn’t expect him to live more than 24 hours. His leg bones are so fragile they don’t support his weight. Just sneezing can fracture his ribs.

But Sean not only proved the doctors wrong, he became a motivational speaker at the young age of 17. He even got his PhD so that he could better help those people who, after his talks, approached him for advice on personal issues. These days, he also coaches public speakers. And this is where Sean’s amazing story begins …

So it’s near the end of January (2016) and Sean is staying at a hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona. He and his group of five or six mastermind clients (who are working together for one year, paying Sean a handsome fee of $40,000 for the privilege) are meeting the next morning for an intense workshop on public speaking. One of the members of the group can’t be present as he’s having open-heart surgery where he lives in Long Beach, California.

At four in the morning at the hotel, Sean awakens to the voice of his intuition telling him to change the day’s agenda. Instead of working in a hotel room as usual, he is to gather the group together and drive the seven hours to visit with the one member who’s about to have heart surgery.

Yes, he heard that right. Drive to Long Beach, visit with their friend for a few minutes, hug him, wish him well. Then drive seven hours back to Scottsdale.

Sean’s thinking, what? No way! That’s just wonky! (His words.)

But the inner voice persists and won’t let him sleep. In the morning, Sean decides to enroll his group in the new plan. But how will he enroll them?

By asking a loaded question, of course. “Friends, how much do you trust me?” he asks the group. Then he informs them about the new plan: they’ll drive to Long Beach, give their friend a hug, and then drive back to Scottsdale.

Because they trust Sean, everyone’s on … that is, except for one lady. But she goes up to her hotel room, has a bitch fit and cries. And then she comes down a half hour later, ready to go.

Van service is ordered and things get more wonky: the van’s driver is a paraplegic.

But no worries. The paraplegic has all the safety features and controls and he’s an awesome driver. It’s just that at the age of 17, a terrible car accident left him paralyzed. Anyway, with not a moment to waste, they all pile into the van.

But … there’s another little problem: there are more passengers than car seats. Which means brittle-bones Sean can’t sit in his child-sized car seat. He’ll just have to sit in someone’s lap, it’s decided.

One of Sean’s female clients happily volunteers. A former prostitute, meth-addict, and alcoholic, they met nine years ago. He helped transform her life, and ever since then she’s been telling the world that Sean had saved her life. (Of course she’d be the one to volunteer …)

After the seven hour road trip, the group arrives in Long Beach and visits with their friend. He’s astonished to see them, of course. They hug him, wish him well, and his heart gets filled. (And what better way to go into heart surgery than with a full heart?)

It’s time to return to Scottsdale. They pile into the van … with Sean sitting in the former prostitute / meth-addict / alcoholic’s lap again.

Partway back, Sean unbuckles himself and turns around to talk to the three people in the back, one of whom is a soft-spoken, quiet Asian lady from Canada. He wants to make sure she and the other two people in the back are okay. (After all, they flew in for Sean’s coaching, not a road trip to California.) And as he’s facing the back of the van, a terrible, terrible noise assaults his senses. Did they just hit a metal garbage can in the middle of the highway?

But it sure as heck wasn’t a garbage can. Swerving into their lane out of the blue came a tractor trailer. Everyone saw it except for Sean, who happened to be facing the back in that moment.

I don’t have the exact details on the collision, but the tractor trailer struck the van, lodged it underneath somehow and dragged it along. At the moment of impact one of the guys in the back flew forward and struck the window; the other passengers got jerked around. So they were being dragged by this tractor trailer and it took  f o r e v e r  for it to finally stop, explained Sean.

As you can imagine, Sean’s mind was spinning. Is this what his intuition guided him into? Him and his mastermind speaking group? What in the world?

But wait. They’re all alive, waiting for first response to arrive. And when the first police officer arriving at the scene recognizes Sean, things get really wonky.

“Hey, I know you!” the first response officer says. “You’re Sean Stephenson! Dude! I can’t believe it’s you! I’m a big fan of yours and I follow you on Facebook.” He goes on and on about being a fan of Sean’s…

But then later, after evaluating the situation, the police officer explains that if Sean were in his child seat, he would have broken his ribs … and things could have been much worse. (Now, that’s not to say car seats don’t save many lives. They do. It’s just that this situation was you might say unique.)

Plus, if Sean had been facing forward at the time of the collision, he would have seen what was coming and tensed up, which would have made him more prone to injury. Since he was facing backward and unaware of the impending crash, his body was totally relaxed.

And because the former prostitute / meth addict / alcoholic was facing forward and was aware of what was happening, she held onto Sean and absorbed all the energy of the impact, so that Sean was left with not even a bruise.

