Category: <span>Higher Purpose</span>

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It’s been a while since my last post and a good place to restart my blog is by examining how far we’ve come since a few short years ago, and indeed even how far we’ve come since the December 21, 2012 Solstice just six months ago. (I’ve been busy with one daughter graduating from high school, another daughter flying to Germany for a few weeks, as well as getting some necessary home repairs done, amongst other things.) The Great Shift in Consciousness is indeed upon us. The following are just a few top ideas that show our progress regarding our understanding of the Great Shift.

1. Your transformation is not going to be automatic, but requires your individual, active and diligent participation.

I remember emailing a draft of my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to an acquaintance who was a life coach and active in the spiritual community and receiving not the best feedback from her. In fact I sensed she was somewhat upset with what I claimed in my manuscript. She had taken issue with my assertion that the Great Shift that we’ve been all waiting for would not be automatic but would require our individual work and effort. Real work and real effort, I emphasized. “But what about the photons that are bombarding us from Galactic Center that will transform our DNA?” she insisted.

Well, of course there was greater Light (consciousness, insight, etc.) coming from “the heavens” that would transform our inner essence but we had to tap into that consciousness through meditation and then to act on (to test) that consciousness by seeing what happened (the results) after that consciousness was actually applied. Real learning and real understanding is realized only after we apply our knowledge (i.e. test the theories).

I would propose that today, few people believe that the process of individual or societal transformation is automatic but that it requires diligent and right effort on the part of individuals (some of which turns into “grass-root” efforts). Furthermore, no one will be able to gloss over fulfilling their own individual contribution toward this Great Shift. (This was not a popular position to hold a few years ago, but it’s increasingly accepted these days…)

2. The Galactic Federation is not coming to save us. No one is coming to save us. We will save ourselves by following through with our inner guidance as opposed to just going along with the crowd, the status quo.

I don’t think very many people believe anymore that our space brothers and sisters will come to our rescue. In fact, I would think that people are more open to the idea that we are doing a huge service for our space brothers and sisters, by attempting to work out the most difficult problems of the Universe through our work here on this planet.

Well, I do hear some people still believe that of course they won’t do it FOR US, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t work TOGETHER with us. But they’re just fooling themselves, because our guides are ALREADY working together with us (and have been for ages), by already guiding us. We just need to listen and follow through with the guidance, and to see what happens as a result of our efforts.

I remember receiving emails from more than a few disappointed souls, who actually believed that some savior or saviors (in the form of a Messiah, or the Galactic Federation) would come to this planet to finally make things right here. (When in reality, what will make things right is you as an individual listening within and following through with your inner guidance.) Yes, we’ve certainly come a long ways with regard to these beliefs.

So when do I think they will finally come? My understanding (which came to me after some eye-opening personal experiences that I share in my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening) is that they will come when we no longer need them to. Which means there’s no good reason to wait for anything or anyone anymore. It’s high time to connect to your inner being, your higher self, and to follow through with your inner guidance.

3. We are making real progress; the tides are shifting. The “north pole” of the planet is shifting toward greater awareness and consciousness (greater “Light”) and we have passed the “tipping point” of December 21, 2012. “All” we have to do now is to act on our inner guidance and we will succeed.

I have communicated in the past that the Great Shift will happen (relatively) very fast for us because there’s so much useful information and tips available to us at the press of a button, i.e. via an internet connection from one of the many internet providers out there (which was not true in the past).

For example, in May of this year Portland, Oregon voters rejected fluoridating their water, despite a 3-to-1 advantage in money spent by the pro-fluoride groups.This was the fourth time Portland residents were asked to vote on this issue since the 1950s.

Individual and grass-roots efforts will win because when properly informed and aware, the vast majority of the public will do the right thing. Awareness is also spreading, even in the mainstream news, about the truth of GMO foods and the problems associated with the consumption of our highly-hybridized wheat. CBS recently aired an interview with Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist who called modern wheat a “perfect, chronic poison.” (And of course I’m much more apt to see things this way after what I personally experienced experimenting with avoiding wheat for a couple of years now….)

So, where are you being led? What issues are you being guided to work on? I can assure you this: The faster you connect with that inner guidance and muster up the courage to follow through, the faster your world will transform and the faster the outer world will transform. Things are going in the right direction, but the actual speed of change, how fast your life transforms for the positive, is totally up to you. I don’t know about you, but to me this is most obvious.

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Last November I had a personal message and guidance channeled for me from the Counsel of Light (through Flo Aeveia Magdalena, who channels them). You might recall that I wrote an article on this guidance, on living from creation rather than survival, soon afterwards. Besides the advice to work on increasing the percentage of time I’m operating in “creation mode” from about 60% of the time to 70%, then 80%, then 90%, and so on, they asked me to begin two new blogs.

One of the blogs is to be for people who already know who they are and are ready to fulfill their higher purpose. The Counsel of Light said, “So the creative blog is for people who know who they are, and who want to bring that into the world.” The other blog is for “people who are finding themselves, who know nothing about their energy system. They don’t know about how their energy impacts the world around them. They don’t know what happens when they dry up, when they don’t know what to do, buy nolvadex online, when they’re at a loss for the next steps. They don’t know what direction to take, perhaps they’re indecisive. They’re not sure why they’re here in the first place. They’ve had a lot of things happen to them and they’re searching for their self; that self-searching is about finding one’s place,” the Counsel of Light advised me through channel Flo Aeveia Magdalena.

