Month: <span>July 2012</span>

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I am convinced that the fastest way to spiritual growth (and personal success) that’s available at this moment in time is to connect with the part of you known as your higher self and to follow through with your higher self’s guidance, consistently. I also assert that at this moment on planet Earth, it shouldn’t take longer than a few weeks to receive some positive feedback from the Universe so that you’re clear that you’re on the right path.

Why only a few weeks? Why two to four weeks? Let me illustrate with an allegory.

I know an acupuncturist who teaches people how to lose weight and detox the body. I’ve conducted some research on nutrition for her and assisted with two series of 10 week classes we’ve put together this year.

We had the pleasure of having 8 participants in one class and about 20 in another and what we’ve found is this: those who stuck with the program we proposed (that eliminated / limited certain foods, not calories) not only lost weight within the first 2-3 weeks, a majority also lost pains in their bodies they’ve had for months, in some cases for years. (We have to admit we really didn’t expect that result.)

For example, one woman was used to getting up and stretching every 45 minutes because her back pain would get too intense to continue sitting. About two and a half weeks into the program, she found herself sitting at her job all morning, into lunchtime, before she realized that she had forgotten to stretch! (However, when she went on vacation and returned to her previous food habits, her back pain came back quickly, in about three days.)

The point being made here is this: if you follow some nutrition program, or if you follow the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (which is the fastest way to spiritual growth and your success), you should expect some positive results within a month, or less. Then you will know you’re on the right path; you have the results to prove it!

Of course it’s not all that easy to change your habits and follow the steps for connecting with your higher self consistently, just as it’s not that easy to give up bread or wheat products, for example. But if you’re sick of the way things are and you yearn for your life to be better and you make that last ditch effort, you will succeed.

Frankly, I am understating the results, as some people who followed the connecting and integrating process the Universe had “shown me” have communicated that they have received amazing feedback within the first week of following the program, in some cases just by reading about it. (But … I am conservative in some ways, an engineer-type, and I tend to understate results.)

A good friend of mine has recently found herself needing to make some changes in her life, one of which is to move out of her current apartment. About two weeks ago, she was about to sign a one-year lease for another apartment at her current complex when her inner guidance “told” her to go check out another apartment complex nearby. What she found was that the amenities at the new apartment complex not only excelled, her rent was $200 less a month for basically the same square footage.

I have another amazing example of an acquaintance who was blown away by several results he manifested within a month of just reading my story. (A vacation home in the Sierra foothills and everything he needed to furnish it–all at bargain prices.) If you’re new to this blog, you may want to read about G.’s story in an earlier post titled, An Inner Guidance Example: A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance. (I have to admit I really didn’t expect that result.)

What kinds of results can you expect from following through with your higher self’s guidance? Anything from favorable synchronicities, new insights, “signs” from the universe that help show you the way (particularly helpful when you’re too tense to hear your inner guidance), a sense of greater connection and cooperation in life, more flow in your life, and more.

As you connect within, follow through with your higher self’s guidance and manifest the kinds of results listed above, your confidence and trust in your higher self will naturally grow. And it will continue to  grow until you begin to trust it more than anything or anyone outside of yourself. (Which is what it will take to “graduate” from this realm, by the way.)

Can you see that having this kind of trust in your higher self will help you make huge strides in your spiritual growth, personal development, accomplishments and inner confidence?

How long will it take to manifest your success? That depends on your higher self’s plan, your commitment and your level of consistency, of course. However, it should only takes a few weeks to achieve some results so that you know you’re on the right path.

Want to access an eBook that shows you all the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self? Please click the link below:

How to Connect and Integrate with your Higher Self

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Do you trust that the Divine Plan will manifest a Golden Age for humanity? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance and stability even as the world’s institutions seem to spiral out of control? How does the Divine Plan for a Golden Age fit in with all the corruption that’s being exposed in the world right now?