And … after all these years of telling the world that Sean had saved her life, she now knows that she had saved his.

So she has karmic closure.

And the paraplegic … well, he just happened to save all of their lives. He had experienced a terrible accident in his youth so he knew what to do. He did not panic, and he kept the van steady during the collision and dragging. Because of him, they got away with minor injuries.

Which means the paraplegic has karmic closure, too.

And the mastermind speakers who went along with Sean’s new plan? What about them? Well, Sean explained to them, “Hey guys, you all just doubled your speaking fees!”

Which means the day’s work got done after all …

So …

What does this story mean for you?

Does it give you a sense of wonder … and new hope for humanity?

Does it show you, without a doubt, there’s more to life than what we currently know or believe?

Does it show that following your inner guidance can bring resolution to your life? Can bring blessings and karmic closure?

And does that motivate you to connect within … learn to trust your intuition, and gain the courage it takes to follow it?

If you’ve ever read my articles or my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, you know I’ve had my share of crazy intuition stories.

You know I’ve been telling the world that connecting within and following our inner guidance (meaning, putting our higher self in the driver’s seat of our life) is THE KEY to transforming our lives.

(It’s obvious Sean’s higher self is in the driver’s seat of his life. And by the way, the same is true for Sir Richard Branson, I found out earlier this week. Richard Branson makes business deals without accountants or lawyers, but with his intuition.)

Well, I have some good news to share with you …

Not long ago, I found out that What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening was recognized by publisher North Atlantic Books as one of “four notable spiritual awakening memoirs.” (Along with Eat Pray Love and The Happiness Project—which both sold millions of copies.)

Which tells me my book should be selling in the seven figures, too …

(Yes, the great shift in consciousness—the former name of my blog—is starting to take place …)

So if you don’t have a copy, you’ll want to order one today. Just click on “Spiritual Awakening Memoir” in the menu above and scroll down till you get to the Amazon button. Click the Amazon button and you’ll be taken to my book’s page on Amazon.

Reading it helps connect you to your intuition and increases your confidence so you follow through! So you experience new insights, favorable synchronicities, and the blessings you deserve!

As always, please help spread this message by sharing it on social media … and feel free to comment with any of your insights below.

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In my blog posts I keep coming back to the importance of fulfilling one’s higher purpose (one’s soul mission and unique contribution) as a prerequisite for understanding the bigger picture of humanity’s journey on this planet. That’s because I keep coming across other blog posts and articles that imply that Disclosure and information about the extent of control the “powers that be” have had on this planet is the Bigger Picture. The belief is that recorded history and hidden documents and other hidden information accurately portray the Divine Plan / the Bigger Picture and spreading this knowledge is how we will finally transform our world. But this view is extremely short-sighted and couldn’t be further from the truth.

No amount of reading or absorbing of information, no matter how seemingly monumental or how revealing, will help you understand the bigger picture of your life (and consequently, the bigger picture of our collective journey here on this planet) if you personally do not apply what you’ve been reading and learning during this great shift in consciousness towards actually fulfilling your own higher purpose.

You do not fulfill your higher purpose or understand the bigger picture by having access to the vast assemblage of hidden or classified information about humanity’s history. You do not have to have special security clearance or spend years studying this information to know what the heck is going on. Viewing hours and hours of “re-education material” on the true history of the world on your television or computer screen will not finally help you understand the Divine Plan / Bigger Picture. Rather, you will discover what the heck is going on on a deeper, visceral, and experiential level when you’re well on your way to fulfilling your soul’s higher purpose.

So how do you discover your higher purpose? How do you learn what that is? I maintain that you do not know what your higher purpose is, and neither does anyone else know what your higher purpose is, no matter how psychic they are. Do you really think that you know what your higher purpose is?

Your ego mind (normal consciousness mind / socially conditioned mind / only-10%-of-the-brain accessing mind) does not know what your higher purpose is. How can it? Only your soul / higher self knows what your higher purpose is, and your conscious mind doesn’t have access to that, at least not all at once. Rather, the way it works is like this: you access your higher purpose one little teeny baby step at a time, by following through with your inner guidance and paying attention to what happens as a result. (Your higher self will not reveal your higher purpose if you’re not ready to follow through, if you haven’t cultivated a deeper relationship with the Divine such that you trust the guidance you’re receiving, which means following through with it promptly and consistently.) So what happens when you follow your guidance one time, what will you have then? You will have one little baby clue, one little insight.