A Friend Inspires Me Early One Morning

Well, for a couple of months I wasn’t quite sure what the Counsel of Light wanted me to do. Nothing came to me. I felt uninspired. Then sometime early this year a friend of mine texted me, saying that she had just had another tiff with her teenage daughter and that we should write a book together on teenage girls, on the good and the bad of raising teenage girls. (She has heard many a story about my adventures in raising my two teenage daughters…)

It was around 6 a.m. and I was still half asleep when I texted her back, “Okay, let’s do it!” But then later when I had a chance to think about it, I realized I didn’t want to write any books at all right now. (No way! I really don’t want to.)  Rather, I wanted to support my friend in writing that book and I thought I could start a blog for parents of teenage girls (one that would, at the same time, help my friend sell her book when it was done). Then as I thought about these things a bit more, I realized I didn’t want to do a blog at all (I already have this blog), but to have an online magazine. An online magazine would be the next best step for me.

So I am developing a magazine for parents of teenage girls, where at least half the content would be written by experts. A magazine that would teach parents skills so they could raise girls to be independent thinkers and leaders rather than followers, girls who will “come from their heart” and be conscious of the bigger picture of humanity’s journey.

So, that’s how my ideas have evolved from the guidance I’ve been given from the Counsel of Light last November. That blog that the Counsel of Light suggested I begin, the one for people “who are trying to find themselves, who are searching for who they are,” will be an online magazine for parents of teenage girls. I will take a niche that’s considered “mainstream” and bring more awareness and spiritual principles into it. It’s one way how I will integrate the spiritual with the mundane, and it’s how I will help spread more wisdom and depth of being into the mainstream. (That many spiritual messages lately have been urging light-workers to integrate their higher self into their daily lives, to integrate spirituality into the mainstream is not lost on me…)

Higher Guidance Is Never Set In Stone

When you receive guidance from higher beings, in the form of channeled messages or nudges from your spirit guides, the guidance is not usually exact and it’s never set in stone, I have discovered. Things are flexible and there’s always room for your creativity and growth.

So what have you been up to lately that brings spirituality into the mainstream? What projects are you working on that inspire you?  It would be wonderful if you could share your insights and experiences with others in the comment section below. I know that many people have been disappointed that not very much has changed in the world since December 21, 2013, and sharing your ideas with others will help them see that things are in the process of transforming on this planet.

Are You An Expert On Raising Teenage Girls?

I would also love to hear from you if you or someone you know is an expert on raising teenage girls. I’m looking for expert contributors to my upcoming magazine (launching, hopefully, at the end of this month or the beginning of next month). Please send me a personal email if you’d like to contribute an article or if you would like to be a regular contributor (one article about once a month).

The Dalai Lama has said that, “The world will be saved by the Western Woman,” so I’m not waiting around for others to make it happen, I’m proactively playing a part in that future.

By the way, once I have the magazine started I will work on blogging more regularly (weekly) on this blog. Thank you for reading my articles, and for your support!


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The last several years there was a belief going around in the new age community that extraterrestrials are going to help humanity create a new age of peace, love and justice on this planet. This idea has now shifted and what’s going around presently is that most of the work of planetary transformation will be done by those individuals who happen to have a strong extraterrestrial connection–which is yet another distraction to fulfilling our higher purpose of creating a new world.

Everyone has a unique higher purpose

Everyone on this planet has a unique contribution that they are being led from within to fulfill. Some roles may be larger, others smaller, but there are no exceptions. You have a unique contribution, a higher purpose that only you can fulfill. Furthermore, everyone’s soul has had extraterrestrial experiences, meaning experiences outside of this planet. You do not get to discount the importance of your contribution just because you don’t consciously remember those experiences. (And by the way, no one does.) Basing your commitment to fulfilling your higher purpose on feelings of connection with extraterrestrials is short-sighted.

Extraterrestrials among us

I have received channeled messages from the Counsel of Light where I was told that I hadn’t lived many lifetimes on this planet; I was told that in fact I’ve had very few lifetimes here. The Counsel of Light also said that my soul origin was not from this galaxy. (Supposedly, most of the souls incarnated on this planet are from this Milky Way galaxy.) Another reader of my Akashic Records (the soul’s records) suggested that I am Arcturian, that my soul is known “throughout the galaxies,” and that I was commissioned to be here right now at this important time. But what was I supposed to DO with this information, other than relegating it into the category of interesting trivia that I stored on the back-burner of my mind?

I don’t see myself as anyone special; in school I happened to score high in left-brain topics such as logic but I was not born with any special psychic abilities and I’ve had to learn how to trust my inner guidance just the same as anyone else. In fact over a decade ago when I had learned of these extraterrestrial things and when it was time for me to begin my mission in earnest, I experienced a lot of chaos in my life, confusion and fear. If the Divine really wanted me to make changes in my life and take action towards this “mission,” I needed signs from heaven, I demanded. Like a child, I pleaded and I demanded signs from the Universe that couldn’t be misinterpreted. So how is this different than the difficult positions many individuals find themselves in today?

However, I did not dwell on my supposed extraterrestrial nature, I focused on connecting with the Universe by connecting with my higher self, by focusing within. Actually, what I really did was focus on my higher purpose by asking for guidance on what my next steps were, and then making sure to follow through with those steps as best as I could. (I wrote about what I did in detail in my memoir on reconnecting.)

The extraterrestrials (“angels”) help us through our higher guidance. They help guide us. They can’t inject courage into you, but if you take one baby step at a time following your inner guidance you will experience amazing synchronicities and create results and this will help grow your confidence and courage.

And here is a big tip: by taking steps to resolve the big issues that are slamming you right now you will learn and grow and then be able to share what you learned with others. When you experience amazing, fulfilling results because of following through with your inner guidance, you will learn to trust yourself. Your issues could be most anything: your health, your relationships with family members, your financial situation, your involvement at work or in the community, and so on.

