Month: <span>September 2012</span>

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For some time now, there has been much speculation and misinformation regarding the events that may transpire around 2012 and particularly, around December 2012. Some refer to this time as the Ascension, “The Great Shift in consciousness,” or the beginning of the “Golden Age.” I see it as a shift from humanity having a surface-level understanding of reality to seeing what’s behind it and what supports it. I also see the “2012 shift” as a transition period, a shift from a time when humanity learns through suffering, to one of learning through joy. This sounds like good news, yet many are anxious about the process and about what’s around the corner.

A few years ago Dr. Eric Pearl (known for his work “The Reconnection”) said the following about December 21, 2012, “We will wake up that morning and still be able to see ourselves in a mirror.” I agree. Although it’s true that we’re living through a most challenging time in the evolution of this planet, one reason it’s challenging is that we’re called to let go of things (which of course will cause disruption), even though what we’re supported by the Universe to let go of are the things that don’t work, the habits, practices, structures and systems that are unwanted and unsustainable.

Just the other night I was lying in bed, thinking about a good example of this, and factory farming came to mind. Is factory farming sustainable? Is it a practice that humanity might want to transform, for a number of valid reasons? Absolutely. Might changes at first cause some disruption? No doubt they will.

In fact, 2012 is about raising our consciousness. We are in the process of raising our consciousness about our entire human experience. We are becoming clearer about the big picture “human story,” our history on this planet. We are gaining clarity about who we are, from where we originally came, and what our purpose and intent for being on this planet in a state of “lowered consciousness” was. We are also striving to successfully complete our higher purpose and our soul agreements each with other. All of these will transform our understanding of our journey, and then it will transform our outer reality.

Before we incarnated into this lifetime, our souls reflected on the awesome opportunity and the privilege it would be to be alive on this planet at this time of great transition. We were chosen out of many souls because we possessed the wisdom, the inner skills and the will to create a new world. We were the ones that were most likely to succeed and least likely to run away.

So how do you begin? You begin by connecting and integrating with your higher self, by connecting and listening to that deeper part of you. (One of my blog posts details a meditation designed especially for connecting with your higher self.)

By connecting with your higher self, you will access your higher self’s wisdom (your wisdom from all your incarnations). By following through with your inner guidance over time, you will gain clarity about your journey, you will discover why you chose what you chose (including your challenges and hardships), and you will discover why you’re here on this planet at this particular time (your unique role that only you can fulfill).

Although the reconnecting process is simple, it’s not very easy and it doesn’t get into full swing overnight. Reconnecting consists of 1. learning to distinguish your inner guidance from mental conditionings, societal programmings and others’ expectations (meaning, your higher-level consciousness from your human-level awareness) and 2. learning to trust that connection enough to promptly and consistently follow through and to make the changes you know you need to make.

Following through is of utmost importance. There’s nothing more effective for trusting in your connection with your higher self than experiencing the favorable and sometimes amazing results that come from actually following through.

You can reconnect to your higher self and even learn to trust it in a relatively short time period, but it takes time to put all the pieces of the puzzle of your life together and integrate the wisdom and the understanding. Jesus Christ possessed this higher-level consciousness. Through his higher self he was able to access his wisdom from all time. He understood who he was; he understood his mission and his purpose. He understood how he fit into the Divine Plan. This is why he taught, “The kingdom of heaven is within.” (The “God spark,” the “God aspect” of yourself is within; your higher self is within.)

Each one of us is contributing to the Great Shift of 2012 by “activating” our consciousness. You raise your consciousness by reconnecting to that higher aspect of yourself. By reconnecting to your higher self and gaining a higher-level perspective, you will be able to put the pieces together of your life and make sense of it so you understand your place in the Divine Plan. You will gain knowledge of your place in the universe, your higher purpose, and you will fulfill your purpose by following the step-by-step guidance you receive from your higher self. The key to all this is reconnecting and integrating with your higher self. It’s what 2012 is all about.

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There are many good reasons to connect with your higher self. The top nine reasons (in no particular order of importance) are described in this blog post.

1. Your higher self (also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, your bridge to the Divine) is your access point to your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of awakening and transformation. The way you access your higher purpose is by developing a deeper and clearer relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you.

2. Your higher self is the “place” from where you access (and activate) your intuition.

Nothing activates your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your intuition and inner knowing are important elements that help guide you on your daily path so that there’s a sense of greater cooperation in the Universe.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a real relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your consciousness? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. Your higher self is your access point to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You probably have had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom by reconnecting within and paying attention to that part of you.

4. Your higher self is the place from where you clear your karma and make sense of your life and your “Soul Contracts” with others.

By understanding your life and your soul agreements from the perspective of the higher self, you will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it had helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. Your higher self is the place from where you restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you integrate with your higher self, you will notice that the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battle going on in your mind will settle down.

6. Your higher self is your access point to your potential, your gifts and unique contribution that will be key to creating your own “Golden Age.”

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential (your unique gifts and abilities).  Reconnecting within and following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently is the best way to create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. Integrating with your higher self is how you will help create the Golden Age for all beings on the Earth.

Your Higher Self is connected to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan, you will help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

8. Your higher self is your bridge to Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you follow through with your higher self’s guidance, you will benefit in the form of more flow in your life, favorable and sometimes amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness and following through. And when you benefit in some way, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is also connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

9. Your higher self is how you activate your Ascension.

There are many misconceptions about the ascension process. Ascension refers to the expansion of your consciousness (the raising of your consciousness, the Great Shift in your consciousness) that occurs when you begin to see the world as if you had the perspective of God. (After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.) When you begin to see the world from such a high perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until this point.

These are the top 9 reasons why it is worth your while to connect and integrate with your higher self.

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