When you have aligned your life with your deepest being and followed through with that guidance promptly and consistently for weeks and months on end, what happens is that the little clues, synchronicities and insights you have experienced begin to come together in such a way that you now have a better idea of what your higher purpose may be. You feel as though the puzzles pieces are coming together. You’re experiencing new insights almost daily. You have some amazing results and you feel “in tune” with your higher self. During this time, you also notice that some of your beliefs have changed and that your mind feels like it’s being “rewired.” In fact your mind has felt confused at times and sometimes you didn’t know how much more of this you could take but you chose to keep going anyway because it’s actually been exciting and you’ve been learning to trust your higher self and the Divine Plan. (And you’ve stopped looking to the night sky or other places for “proof” or motivation to go on.)

So how do I know this? It’s not because someone told me this or because it was channeled. It’s what I actually experienced when I made a commitment to reconnect to my higher self and follow through with my inner guidance and it’s what I came to understand over months and years of following my inner guidance. My book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, is an account of my experiences, many of which were recorded pretty much as they happened. In fact, I was asked by “higher beings” to keep track of things as they happened, so that my account of the reconnecting process would be more accurate than if I had written it months or years after the fact.

Understanding the bigger picture is not about adding more information to your repertoire; rather, when you are well on your way to fulfilling your higher purpose (which will be very exciting and rewarding for you and result in long-term happiness and satisfaction) you will finally understand the bigger picture on the deepest level. Then and only then will you be able to appreciate fully what the “powers that be” have done in service to you, to this planet, and indeed to the Universe. (And only then will the Golden Age come about.)

It’s not special information that has the power to transform our world. It’s you who have the power to transform your world, and this–when added to the millions of others who are also transforming their world–will result in the transformation of the world.

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I read a couple blog posts on intuition and hard work this last week and received some insight into the views of a successful, well-known writer in the mainstream field of copy-writing. This post attempts to bridge the gap between those whose views are more “mainstream” (hard work is more important, and there is no magic), with those who consider themselves “spiritual” (inner guidance is more important, and magic exists everywhere). Also, this blog post reveals the important distinctions so that people on both sides can implement changes that bring greater satisfaction and results. By reading and implementing the ideas in this post, you will gain access to the “magic” that’s available in the Universe when you combine intuition with hard work.

John Carlton’s recent blog post tells how he made changes and transformed his life from one of a slacker (where he “got away with laziness, unreliability, and a self-destructive refusal to change”) to one where he “cleaned up his messes, fixed what was broken in his personality, took responsibility, medicines for all pharmacy and became more conscious and more precise in how he looked at the world.” Today he is recognized as one of the best, most “real” copywriters in his field. John writes,

“The problem with most self-help crap out there is that folks honestly believe that voicing a philosophy will trigger real change. So they visualize their new selves, and chant magic resolutions, and try to hook into some imaginary lifeline dangling from the universe that will do the transformation FOR them.

Not gonna happen. In my career, I witnessed amazing coincidences and lucky twists of fate that — in my lazier days — I would have assigned to mysterious forces. Things DO start happening, once you get moving.

But it’s not magic — it’s the natural result of taking action, goosing your network for opportunities, and being hyper-aware of what you bring to the table and how you might use that to break down doors.”–John Carlton

This is intelligent, however John could benefit by developing a greater understanding of intuition and the magic that’s possible when you follow through with your intuition / inner guidance. It’s just that you DO have to learn to distinguish your true inner guidance from your mental conditionings and social programming. Too many people confuse their inner guidance with their “gut feelings,” or with conventional wisdom. Whose voice is in your head? Is it the still small voice of your intuition, or is it the parental voice, the voice of peers, the teacher, etc? Learning to distinguish which is which isn’t all that easy, but necessary.

I’ve struggled with my intuition for years–until I learned to connect with my higher self and to distinguish the voice of my higher self from all the other voices in my head. (Your “higher self” is your bridge to the divine.) Then little by little I learned to follow through with my inner guidance promptly and consistently, and I’ve had some crazy, amazing synchronicities (that I call “magic”) happen from time to time, including many helpful synchronicities on a regular basis.

I commented on John’s blog, and he responded:

“I, too, have benefited from amazing synchronicity and connections that sound like fiction but are true. (Like “Think And Grow Rich” actually falling out off a shelf into my lap at the exact right time in my life — I was sleeping on a friend’s couch, homeless and miserable.) I believe, and advise, that the universe rewards proactive behavior. My warning on intuition is that you need to ROAD TEST it before relying on it…

Thinking that there’s any “magic” to this synchronicity stuff rubs me wrong. It’s all about movement and being hyper-aware that opportunity is a fleeting whisper in the breeze, and if you miss it it’s gone forever. So you get attuned to how the world works, and you swim into the tides…Again, not magic. Not intuition. Just hard-core movement and staying attuned to the subtle whispers of opportunity.”–John Carlton

I agree with John that the Universe rewards proactive behavior, but what I want to emphasize here (and the main point of this blog post) is that the Universe rewards proactive behavior even more when it’s inspired by your intuition / inner guidance (as opposed to your “ego” wants, your fears of survival, your desires to be a “success” out in the world). The combination of working hard on what you’re inspired to work on (through your inner guidance) just can’t be beat.