How are you to discover who you really are and what you’re capable of in the face of challenge and adversity if some savior on a white horse saves the day? How can we even have a Golden Age if the majority of people don’t yet know who they are, who see themselves as victims? We may want things to change on their own without our contribution but that’s not the Plan and it’s not going to happen that way.

The question of free will

We have heard that our ET friends cannot violate our free will, while the free will of the few who are perpetrating outrageous crimes against the many prevails. But it’s not so much about ETs “violating our free will” as it is about them keeping to the Divine Plan (the Divine Plan that all of our higher selves signed onto; meaning your higher self’s free will–as opposed to what our short-sighted human “egos” want at this moment). If they interfere by doing the work that we signed onto FOR US, they will cheat billions out of incredible, empowering, and amazing experiences that are right around the corner for those who follow through with their inner guidance (experiences that our human “egos” will also love and appreciate). This by the way is the remedy that is guaranteed to those who have played the role of victims. Our ET friends will not interfere, definitely not now when humanity has come so far and we’re so close. It is our soul’s free will to empower ourselves. They will not violate that promise to us.

Each of us here on this planet has a role in creating a new world of peace, love and justice (including loving ourselves; truly loving ourselves is how we begin). You learn what that role is by asking for guidance from your higher self and then following through promptly and consistently on that guidance. Focusing on discovering the degree of your “extraterrestrial connection” is just another distraction to fulfilling that higher purpose.

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A couple of my readers contacted me about the OPPT, the One People’s Public Trust that seems to be getting some attention in the alternative press recently, brought forward by OPPT author-lawyer Heather Tucci-Jarraf and a couple of other founders. The OPPT is basically a lawful declaration of freedom and independence for every individual on the planet and a “foreclosure” on the world’s corporations, legal entities that in some cases seem to have enjoyed more rights than human individuals. (As a side note, grass roots organizations and environmental groups have been educating the public for decades about the crimes against the environment and humanity that corporations were legally getting away with.)

I have paid little attention to the OPPT thus far. However, from the little I have heard I can understand the part of the OPPT that declares that each and every individual on this planet is free, because in fact every individual’s higher self / soul is sovereign and free. But I do not at this point resonate with the part of the trust that suggests that large monetary payouts will be made to each individual on the planet.

Ron Van Dyke has been paying attention to what’s been happening with the OPPT, and I have relied on his short videos to summarize for me what’s been going on, while I tidied my kitchen in the morning. Yesterday morning, he stated that the OPPT is not clear on how the funds will be accessed in the physical world.

Well I am not surprised, and would like to offer my perspective on the funding. It’s not because I think there won’t be any willing benefactors to help fund the OPPT, but rather, I don’t think that’s how it’s going to work. Where would be the growth for the masses of humanity? How would you for example discover who you were and what you were capable of in the face of hardship and difficulty if your financial problems, or any other problems, were simply solved for you? This planet is a planet of intense learning, particularly right now when so much empowering information and so many resources are available to the public at the press of a computer button.

So how do I think the positive changes will occur on this planet? How do I think individuals that are on the path of their higher purpose will get funded? How will you get funded for your service towards humanity and the planet? It’s simple: by offering a product or a service that the public wants and / or has a need for and being recompensed for that product or service. Also, by each individual voting with their dollar for what they want to fund, for what they want to see more of in the world.

By the way, your CVAC  (“Creator’s Value Asset Center”), a term used in the OPPT, is you and your higher self. When you take the input of your higher self (your intuition, your higher guidance), the input of your surroundings, “marry” them together within you and then work on what you’re inspired from within to work on, this is your higher purpose.

An Example of How Positive Change Will Occur

Let me illustrate with an example of a huge vested interest that I feel operates without the people’s best interest at heart: the pharmaceutical industry (with annual sales at least in the hundreds of billions of dollars). How will this industry be transformed?

I don’t think the industry will voluntarily change its practices or transform itself, at least not in the beginning. Rather, the way I see change occurring on this planet is that individuals will connect in with their inner guidance as well as better educate themselves such that they make changes in their habits, lifestyle and nutrition. In other words they will vote with their dollars, they will empower themselves by taking greater responsibility towards their health and well being.

In this regard I consider myself a good example. I avoid xanax pharmaceuticals of all types and frequent the farmers markets for fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and other items. I have taken charge of my health; I have read the alternative literature and listened to my body and my intuition.

Regarding my intuition, for example, whenever I would hear about someone’s cancer story, I would always wonder if the person with the cancer would have been better off if they hadn’t known, rather than going through all the trauma (and the expense of) treatment. It seemed, at least to me, that bankruptcy and / or death so often quickly followed diagnosis. Well, just last week I listened to a video lecture of Dr. Randy Tent. Dr. Tent in his lecture titled, Surprising Review of the Literature spoke of a Swedish breast cancer study published in the November 12, 2011 issue of the prestigious journal The Lancet that concluded that most breast tumors will spontaneously regress.

I posted this finding on my facebook wall and received some thoughtful comments. One reader commented that he had worked with AIDS patients, and that he had noticed how quickly their health went downhill–once they were diagnosed (read: treated).

There’s a lot to learn about illness and health and you can’t go wrong by listening to Dr. Tent’s lectures and subscribing to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s health newsletter, for example. After listening to a few of Dr. Tent’s lectures you will begin to notice a pattern (and you’ll learn how Dr. Tent fired his pediatrician when he was 15). Once you notice a pattern you will be able to make wiser healthcare choices–and help fund (“give energy to”) the CVACs that supply the goods and services and projects that create positive change in the world. We change the world by changing ourselves first.