I have just read an article by David Wilcock titled, The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History that summarizes the extreme level of corruption the biggest banks in the world (including the Vatican Bank) are (and have been) involved in and the outrageous level of control a very small number of corporations exert on the world’s economy . According to David Wilcock, personnel at the financial investigation branch of the U.S. Department of Justice are responsible for exposing much of this incredible information and the U.S. federal Marshals are the personnel that will enforce the law on behalf of the Department of Justice. (If you have not read Wilcock’s article, I would recommend that you do so. It’s long, but worth it.)

As of this moment these scandals have not yet received much attention in the U.S. mainstream press (and I can imagine there’s much more to come) but how will you respond when the ramifications are actually felt? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance during times of extreme uncertainty and confusion? Will you trust that regardless of what it looks like on the outside, the Outcome will be a world that works for everyone–not just for the few?

A particularly confusing and chaotic time of my life several years ago caused me to “look within” for the answers and the uncomfortableness of my situation pushed me to follow through with the inner guidance I received. Following through in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently) activated for me the “power of now,” such that shortly after I recognized my guidance and followed through, I experienced incredible, favorable synchronicities and eye-opening insights, one of which was that the Outcome is assured. In other words, when you connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance in the moment (because windows of opportunities come and go), you will eventually come across an experience that will show you without a doubt that the Outcome is assured; that your Outcome is assured. This epiphany / understanding / moment of truth will then help you to keep going in your higher purpose and remain in balance, even when the world appears to fall apart. (In my memoir published early 2008 I wrote that “the outcome is assured,” and this personal epiphany has helped me deal with so much ever since…)

With so much misinformation and confusion out in the world, it’s really crucial to have a personal, firsthand, palpable experience that the Divine Plan is indeed working (regardless of what’s happening in your personal life and what you see in the news reports) and that you as an individual are on the right path. Connecting with the Divine Plan and fulfilling our role is something that’s required of all of us right now. Furthermore, it’s how the Golden Age is to come about.

In the following important message (channeled by Suzy Ward), Mathew says that learning to trust our inner guidance will help not only to reduce our fear, it’s a necessary step in our spiritual growth and evolution right now:

“Ask within and trust your intuition to tell you what is true and what is not. Developing discernment and learning to trust the messages from your soul to your consciousness not only will eliminate unnecessary feelings of fear, they are upward steps in soul evolvement.” Mathew’s message, channeled by Suzanne Ward, July 4, 2012.

Can you see how receiving personal, positive feedback from the Universe that the Divine is indeed working in your life can help to support you right now? Can you also see that a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan (one that’s clear and makes both intuitive and logical sense) will support you during these uncertain times? No one can give this experience to you (some things you just need to experience for yourself), but I can share with you what I learned in my process so that you can get to that important point faster and with greater ease.

To learn the how-to of receiving consistent feedback from the Universe and to attain a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan, please click on the link below:

Connecting with your Higher Self and Understanding the Divine Plan


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This morning I listened to a Ron van Dyke video on overcoming the ego by integrating with your higher self. I agree with what Ron says about the Big Lies of both the Western religions (Judeo-Christian, Muslim) and the Eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.). All religions share some wonderful truths, but all are also full of lies.

Before you read on, I highly recommend you take a few minutes to listen to Ron’s entire video, regardless of your religious background or whether or not you consider yourself “new age.” When you view this video, you will know that Ron van Dyke is the real thing.

To access Ron’s video on overcoming the ego by integrating with your higher self, please click on the link below. Then come back to read the rest of this post for the how-to info.

Video:  Overcoming the Ego By Integrating With Your Higher Self

I agree with Ron that Eckhardt Tolle’s teachings on the ego (that we must deny the ego, we must bring it down a peg or two, we must become “ego-free”) are pure nonsense. Eckhardt Tolle’s teachings never resonated with me as I knew the key to enlightenment was not in denying a part of us but in integrating, becoming whole and understanding the bigger picture of life here. When I read his first book The Power of Now (because a relative had recommended it highly), I didn’t get what the big deal was. I did not hide my opinions abou this; I had shared my ideas about the ego and the importance of integration in my first book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening and I wrote a couple of articles disagreeing with Tolle’s ideas back in 2008 and 2009. (Once I did that though, I concentrated my efforts on promoting the how-to of reconnecting and integrating with your higher self.)