When you learn to distinguish your inner guidance from the regular thoughts in your head and then develop enough confidence such that you follow through with it promptly and consistently, that’s when you tap into a kind of magic and flow and “universal cooperation” that isn’t available to you when you just depend on hard work and “pounding the pavement.”

The following is a real life example, taken from a previous blog post of mine. It illustrates the magic that’s available, as well as John’s point that most opportunities are fleeting.

“About three and a half years ago, I was hiking in the Los Gatos foothills when all of a sudden I received a hunch to call an acquaintance. I had promised to help with a project, and I wanted to communicate that I could be counted on.

I realized I didn’t have his number in my cell phone contact list, but as I was hiking up the hill, I remembered I had called him recently. So I looked through my call history for a (650) area code number and dialed the first (650) number I came across.

An unfamiliar man’s voice answered, “This is KZSU and you’re the winner. “Can you hold?”

“Yes, I can hold,” I said, blown away, realizing I had just “by accident” called the radio station where my friend hosted a weekly radio show, wondering if the current host was going to ask me questions I could not answer, or whether I was going to have to explain that I wasn’t listening to the show at the moment.

Well, it turns out that I won a pair of tickets to the Monterey Jazz Festival! And even though I had been very confident in my ability to discern and follow through with my inner guidance by then, this amazing result raised my confidence even more.

Notice that I didn’t hesitate to follow through with my intuition. Even though I knew I didn’t have my friend’s number in my contacts, that didn’t prevent me from figuring out another way to get the number. Notice also that there was a very small “window of opportunity” for getting this particular result. If you wait too long to follow through with your intuition, your window of opportunity will pass you by.”–end of excerpt

I have an even more amazing example I wrote a blog post on, something that happened to a friend of mine. The link to the post is below:

“Magic” Happens When A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance

Tell me please that there isn’t SOME magic happening here…

I have found that this kind of “magic” happens much more often when you actively get on the path of fulfilling your higher purpose, rather than just continuing the status quo, or going along with things in “survival mode.” I know this because I experienced many amazing and magical synchronicities when I actively took the steps to fulfill my higher purpose, which I have chronicled in my hardcover book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening.

I also feel that going along with the status quo will no longer work for people and it will become more and more obvious that it’s the road to destruction, both for the individual as well as for the planet.

Now that you know this, you have a chance to activate the magic that will help to transform this planet–but only when you combine hard work with your (true) inner guidance.

Thank you for reading and sharing this blog post!


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This week I am sharing a spiritual message from Brenda Hoffman about stepping into your role as a light-worker, as a creator of the new age of love and joy. How do you create the change you want to see in the world?

Dear Ones,

Some of you will claim … that your life, thoughts, sensations and emotions are no different from last year.

Perhaps you wish to be on the Lightworker stage but feel you are not worthy or that someone/something is stopping you. Neither belief is correct. You are a Lightworker. Granted, not everyone has or even wants the same skills in this new earth transition. But if you continue to deny the energies surrounding you –  and this week, almost pummeling you – then you are not ready to move forward. (By “energies surrounding you,” I usually take this to mean messages and feelings and hunches coming into your awareness.–Christine)

Even though you are fully capable of being on the Lightworker stage waiting for the spotlight to find you, some of you have decided the stage is too frightening and have moved behind the curtain. That is your choice – not a choice created by the Universes – but by you. For you are a Lightworker.

Lightworkers who need proof will probably never receive it. Self-worth is generated from within. We cannot give it to you, nor can anyone else.

We have stated on several occasions that you would be clearing your most difficult pieces before transitioning into the 4th and beyond dimensions. And so it is. Spiritually, physically and intellectually you may be excited to move to other dimensions – yet your fears limit your options.

You would not be interested in exploring new earth materials if you were not a Lightworker/Wayshower/Starseed or whatever you wish to label those of you introducing earth to an age of joy and love.

It is your need to feel worth-less or unworthy that is forcing you from the stage of Lightworker fame.

Many of you state that you do not feel anything or that your life is just the same. Does that not sound like a child during summer vacation whining that life is boring? And as a parent do you not laugh at such statements and suggest several activities your child might enjoy? You are now the adult.