By the way, it has been the pharmaceutical industry’s job to be part of the “dark,” to be an “obstacle.” But not because being an obstacle is their ultimate purpose, but because experiencing a variety of challenges and hardships is the fastest way to humanity’s learning and spiritual growth. Ultimately, it’s for the greater good of the Universe. (That’s why other civilizations are “watching” to see what will happen here.) I have discovered that when you get past the obstacles, you will realize that they were actually necessary for learning something valuable: to see something in a new light, to provide something that wasn’t possible before, to increase the scope and power of what you’re working on, and so on. In fact, obstacles are really stepping stones to humanity’s greatness, a greatness that will be shared with the rest of the Universe once we’ve achieved it. And achieving it is definitely part of the Divine Plan.


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I read a couple blog posts on intuition and hard work this last week and received some insight into the views of a successful, well-known writer in the mainstream field of copy-writing. This post attempts to bridge the gap between those whose views are more “mainstream” (hard work is more important, and there is no magic), with those who consider themselves “spiritual” (inner guidance is more important, and magic exists everywhere). Also, this blog post reveals the important distinctions so that people on both sides can implement changes that bring greater satisfaction and results. By reading and implementing the ideas in this post, you will gain access to the “magic” that’s available in the Universe when you combine intuition with hard work.

John Carlton’s recent blog post tells how he made changes and transformed his life from one of a slacker (where he “got away with laziness, unreliability, and a self-destructive refusal to change”) to one where he “cleaned up his messes, fixed what was broken in his personality, took responsibility, medicines for all pharmacy and became more conscious and more precise in how he looked at the world.” Today he is recognized as one of the best, most “real” copywriters in his field. John writes,

“The problem with most self-help crap out there is that folks honestly believe that voicing a philosophy will trigger real change. So they visualize their new selves, and chant magic resolutions, and try to hook into some imaginary lifeline dangling from the universe that will do the transformation FOR them.

Not gonna happen. In my career, I witnessed amazing coincidences and lucky twists of fate that — in my lazier days — I would have assigned to mysterious forces. Things DO start happening, once you get moving.

But it’s not magic — it’s the natural result of taking action, goosing your network for opportunities, and being hyper-aware of what you bring to the table and how you might use that to break down doors.”–John Carlton

This is intelligent, however John could benefit by developing a greater understanding of intuition and the magic that’s possible when you follow through with your intuition / inner guidance. It’s just that you DO have to learn to distinguish your true inner guidance from your mental conditionings and social programming. Too many people confuse their inner guidance with their “gut feelings,” or with conventional wisdom. Whose voice is in your head? Is it the still small voice of your intuition, or is it the parental voice, the voice of peers, the teacher, etc? Learning to distinguish which is which isn’t all that easy, but necessary.

I’ve struggled with my intuition for years–until I learned to connect with my higher self and to distinguish the voice of my higher self from all the other voices in my head. (Your “higher self” is your bridge to the divine.) Then little by little I learned to follow through with my inner guidance promptly and consistently, and I’ve had some crazy, amazing synchronicities (that I call “magic”) happen from time to time, including many helpful synchronicities on a regular basis.

I commented on John’s blog, and he responded:

“I, too, have benefited from amazing synchronicity and connections that sound like fiction but are true. (Like “Think And Grow Rich” actually falling out off a shelf into my lap at the exact right time in my life — I was sleeping on a friend’s couch, homeless and miserable.) I believe, and advise, that the universe rewards proactive behavior. My warning on intuition is that you need to ROAD TEST it before relying on it…

Thinking that there’s any “magic” to this synchronicity stuff rubs me wrong. It’s all about movement and being hyper-aware that opportunity is a fleeting whisper in the breeze, and if you miss it it’s gone forever. So you get attuned to how the world works, and you swim into the tides…Again, not magic. Not intuition. Just hard-core movement and staying attuned to the subtle whispers of opportunity.”–John Carlton

I agree with John that the Universe rewards proactive behavior, but what I want to emphasize here (and the main point of this blog post) is that the Universe rewards proactive behavior even more when it’s inspired by your intuition / inner guidance (as opposed to your “ego” wants, your fears of survival, your desires to be a “success” out in the world). The combination of working hard on what you’re inspired to work on (through your inner guidance) just can’t be beat.

When you learn to distinguish your inner guidance from the regular thoughts in your head and then develop enough confidence such that you follow through with it promptly and consistently, that’s when you tap into a kind of magic and flow and “universal cooperation” that isn’t available to you when you just depend on hard work and “pounding the pavement.”

The following is a real life example, taken from a previous blog post of mine. It illustrates the magic that’s available, as well as John’s point that most opportunities are fleeting.

“About three and a half years ago, I was hiking in the Los Gatos foothills when all of a sudden I received a hunch to call an acquaintance. I had promised to help with a project, and I wanted to communicate that I could be counted on.

I realized I didn’t have his number in my cell phone contact list, but as I was hiking up the hill, I remembered I had called him recently. So I looked through my call history for a (650) area code number and dialed the first (650) number I came across.

An unfamiliar man’s voice answered, “This is KZSU and you’re the winner. “Can you hold?”

“Yes, I can hold,” I said, blown away, realizing I had just “by accident” called the radio station where my friend hosted a weekly radio show, wondering if the current host was going to ask me questions I could not answer, or whether I was going to have to explain that I wasn’t listening to the show at the moment.

Well, it turns out that I won a pair of tickets to the Monterey Jazz Festival! And even though I had been very confident in my ability to discern and follow through with my inner guidance by then, this amazing result raised my confidence even more.