Ron does not go into the how-to of connecting and integrating with your higher self. Sharing the “how-to” steps in plain English (including sharing real-life examples) is what I had concentrated my efforts on for the last ten years or so.

The How-To of Connecting and Integrating with your Higher Self

In a nutshell, the how-to involves reconnecting with your higher self with an effective meditation practice, learning to recognize and distinguish your inner guidance from your mental conditionings and your wants, gaining enough confidence and trust in your inner guidance such that you follow through with it promptly and consistently, even if doing so puts you in a (temporarily) uncomfortable situation, and then paying attention to what happens over time.

When you follow through with your inner guidance the “Universe” will bring you the results you need (new insights, “aha moments,” favorable  synchronicities) so that you gain more and more confidence in your connection until eventually you get to a point where you follow your own inner guidance rather than the advice of those whom you considered the experts in their field (e.g. the “Eckhardt Tolles of the world”). It’s not that you will disregard all expert advice, not at all. But having a bigger picture viewpoint will help put things in proper perspective.

Following through with your inner guidance and making changes consistent with the nudges of your higher self is how you integrate with your higher self. If you ignore your higher self, if you ignore your inner guidance and just do as you did before (by just following conventional wisdom or how others want you to behave), you can’t expect to integrate with your higher self and you can’t expect to activate the higher power within you!

The process of connecting and integrating with your higher self isn’t something that happens overnight and it isn’t just a good thing to do, it’s a requirement right now. It’s how you discover and fulfill your higher purpose and unique contribution toward the Great Shift. It’s how you fulfill your potential and create the success you always wanted, your own Golden Age. And it’s how you do your part, through your contribution, to create the Golden Age for all beings on the Earth.

Added July 18, 2012:

After reading all the comments and pondering it all, I woke up this morning (in that inbetween state of sleep and waking) being reminded again of the bigger picture. When you see the bigger picture you will realize that it’s the Higher Self (not the ego self) that created the Separation, the higher self created the Fall in Consciousness–for the very noble goal of spiritual growth through learning and experiencing firsthand many types of experiences, including difficult challenges. The ego self is just a vehicle the Higher Self uses for this experiencing / process. (Focusing on the ego is not the most direct way to transform your life.)

Furthermore, one can spend many years processing through one’s pain body and feelings of unworth and inadequacy, and actually not get very far. However, when you muster up the courage to follow through with your inner guidance, that’s the fastest way to discover who you truly are and what you’re capable of–which does absolute wonders for your feelings of worth and adequacy. I know this because this has been my experience, not just a theory.

Want to learn how to integrate with your higher self and activate the higher force within you? The eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity contains clear, easy to understand steps in plain English, including real-life examples. Just click the link below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

Thank you for reading my work!

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Drake Kent (“spokesperson” for the “positive military”) shared some thoughts on the Galactic Federation of Light and their role in the planet’s ascension process via a post on Facebook. For those not on Facebook, I’m sharing what he wrote in this blog post, including my thoughts on the topic. Furthermore, I believe his messages contain “secret” information that can be read between the lines. Drake wrote,

“It has come to my attention that people closely associated with Galactic Federation of Light, are taking adverse stands in their posts. Those involved might want to take note that the info I have put out IS from sources I am familiar with, personally. Over years of contacts, I have found which is and is not to be trusted. Thus, I also ‘temper’ the outed info according to its impact and importance. I was hoping to avoid doing the laundry in a public manner, BUT, those at Galactic Federation of Light leave me no choice.

In our distant past, several things have taken place. One of those was a newly formed federation. This was the first time an organization of this size and complexity was brought into existence. This means that all the interactions between all these differing groups had to be worked out. In addition, the very size was extraordinary and created or caused a bureaucracy that was time consuming and slow to act. The Galactic Federation of Light knew of the ‘bad guys’ infiltrating our planet and could not act quickly enough to prevent it. Further, the ‘quarantine’ was not tightened correctly to offer a full or true quarantine. Therefore, The Galactic Federation of Light is one of the causes of our present situation/problem. ALL involved are attempting to rectify or fix all the things that happened because of the above. I thank all those involved in this effort, including The Galactic Federation of Light.