Then there are those of you who claim that you are just not clear enough, strong enough or good enough to be a spiritual leader. That somehow everyone “out there” is bigger, better and stronger. Shades of Old Age comparisons that hold no validity in this New Age.

You are not like anyone else – other than you are transitioning into love and joy. Your path is unique. To compare yourself to another Lightworker and their skills or sensations is like comparing apples to oranges. You are different for a reason. If all Lightworkers were the same, how could this transition expand beyond a small group of like-minded, like-acting, like-skilled individuals?

There is no time for modesty, fear of your power or an unwillingness to be a Lightworker –  if that is what your heart draws you to. In past lives, you could shirk the game plan created by you before you entered earth knowing that you could fulfill that obligation to yourself at a later time.

Such is not the case in this transition. Each of you is an important thread in this transition tapestry.

You may feel as if you have nothing to contribute. Quite frankly, if you allow that belief to penetrate your being – you do not. And if that is what you wish to continue to believe, it is indeed time for you to move behind the curtain and allow someone who believes in themselves to move center stage.

No one is going to cajole you into your role. No one is going to babysit you as you moan and groan about how you wish to participate, but you cannot because of this or that. No one has time to hold your hand as you whimper about how unqualified you are.

This is the time to accept your full power. That does not necessarily mean you will be a media star. Merely that you claim your power in whatever form gives you joy. And the first step in claiming your power is believing with every fiber of your being that you are a Lightworker. That is the energy we are sending this week. (By “energy,” they mean message, idea, truth, consciousness.–Christine)

For some that means a physical manifestation of something you have longed for. For others it is the knowingness deep within your being that you are a Lightworker with a role to play in this wondrous transition – a role you created before your entrance on earth.

Perhaps you are of the group who brought the New Age to earth. You have since shifted roles into beaming the joy of this transition to others. Meaning that not only must you accept that you are a Lightworker, you must display that you are in whatever way your inner-being dictates – whatever gives you joy, from growing vegetables to becoming a media star.

You are who you are – as you created yourself before entering earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you are shy. That is entirely acceptable and exactly what you wish to be. But in your shyness you still will radiate the light of a Lightworker – if you accept your worthiness. This is not the Age to hide under a basket in fear or pain. But instead to shine your light in whatever fashion feels most joyful. You never have to be center stage – but you do need to accept that you have a place on stage before you can be a true Lightworker.

You do not need to channel, heal the sick, write books, make presentations, change the world, transport yourself to other parts of the Universes or create a new tool to be a Lightworker. You merely need to accept that you are a Lightworker and that you will move into your role – whatever that role is – when it is your time to do so.

Stop whining. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop making excuses for why you cannot be a Lightworker. Stop throwing up your hands in disgust because all of this is a hoax – and move to your place on stage. Your co-Lightworkers are moving toward their joy and have no need to care take you. Any more than you have a need to care take others.

You are a Lightworker of the greatest magnitude merely waiting for your role to begin. So be it. Amen.”–Channeled by Brenda Hoffman, January 16, 2013

I really resonate with what Brenda has channeled. I do feel I am in a different place, a better place, than last year (and I literally, physically am in a different place). Besides continuing my work with this blog and expanding my readership, I have also been led (by what’s been happening in my life and from inner guidance) to create a new project, to help young people in a particular way, and I’ll be sharing my new project with you in several weeks time, after it is created. (Sharing this with you will push me to create it sooner, rather than later…)

If you feel that not much has changed in your life, unless you take the necessary steps, unless you step into your higher purpose fully, your world will remain much the same, today will be very much like yesterday, and tomorrow will be very much like today. And unless sufficient numbers of us make significant changes in our lives, the world will pretty much look the same.

You probably already know what you need to do; you’ve been wanting to make a difference in certain areas of your life for some time now. It’s just that something has prevented you from taking the necessary steps. Well, the timing is right to begin now!

I know it can be very scary. I’ve been there and I wrote about the changes I made, and what helped me make them, in my memoir on reconnecting titled, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. (These experiences are what my how-to eBook is based on.)

There is so much more support now available to help you take those necessary steps. Furthermore, a lot of the hyped-up, false, distracting information put out by those seeking to dis-empower you and keep you wanting and waiting for some savior(s) to do it for you has been exposed. As I’ve written in last week’s blog post (about 2013 being the year of great potential), if you seek the light (by “light” I mean your higher self, your connection with Source) and muster up the courage to align your life with that light, you will be supported by the Universe, you will receive guidance when you need it, you will get clearer, and it will get easier for you. And over time you will be able to fulfill your potential (meaning, you will be able to fulfill your unique role, the role your higher self signed up for before you incarnated in this lifetime). I hold you in my heart and wish you many blessings on your path!