Notice that I didn’t hesitate to follow through with my intuition. Even though I knew I didn’t have my friend’s number in my contacts, that didn’t prevent me from figuring out another way to get the number. Notice also that there was a very small “window of opportunity” for getting this particular result. If you wait too long to follow through with your intuition, your window of opportunity will pass you by.”–end of excerpt

I have an even more amazing example I wrote a blog post on, something that happened to a friend of mine. The link to the post is below:

“Magic” Happens When A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance

Tell me please that there isn’t SOME magic happening here…

I have found that this kind of “magic” happens much more often when you actively get on the path of fulfilling your higher purpose, rather than just continuing the status quo, or going along with things in “survival mode.” I know this because I experienced many amazing and magical synchronicities when I actively took the steps to fulfill my higher purpose, which I have chronicled in my hardcover book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening.

I also feel that going along with the status quo will no longer work for people and it will become more and more obvious that it’s the road to destruction, both for the individual as well as for the planet.

Now that you know this, you have a chance to activate the magic that will help to transform this planet–but only when you combine hard work with your (true) inner guidance.

Thank you for reading and sharing this blog post!


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This week I am sharing a spiritual message from Brenda Hoffman about stepping into your role as a light-worker, as a creator of the new age of love and joy. How do you create the change you want to see in the world?

Dear Ones,

Some of you will claim … that your life, thoughts, sensations and emotions are no different from last year.

Perhaps you wish to be on the Lightworker stage but feel you are not worthy or that someone/something is stopping you. Neither belief is correct. You are a Lightworker. Granted, not everyone has or even wants the same skills in this new earth transition. But if you continue to deny the energies surrounding you –  and this week, almost pummeling you – then you are not ready to move forward. (By “energies surrounding you,” I usually take this to mean messages and feelings and hunches coming into your awareness.–Christine)

Even though you are fully capable of being on the Lightworker stage waiting for the spotlight to find you, some of you have decided the stage is too frightening and have moved behind the curtain. That is your choice – not a choice created by the Universes – but by you. For you are a Lightworker.

Lightworkers who need proof will probably never receive it. Self-worth is generated from within. We cannot give it to you, nor can anyone else.

We have stated on several occasions that you would be clearing your most difficult pieces before transitioning into the 4th and beyond dimensions. And so it is. Spiritually, physically and intellectually you may be excited to move to other dimensions – yet your fears limit your options.

You would not be interested in exploring new earth materials if you were not a Lightworker/Wayshower/Starseed or whatever you wish to label those of you introducing earth to an age of joy and love.

It is your need to feel worth-less or unworthy that is forcing you from the stage of Lightworker fame.

Many of you state that you do not feel anything or that your life is just the same. Does that not sound like a child during summer vacation whining that life is boring? And as a parent do you not laugh at such statements and suggest several activities your child might enjoy? You are now the adult.

Then there are those of you who claim that you are just not clear enough, strong enough or good enough to be a spiritual leader. That somehow everyone “out there” is bigger, better and stronger. Shades of Old Age comparisons that hold no validity in this New Age.

You are not like anyone else – other than you are transitioning into love and joy. Your path is unique. To compare yourself to another Lightworker and their skills or sensations is like comparing apples to oranges. You are different for a reason. If all Lightworkers were the same, how could this transition expand beyond a small group of like-minded, like-acting, like-skilled individuals?

There is no time for modesty, fear of your power or an unwillingness to be a Lightworker –  if that is what your heart draws you to. In past lives, you could shirk the game plan created by you before you entered earth knowing that you could fulfill that obligation to yourself at a later time.

Such is not the case in this transition. Each of you is an important thread in this transition tapestry.

You may feel as if you have nothing to contribute. Quite frankly, if you allow that belief to penetrate your being – you do not. And if that is what you wish to continue to believe, it is indeed time for you to move behind the curtain and allow someone who believes in themselves to move center stage.

No one is going to cajole you into your role. No one is going to babysit you as you moan and groan about how you wish to participate, but you cannot because of this or that. No one has time to hold your hand as you whimper about how unqualified you are.

This is the time to accept your full power. That does not necessarily mean you will be a media star. Merely that you claim your power in whatever form gives you joy. And the first step in claiming your power is believing with every fiber of your being that you are a Lightworker. That is the energy we are sending this week. (By “energy,” they mean message, idea, truth, consciousness.–Christine)

For some that means a physical manifestation of something you have longed for. For others it is the knowingness deep within your being that you are a Lightworker with a role to play in this wondrous transition – a role you created before your entrance on earth.

Perhaps you are of the group who brought the New Age to earth. You have since shifted roles into beaming the joy of this transition to others. Meaning that not only must you accept that you are a Lightworker, you must display that you are in whatever way your inner-being dictates – whatever gives you joy, from growing vegetables to becoming a media star.

You are who you are – as you created yourself before entering earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you are shy. That is entirely acceptable and exactly what you wish to be. But in your shyness you still will radiate the light of a Lightworker – if you accept your worthiness. This is not the Age to hide under a basket in fear or pain. But instead to shine your light in whatever fashion feels most joyful. You never have to be center stage – but you do need to accept that you have a place on stage before you can be a true Lightworker.

You do not need to channel, heal the sick, write books, make presentations, change the world, transport yourself to other parts of the Universes or create a new tool to be a Lightworker. You merely need to accept that you are a Lightworker and that you will move into your role – whatever that role is – when it is your time to do so.

Stop whining. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop making excuses for why you cannot be a Lightworker. Stop throwing up your hands in disgust because all of this is a hoax – and move to your place on stage. Your co-Lightworkers are moving toward their joy and have no need to care take you. Any more than you have a need to care take others.