I am, and have been aware of the presence of our Pleiadian assistants for many years. Like it or not they are and have been here trying to help for thousands of years. The society is a sort of military organizational type. Very organized with a distinctive ‘order’ or command type structure. None of the ‘star’ people are conquering types anymore, as this behavior is not acceptable. This does not mean that all accept humans very readily. Some are only tolerant of our existence. I had hoped to leave this area of discussion out of the things I have been talking about. However, just as The Creator has stated, everyone needs to work together in order that mankind can elevate itself. I know that as this is accomplished, man will be seen as much more ‘fitting’ to join with our much more advanced brothers and sisters.

The missions are well defined. Man is to clean his own ‘nest’ as much as he can. AFTER/during this, then we will be reintroduced and reunited with our star relations.  I offer that We The People have the first mission…the clean up. Therefore, ALL of us here will need to concentrate on our ‘human’ condition.  Man has made a lot of very serious messes. Even though we are all human, we have terrible problems accepting each other…race, creed, beliefs, and social differences.    As we become free, the responsibilities of that freedom, have to be a part of a new way of being, in all ways.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have enough to do just taking care of our own problems. Advice is welcome, new ideas, and most of all, letting go of all the ‘hate’ and artificial disagreements we have made for our own shortcomings…

The new order is one of peace…nothing more, nothing less. I suggest we all get busy with our betterment, as ET/Angels will only come AFTER we do.

The great earth changes depend on exactly how much of this we, as the human race, can accomplish. World wide destruction or peace? It is our choice.”–Drake Kent, posted on Facebook, July 8, 2012

A very nice message from Drake, no? The only thing I would question, that doesn’t feel right to me, is the claim that a long, long time ago, “the Galactic Federation of Light didn’t act quickly enough” to prevent the “bad guys” from infiltrating our planet. This may be what the Galactic Federation of Light believes (they might have really felt they were inadequate). However, from the perspective of the Divine Plan, from the perspective of the Higher Self that’s connected to Source, the truth is more empowering (and more glorious) than that.

The Divine Plan is really about spiritual growth. It was and still is part of the Divine Plan that this planet be an intense place for personal and spiritual growth (that occurs as quickly as possible when souls experience great challenges). But for those who are ready to experience the next step in the process, it’s now becoming possible to grow and learn through joy, through connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance.

I have known for several years now that we will not be visited or handed things to us on a silver platter (even special technologies) until we take the mature path to spiritual growth and become spiritual adults. (When we’re just handed things, where is the growth?) Besides, Source is not going to cheat us out of the incredibly empowering experience of cleaning up our own messes. Cleaning up “our nest” is not just about cleaning up the Earth, but about clearing up our own karma.

There are many ways to clean up your “nest,” besides the obvious ones. Putting your money into local, small businesses, for one. Eating right, getting healthy, stopping the taking of drugs. Do what you can, and allow the Divine to take care of the parts you truly can’t. (Often in very interesting ways!) Divine intervention works when YOU follow your inner guidance and fulfill your higher purpose. And enlightenment comes a lot faster when your focus is on fulfilling your unique contribution.

What the Galactic Federation does or does not do really doesn’t interest me a whole lot right now. When they come, they come. (If they arrived right now, that would screw up a lot of things we’ve been working so hard on for ages.)

In summary, The Galactic Federation of Light, the “higher forces,” aren’t going to do it for us. You have the higher force within you. It’s your responsibility to use it. The Galactic Federation will keep their vow to have us figure this mystery out for ourselves. And Source will not cheat us of the incredibly beautiful and empowering experience of discovering who we really are.

Want to learn how to activate the higher force within you? Get my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity for clear, easy to understand steps. Just click below to learn about this eBook:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

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When it comes to finding your purpose, I have discovered that the Universe (God, Source) often intervenes, sometimes in very interesting ways, when you’re ready. In this blog post, I share how a chance encounter with a complete stranger helped me find (and fulfill) my purpose in life. But first, a little bit about my background.