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In a recent blog post, I have written about the importance of increasing the ratio of time that you live from Creation (higher consciousness, Source), rather than from survival or struggle. I understand that to mean connecting with Source (which you access through connecting with your higher self) and responding to and following through with higher guidance / inner guidance / inner excitation–rather than continuing on the well-beaten path that is the normal human struggle mode…meaning, being worried and stressed, trying to force things to happen, living from your mental conditionings, fears and societal pressure, coming from doubt and pounding the pavement to try to create the results you need in order to feel somewhat comfortable in the world. (Don’t we all know this path well…)

A few days ago, I listened to a Ron Van Dyke video where he also mentioned how important it is, particularly now, to listen to one’s higher self, rather than to just go along with “group think / group pressure / societal pressure / ego-based pressure,” he said. I would add mass conditionings, mental conditionings, limited thinking, societal and institutional programming, societal expectations, lower mind, surface-level perception, “3-D” thinking, the Illusion, mainstream consciousness, ordinary consciousness, what the establishment / institutions have taught us, lower-level understanding, etc. (I’m sure there’s still other ways to describe this.)

In numerous articles, particularly back in my days before I started this blog, I had emphasized the importance of learning to distinguish your inner guidance / higher guidance from your mental conditionings and societal pressures. I had avoided using the word “ego” because I felt that word was often used in a confusing way–and I didn’t want to confuse my readers any further. In this post, I’d like to take a closer look at the word “ego.” I hope to clear up some dis-empowering ideas around it, and I also encourage a discussion with my readers.

But first, into which category would you place the word “ego”: Higher self, or mass consciousness?

I see the ego a bit differently than most. The way I see ego is that it is neutral, sort of how a chair would be neutral, neither positive nor negative necessarily. For me, the ego is a vehicle that records your experience of life. Without an ego, you would not have an awareness of physical life on Earth.

The way I see it, the ego (conscious mind, conscious awareness, you) now has a choice–and a chance. You can either choose higher consciousness, you can choose to be your authentic self (that you can access through meditation, through connecting with your higher self, the divine aspect of you that’s connected with Source), or you can simply go along with what you have been programmed (by various institutions, vested interests, as well as your peers) to believe.

Your ego has a choice: connect with your authentic self and access higher consciousness, or continue on with the pretense, peer pressure and doubt. Which do you choose?

Isn’t it interesting, though, that when you follow your own inner guidance (as opposed to going along with your peers, with the crowd, with what was conditioned into you), to some people it might look like you’re full of “ego”? Why is this so?

I am bringing this topic up because I’m clear that I’m here to help people who read my writings to live from that higher space all of the time, to not get veered off the track because of confusion, particularly confusion around the word “ego.” Because when you’re not living from Creation, you’re living from doubt–and you and others around you are suffering.

By the way, I’d like to remind readers that in reality, it’s the higher self that chose to live through certain challenging experiences, for the lessons that were available in them. It’s the higher self that created / engineered the Fall in Consciousness, for some highly noble reasons–for the spiritual growth and evolution that was possible, including the immense amount of satisfaction and appreciation to be experienced as one now digs oneself out from under one’s self-imposed limitations.

The following is an excerpt written by Geoffrey Hoppe, who talks about living from creation rather than living from survival (living from higher consciousness, rather than from the programming and lies):

“Enlightenment comes in degrees. We are now living in both worlds, some days a little more in our sovereign consciousness, some days more in the old mass consciousness. It’s no wonder that we get confused, disoriented and exhausted! …

If you’re wondering what’s going on and why you’re feeling the way you do, there’s a good chance that you’re in between the two worlds. Take a good deep breath and give thanks to your Living Ascension.”

It is time to take the plunge and to live from Creation more and more until you’re living from that sacred space all of the time. It’s time to have your ego stay in that higher consciousness, in your authentic self, and it’s time to be more consistent. How do we be more consistent?–this is one of the topics this blog will focus on from here on out. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

To connect with and strengthen your relationship with your higher self, please check out the resources on my Connecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will be created by individuals such as yourself living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently. (And just a couple of days ago, astrologer Carl Boudreau emphasized the immense importance of individual effort and responsibility in his special “Astrology of December 2012, Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar” analysis–which I thought was quite affirming.) It’s not hard to see that we are now at the tipping point which is the Great Shift in consciousness; the beginning of living from Creation, rather than from survival and struggle.