You are a Lightworker of the greatest magnitude merely waiting for your role to begin. So be it. Amen.”–Channeled by Brenda Hoffman, January 16, 2013

I really resonate with what Brenda has channeled. I do feel I am in a different place, a better place, than last year (and I literally, physically am in a different place). Besides continuing my work with this blog and expanding my readership, I have also been led (by what’s been happening in my life and from inner guidance) to create a new project, to help young people in a particular way, and I’ll be sharing my new project with you in several weeks time, after it is created. (Sharing this with you will push me to create it sooner, rather than later…)

If you feel that not much has changed in your life, unless you take the necessary steps, unless you step into your higher purpose fully, your world will remain much the same, today will be very much like yesterday, and tomorrow will be very much like today. And unless sufficient numbers of us make significant changes in our lives, the world will pretty much look the same.

You probably already know what you need to do; you’ve been wanting to make a difference in certain areas of your life for some time now. It’s just that something has prevented you from taking the necessary steps. Well, the timing is right to begin now!

I know it can be very scary. I’ve been there and I wrote about the changes I made, and what helped me make them, in my memoir on reconnecting titled, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. (These experiences are what my how-to eBook is based on.)

There is so much more support now available to help you take those necessary steps. Furthermore, a lot of the hyped-up, false, distracting information put out by those seeking to dis-empower you and keep you wanting and waiting for some savior(s) to do it for you has been exposed. As I’ve written in last week’s blog post (about 2013 being the year of great potential), if you seek the light (by “light” I mean your higher self, your connection with Source) and muster up the courage to align your life with that light, you will be supported by the Universe, you will receive guidance when you need it, you will get clearer, and it will get easier for you. And over time you will be able to fulfill your potential (meaning, you will be able to fulfill your unique role, the role your higher self signed up for before you incarnated in this lifetime). I hold you in my heart and wish you many blessings on your path!


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This week’s topic is food and what good nutrition has to do with fulfilling your higher purpose. It is inspired by a reader who commented on last week’s blog post (on the topic of living from creation rather than from survival). Christopher shared that for him, good nutrition is a must for living from creation rather than survival. (What a great topic for this week of Thanksgiving!) Christopher writes,

“Hi Christine, I am having to resort to diet changes to get more connected to higher self/ earth/ love. Certain foods greatly aid my success. When I eat less food and eat slowly and mindfully and eat cruciferous veggies, raw chocolate (with stevia for sweetener), green tea, then I do much better.

If I eat sugar, refined carbs, meat, or if I eat too much (more than 80% full) this hinders my ability to connect with Spirit. In fact last night I did not eat anything after 3 pm and just had a green drink for dinner.

This is a sacrifice but for me well worth it.”

I have to agree with what Christopher writes. He has discovered the habits and foods that can drag him down, and he avoids them as a result. (It’s about practicing Self Love.)

In general, it is harder to connect with the energy of creation, fulfill your higher purpose, and keep consistently “on track” and enjoy life to the fullest when you have extra pounds to carry, when you have poor energy, or when you experience pain or other unpleasant symptoms in your body. (Sometimes, we experience these things so that we can learn specific lessons and then teach what we’ve learned so that it will become easier for others to take care of themselves better.)

I have found that for myself, it is easier to connect within and follow through with my inner guidance when my health is good. This often requires that I be very conscious of what I put into my mouth. For me, this means avoiding processed foods of all kinds, wheat, dairy, eggs, sugar, soy, processed vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and genetically modified foods.

The most common genetically modified foods are soy, canola oil, corn and, I recently heard, sugar from sugar beets. Avoiding genetically modified foods is critical as tests have shown that they damage the organs in the body (particularly the liver and kidney, the organs that detox your body). Artificial sweeteners are known to damage nerve endings in the brain. When the synapses in the brain become impaired, this will, no doubt, affect your ability to connect with higher consciousness. As a general rule of thumb, any “food” that is not found in nature is considered a toxin by your body.

I have been changing my diet over the last couple of years and have conducted some food experiments on myself. Although I have never been one to eat lots of junk food (I grew up on homemade food and I love to cook), I have found that by eliminating certain foods I was “sensitive” to, I lost some bloat and felt a lot better.

I have also noticed that when I get off of my healthy regimen for a few days or a week or longer (during the holidays, or because of some other excuse), not only do I regain the few pounds of bloat, I also experience fatigue, weird muscle soreness in my body and even small fever blisters on my lips.

That’s right. Ever since I was a kid I have been susceptible to fever blisters (sometimes called cold sores) after a bad cold or flu. But the slight fever / flush I feel in my face after “testing” myself by reintroducing gluten and dairy into my diet for a few days has resulted in tiny, “low grade” cold sores showing up on my lips a few days later. This happened four times already in the last year or so, after I went off of my “clean” diet. (The barely noticeable flush I feel in my face seems to be my body signaling an inflammatory response.)

I have found that how I feel in my body does affect all other areas of my life. I know that I’m not as “on target” when I’m feeling bad as when I’m feeling good. I tend to put things off when I’m feeling bad, and I’m not living in the moment as much. So how can you live in creation when when you’re struggling in the area of health, when you put life off because of your health, when you’re not living in the moment?

Wherever you are in your diet and health regimen, I recommend smaller amounts of nourishing, whole foods that are chewed well—organic, free range, grass fed, and raw when possible. Smaller amounts of nourishing foods will satisfy you more and make sure your body has the energy it needs for productive, satisfying activities such as fulfilling your potential, your higher purpose. (Overeating on the other hand results in much of the body’s energy being used in digestion and the processing and storing of toxins.)