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This week’s topic is food and what good nutrition has to do with fulfilling your higher purpose. It is inspired by a reader who commented on last week’s blog post (on the topic of living from creation rather than from survival). Christopher shared that for him, good nutrition is a must for living from creation rather than survival. (What a great topic for this week of Thanksgiving!) Christopher writes,

“Hi Christine, I am having to resort to diet changes to get more connected to higher self/ earth/ love. Certain foods greatly aid my success. When I eat less food and eat slowly and mindfully and eat cruciferous veggies, raw chocolate (with stevia for sweetener), green tea, then I do much better.

If I eat sugar, refined carbs, meat, or if I eat too much (more than 80% full) this hinders my ability to connect with Spirit. In fact last night I did not eat anything after 3 pm and just had a green drink for dinner.

This is a sacrifice but for me well worth it.”

I have to agree with what Christopher writes. He has discovered the habits and foods that can drag him down, and he avoids them as a result. (It’s about practicing Self Love.)

In general, it is harder to connect with the energy of creation, fulfill your higher purpose, and keep consistently “on track” and enjoy life to the fullest when you have extra pounds to carry, when you have poor energy, or when you experience pain or other unpleasant symptoms in your body. (Sometimes, we experience these things so that we can learn specific lessons and then teach what we’ve learned so that it will become easier for others to take care of themselves better.)

I have found that for myself, it is easier to connect within and follow through with my inner guidance when my health is good. This often requires that I be very conscious of what I put into my mouth. For me, this means avoiding processed foods of all kinds, wheat, dairy, eggs, sugar, soy, processed vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and genetically modified foods.

The most common genetically modified foods are soy, canola oil, corn and, I recently heard, sugar from sugar beets. Avoiding genetically modified foods is critical as tests have shown that they damage the organs in the body (particularly the liver and kidney, the organs that detox your body). Artificial sweeteners are known to damage nerve endings in the brain. When the synapses in the brain become impaired, this will, no doubt, affect your ability to connect with higher consciousness. As a general rule of thumb, any “food” that is not found in nature is considered a toxin by your body.

I have been changing my diet over the last couple of years and have conducted some food experiments on myself. Although I have never been one to eat lots of junk food (I grew up on homemade food and I love to cook), I have found that by eliminating certain foods I was “sensitive” to, I lost some bloat and felt a lot better.

I have also noticed that when I get off of my healthy regimen for a few days or a week or longer (during the holidays, or because of some other excuse), not only do I regain the few pounds of bloat, I also experience fatigue, weird muscle soreness in my body and even small fever blisters on my lips.

That’s right. Ever since I was a kid I have been susceptible to fever blisters (sometimes called cold sores) after a bad cold or flu. But the slight fever / flush I feel in my face after “testing” myself by reintroducing gluten and dairy into my diet for a few days has resulted in tiny, “low grade” cold sores showing up on my lips a few days later. This happened four times already in the last year or so, after I went off of my “clean” diet. (The barely noticeable flush I feel in my face seems to be my body signaling an inflammatory response.)

I have found that how I feel in my body does affect all other areas of my life. I know that I’m not as “on target” when I’m feeling bad as when I’m feeling good. I tend to put things off when I’m feeling bad, and I’m not living in the moment as much. So how can you live in creation when when you’re struggling in the area of health, when you put life off because of your health, when you’re not living in the moment?

Wherever you are in your diet and health regimen, I recommend smaller amounts of nourishing, whole foods that are chewed well—organic, free range, grass fed, and raw when possible. Smaller amounts of nourishing foods will satisfy you more and make sure your body has the energy it needs for productive, satisfying activities such as fulfilling your potential, your higher purpose. (Overeating on the other hand results in much of the body’s energy being used in digestion and the processing and storing of toxins.)

According to nutritionist and fitness expert JJ Virgin, more than half of all Americans are sensitive to foods such as wheat, dairy, eggs and sugar.  To learn more about good nutrition (and the easy way to reduce food cravings), I wholeheartedly recommend JJ Virgin (she has a new book coming out next month titled, The Virgin Diet) as well as Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch. Matt Monarch has a great list of the foods that are okay to eat on his “Whole Foods List,” available on his website. Since Matt’s list is not easy to find, I am including a link to it here:

Matt Monarch’s Whole Foods List

I wish You and Yours a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving, and please remember to chew each morsel of good food well!

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I received an email comment regarding my last post on How to Be Happy that I’d like to discuss with my readers. The person who wrote the comment recommended a system / tool for transformation and raising consciousness about your higher purpose called “Human Design,” with which I haven’t had any experience. The following is her comment:

“I was reading your recent post (have been subscribed for a while) and have the urge to point you to the Human Design System at If you are truly interested in getting away from generalizing ‘wisdom’ and deconditioning it is a most valuable thing to investigate. I have listened to teachers of all sorts (not the ‘Secret’) for years until I found out about my design and how to arrive at passenger consciousness. We each have a unique inner authority and to align with it takes study, understanding and practice.

Otherwise you are contributing to the generalized teachings – albeit in what you perceive as your very own realizations and add to the confusion…”

Firstly, I’d like to respond that some advice is meant to be general and really does pertain to all of us (for example, learn to love unconditionally, learn to connect with and integrate with your higher self) and some advice just doesn’t pertain to everyone (for example, get yourself fit by preparing for a marathon).

The following advice (that I have been saying for years now) is general and pertains to all of us reading this post: Connect with your higher self and follow through with your own inner guidance so that you fulfill your higher purpose, your contribution to the Golden Age that we’re now creating.

What makes a path unique / individualized to you though is that each and every one of you will receive unique and individual inner guidance from your own higher self (your “soul blueprint”) that will help you fulfill your unique contribution.

In my eBook, the steps I share are for the general audience and helpful to anyone seeking to connect and integrate with their higher self, but the examples I have given of the inner guidance received and the results achieved pertain to myself and to people I know who have shared their success stories with me. (And by sharing those examples, readers do get a good sense of how things work and why, so that they can do it for themselves, and also, they get a sense of the kinds of results they can expect in their life.) Of course you won’t achieve exactly the same results; rather, the results you achieve will be unique and meaningful to you.

Secondly, I perused the jovianarchive website and found that the Human Design system uses astrology as well as other methodologies to help people gain insight into their soul blueprint or “design.”

Using a tool or a system such as Human Design can help inform, teach and give people insight into their life (of course, getting extra insight from another person or source can be very helpful). However, I strongly caution that no system is perfect and it makes sense to always check the information you receive from a transformation tool or another person against your own intuition / inner guidance. Regardless of whether you use astrology, Human Design, pendulums, psychics, channeled messages or any other tool or guidance system, it is always wise to develop your own inner guidance system and when any discrepancies do occur, I would always go with my own inner guidance rather than with what Human Design (or any other system) prescribes. (This is where I suspect the source of confusion that the commenter mentions comes in.)

Remember, the ultimate tool for transformation and raising your consciousness is to connect with your higher self and gain more and more confidence in this connection until you get to a point that I call the “critical mass”–where you give your higher self and inner guidance at least as much credence and attention as anyone or anything outside of yourself, including any kind of tool for transformation … because this is when personal transformation and the magic of Interconnectedness really begins in your life.

To learn more about connecting and integrating with your higher self, please click on the link below:

How to Connect and Integrate with Your Higher Self


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There are many good reasons to connect with your higher self. The top nine reasons (in no particular order of importance) are described in this blog post.

1. Your higher self (also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, your bridge to the Divine) is your access point to your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of awakening and transformation. The way you access your higher purpose is by developing a deeper and clearer relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you.

2. Your higher self is the “place” from where you access (and activate) your intuition.

Nothing activates your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your intuition and inner knowing are important elements that help guide you on your daily path so that there’s a sense of greater cooperation in the Universe.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a real relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your consciousness? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. Your higher self is your access point to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You probably have had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom by reconnecting within and paying attention to that part of you.

4. Your higher self is the place from where you clear your karma and make sense of your life and your “Soul Contracts” with others.

By understanding your life and your soul agreements from the perspective of the higher self, you will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it had helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. Your higher self is the place from where you restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you integrate with your higher self, you will notice that the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battle going on in your mind will settle down.

6. Your higher self is your access point to your potential, your gifts and unique contribution that will be key to creating your own “Golden Age.”

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential (your unique gifts and abilities).  Reconnecting within and following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently is the best way to create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. Integrating with your higher self is how you will help create the Golden Age for all beings on the Earth.

Your Higher Self is connected to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan, you will help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

8. Your higher self is your bridge to Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you follow through with your higher self’s guidance, you will benefit in the form of more flow in your life, favorable and sometimes amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness and following through. And when you benefit in some way, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is also connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

9. Your higher self is how you activate your Ascension.

There are many misconceptions about the ascension process. Ascension refers to the expansion of your consciousness (the raising of your consciousness, the Great Shift in your consciousness) that occurs when you begin to see the world as if you had the perspective of God. (After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.) When you begin to see the world from such a high perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until this point.

These are the top 9 reasons why it is worth your while to connect and integrate with your higher self.

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