According to nutritionist and fitness expert JJ Virgin, more than half of all Americans are sensitive to foods such as wheat, dairy, eggs and sugar.  To learn more about good nutrition (and the easy way to reduce food cravings), I wholeheartedly recommend JJ Virgin (she has a new book coming out next month titled, The Virgin Diet) as well as Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch. Matt Monarch has a great list of the foods that are okay to eat on his “Whole Foods List,” available on his website. Since Matt’s list is not easy to find, I am including a link to it here:

Matt Monarch’s Whole Foods List

I wish You and Yours a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving, and please remember to chew each morsel of good food well!

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Recently I read an article on, in a nutshell, how to be happy. In that article, the spiritual teacher states that she has found that many people in her circle who have been following the “path” have been in fact experiencing a lot of the opposite; for example, serious health problems or incidents of what they’ve determined they do NOT want in their life–even though they’ve done a lot of spiritual practice, intending and positive visualization.

The teacher then states that this negativity usually means that you’re very close to manifesting what you DO want. It’s just that you need to “claim this change,” to “return what you did not order” and to demand what you have “ordered on your plate.” She goes on to say that you just need to be certain of what you want and get back to imagining what you desire and “prepare yourself to receive.” I left out the name of the teacher because it really doesn’t matter; almost all of them are saying the same thing.

I am so tired of this regurgitated nonsense. I thought we have learned some things since the book, The Secret, came out several years ago. Apparently, not a whole lot.

Do you get happy by lying in bed and visualizing your happiness? Do you get what you want by visualizing in your mind and “returning to the Universe what you do not want?” Haven’t lightworkers been trying these techniques for years now, without a whole lot of success?

I’ll tell you how to get happy. It’s really not that complicated. You will get happy when you connect with your higher self / soul / true self (sometimes referred to as your “heart”) and follow through with your “heart’s” guidance. You will get happy when you align with your higher self. In other words, you will get happy when you stop betraying yourself. How can you be happy when you’re constantly going against your heart? Every time you ignore your inner guidance, your subtle inner feelings, you’re betraying yourself. No wonder you’re not getting what you want and you’re not happy about it.

You can try to fill the holes in your “heart” by worldly things such as going shopping or going to fancy lunches with your girlfriends or going drinking with your buddies. But you’ll find the hole only gets bigger the more you try to fill it with those empty distractions.

I remember feeling this hole in my heart about a decade ago. I tried to fill it by going shopping or by going to lunch with fun girlfriends. But my higher self wasn’t easily fooled. I felt the hole got bigger the more I did those “outer world” things. So I stopped doing them and embarked on a different path. I connected with my higher self and worked on fulfilling my higher purpose. (Well, I got pushed in that direction by other means, too.)

I wrote about this experience in my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. I wrote about how once I got into doing my higher purpose (following my heart, which means following through with the inner guidance I receive), I turned down lunch offers with girlfriends and spent the time alone, writing. (For me to do this was amazing, since what I was writing about at that point was actually quite painful. But I was truly having a blast.)

In fact, a friend of mine got a bit insulted when she read that part of my manuscript. I explained to her that it wasn’t that I wasn’t valuing her or her time, for I truly love and value her. It’s just that what I needed to do at that time was write–while the creativity and writing was flowing.

The steps for how to be happy or how to get what you want are really the same: reconnect with your higher self and integrate (align) with your higher self by following through with your inner guidance so that you fulfill what you came here for: your higher purpose, your unique contribution to the Golden Age. It really is that simple. (It’s just not that easy, but most everything worth having takes some effort, no?)

To discover the steps for reconnecting and integrating with your higher self, check out my how-to eBook by clicking on the link below:

Activating 2012:  A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity


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Do you trust that the Divine Plan will manifest a Golden Age for humanity? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance and stability even as the world’s institutions seem to spiral out of control? How does the Divine Plan for a Golden Age fit in with all the corruption that’s being exposed in the world right now?

I have just read an article by David Wilcock titled, The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History that summarizes the extreme level of corruption the biggest banks in the world (including the Vatican Bank) are (and have been) involved in and the outrageous level of control a very small number of corporations exert on the world’s economy . According to David Wilcock, personnel at the financial investigation branch of the U.S. Department of Justice are responsible for exposing much of this incredible information and the U.S. federal Marshals are the personnel that will enforce the law on behalf of the Department of Justice. (If you have not read Wilcock’s article, I would recommend that you do so. It’s long, but worth it.)

As of this moment these scandals have not yet received much attention in the U.S. mainstream press (and I can imagine there’s much more to come) but how will you respond when the ramifications are actually felt? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance during times of extreme uncertainty and confusion? Will you trust that regardless of what it looks like on the outside, the Outcome will be a world that works for everyone–not just for the few?

A particularly confusing and chaotic time of my life several years ago caused me to “look within” for the answers and the uncomfortableness of my situation pushed me to follow through with the inner guidance I received. Following through in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently) activated for me the “power of now,” such that shortly after I recognized my guidance and followed through, I experienced incredible, favorable synchronicities and eye-opening insights, one of which was that the Outcome is assured. In other words, when you connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance in the moment (because windows of opportunities come and go), you will eventually come across an experience that will show you without a doubt that the Outcome is assured; that your Outcome is assured. This epiphany / understanding / moment of truth will then help you to keep going in your higher purpose and remain in balance, even when the world appears to fall apart. (In my memoir published early 2008 I wrote that “the outcome is assured,” and this personal epiphany has helped me deal with so much ever since…)

With so much misinformation and confusion out in the world, it’s really crucial to have a personal, firsthand, palpable experience that the Divine Plan is indeed working (regardless of what’s happening in your personal life and what you see in the news reports) and that you as an individual are on the right path. Connecting with the Divine Plan and fulfilling our role is something that’s required of all of us right now. Furthermore, it’s how the Golden Age is to come about.

In the following important message (channeled by Suzy Ward), Mathew says that learning to trust our inner guidance will help not only to reduce our fear, it’s a necessary step in our spiritual growth and evolution right now:

“Ask within and trust your intuition to tell you what is true and what is not. Developing discernment and learning to trust the messages from your soul to your consciousness not only will eliminate unnecessary feelings of fear, they are upward steps in soul evolvement.” Mathew’s message, channeled by Suzanne Ward, July 4, 2012.

Can you see how receiving personal, positive feedback from the Universe that the Divine is indeed working in your life can help to support you right now? Can you also see that a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan (one that’s clear and makes both intuitive and logical sense) will support you during these uncertain times? No one can give this experience to you (some things you just need to experience for yourself), but I can share with you what I learned in my process so that you can get to that important point faster and with greater ease.

To learn the how-to of receiving consistent feedback from the Universe and to attain a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan, please click on the link below:

Connecting with your Higher Self and Understanding the Divine Plan


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When it comes to finding your purpose, I have discovered that the Universe (God, Source) often intervenes, sometimes in very interesting ways, when you’re ready. In this blog post, I share how a chance encounter with a complete stranger helped me find (and fulfill) my purpose in life. But first, a little bit about my background.

Around the beginning of 2001 (and even before then), I began to feel increasingly anxious about my purpose in life. I had worked for several years as a materials engineer, received a master’s degree in environmental studies, and had two children. And whenever I thought about what I was going to do about my career after my children began school, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

That dilemma and a few painful, crazy events that occurred around the same time caused me to search for answers, which led me to a workshop on Soul Recognition with Flo Aeveia Magdalena, including a message she channeled from the Counsel of Light. I wanted to discover my higher purpose in life.

Through Flo, the Counsel of Light said that I would write books on how life works here and about what Love truly is, and they said that I would become quite a popular writer.

A popular writer. How nice. All that sounded fine and good, but the only problem was, I didn’t have any plans to write any books of any kind. I had no idea what I could even write about, I wasn’t sure that I had anything interesting to say about Love, and I didn’t consider myself competent as a writer. Regarding the channeling, I really didn’t know what to believe.

But increasingly, strange things began to happen in my life and one day, I met a woman at a “Music in the Park” concert that I attended with my children and my husband.

Make a commitment, and the divine intervenes in mysterious ways

The following describes the chance encounter at the concert and is an excerpt from my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening:

It was at one of the concerts where I experienced another interesting encounter. My children met a little girl and they danced and played together. Then the little girl’s mother came over and introduced herself as Jahde, “But you can call me Jed,” she said. Then she said something that caught my attention: “You’re an author, aren’t you?

“Well, not exactly. I just started thinking about it earlier this year when I did a spiritual course. The leader and a few participants recommended that I write, but I haven’t written anything yet.” I didn’t mention to her the Counsel of Light’s prophesy, which I thought might be viewed a bit too far out.

“Maybe we can support each other in writing our books. I need someone to organize my material,” she said. (It was true that if motivated, I could organize things quite well.)

I didn’t know how this woman could have known this. I asked her. She said that she just knew that she’d meet an author that day.

I don’t know about these things. People don’t just hop out of bed in the morning thinking they’ll meet an author that day… Anyway, I took Jahde’s perception of me as a mystical sign. I think sometimes you are shown the way by signs and symbols such as these. Her idea of me also boosted my unsure inner state and not long afterwards, I decided to go for it…

It turns out that the things I needed to write about were either happening in the moment, or else they hadn’t happened yet. And, once I became serious about my higher purpose, things began to get interesting enough consistently enough to warrant me writing a book about it. (In fact, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been “set up” by the Universe and by some people in my life to take this new path, even though if you had asked them, they would have denied this, and their personality selves didn’t really want me taking any new paths…)

In hindsight, I was very fortunate to be advised by the Counsel of Light beforehand to pay attention to what was happening in my life and to record it. Because this allowed me to create a fairly accurate account of the events as they occurred, including what I did to “activate” my inner guidance and what happened after I followed it.

Anyway … the Counsel of Light’s prophesy turned out to be true, because here I am several years later, the author of two books! (That many people have found helpful, as well as amazing, by the way.) But listen up: they didn’t hand me the books on a silver platter. Rather, I made the commitment to write the books, and they made sure, through synchronicities and other mysterious ways, that I would experience plenty of interesting things to write about.

So what can you learn from this article? A few things:

  1.  Most likely, you have no idea what your higher purpose in life is (so don’t pay too much attention to what your limited human consciousness thinks it is)
  2. The Universe will offer you signs that help you find your purpose. That is, if you’re ready to go for it and if you pay attention. (This can help you distinguish higher guidance from your desires)
  3. The guidance you receive will be on a moment-to-moment, need-to-know basis
  4. It takes courage to find your higher purpose and to fulfill it
  5. Get yourself a journal and write your thoughts. As you search for your higher purpose, your life will become more and more interesting and significant

To learn the steps I took to find my purpose, you may wish to get my how-to eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity. I distilled the important information I learned in my process in this easy-to-understand eBook. Just click below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

The next few months leading up to December 2012 will be challenging, but increasing your understanding about what’s going on and what to expect will help make things much easier.

And if you would like to read the memoir of my process, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening (available through Amazon), please click the link below, then click on the Amazon button.

What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening

Thank you and bless you for reading my work!

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