Around the beginning of 2001 (and even before then), I began to feel increasingly anxious about my purpose in life. I had worked for several years as a materials engineer, received a master’s degree in environmental studies, and had two children. And whenever I thought about what I was going to do about my career after my children began school, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

That dilemma and a few painful, crazy events that occurred around the same time caused me to search for answers, which led me to a workshop on Soul Recognition with Flo Aeveia Magdalena, including a message she channeled from the Counsel of Light. I wanted to discover my higher purpose in life.

Through Flo, the Counsel of Light said that I would write books on how life works here and about what Love truly is, and they said that I would become quite a popular writer.

A popular writer. How nice. All that sounded fine and good, but the only problem was, I didn’t have any plans to write any books of any kind. I had no idea what I could even write about, I wasn’t sure that I had anything interesting to say about Love, and I didn’t consider myself competent as a writer. Regarding the channeling, I really didn’t know what to believe.

But increasingly, strange things began to happen in my life and one day, I met a woman at a “Music in the Park” concert that I attended with my children and my husband.

Make a commitment, and the divine intervenes in mysterious ways

The following describes the chance encounter at the concert and is an excerpt from my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening:

It was at one of the concerts where I experienced another interesting encounter. My children met a little girl and they danced and played together. Then the little girl’s mother came over and introduced herself as Jahde, “But you can call me Jed,” she said. Then she said something that caught my attention: “You’re an author, aren’t you?

“Well, not exactly. I just started thinking about it earlier this year when I did a spiritual course. The leader and a few participants recommended that I write, but I haven’t written anything yet.” I didn’t mention to her the Counsel of Light’s prophesy, which I thought might be viewed a bit too far out.

“Maybe we can support each other in writing our books. I need someone to organize my material,” she said. (It was true that if motivated, I could organize things quite well.)

I didn’t know how this woman could have known this. I asked her. She said that she just knew that she’d meet an author that day.

I don’t know about these things. People don’t just hop out of bed in the morning thinking they’ll meet an author that day… Anyway, I took Jahde’s perception of me as a mystical sign. I think sometimes you are shown the way by signs and symbols such as these. Her idea of me also boosted my unsure inner state and not long afterwards, I decided to go for it…

It turns out that the things I needed to write about were either happening in the moment, or else they hadn’t happened yet. And, once I became serious about my higher purpose, things began to get interesting enough consistently enough to warrant me writing a book about it. (In fact, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been “set up” by the Universe and by some people in my life to take this new path, even though if you had asked them, they would have denied this, and their personality selves didn’t really want me taking any new paths…)

In hindsight, I was very fortunate to be advised by the Counsel of Light beforehand to pay attention to what was happening in my life and to record it. Because this allowed me to create a fairly accurate account of the events as they occurred, including what I did to “activate” my inner guidance and what happened after I followed it.

Anyway … the Counsel of Light’s prophesy turned out to be true, because here I am several years later, the author of two books! (That many people have found helpful, as well as amazing, by the way.) But listen up: they didn’t hand me the books on a silver platter. Rather, I made the commitment to write the books, and they made sure, through synchronicities and other mysterious ways, that I would experience plenty of interesting things to write about.

So what can you learn from this article? A few things:

  1.  Most likely, you have no idea what your higher purpose in life is (so don’t pay too much attention to what your limited human consciousness thinks it is)
  2. The Universe will offer you signs that help you find your purpose. That is, if you’re ready to go for it and if you pay attention. (This can help you distinguish higher guidance from your desires)
  3. The guidance you receive will be on a moment-to-moment, need-to-know basis
  4. It takes courage to find your higher purpose and to fulfill it
  5. Get yourself a journal and write your thoughts. As you search for your higher purpose, your life will become more and more interesting and significant

To learn the steps I took to find my purpose, you may wish to get my how-to eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity. I distilled the important information I learned in my process in this easy-to-understand eBook. Just click below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

The next few months leading up to December 2012 will be challenging, but increasing your understanding about what’s going on and what to expect will help make things much easier.

And if you would like to read the memoir of my process, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening (available through Amazon), please click the link below, then click on the Amazon button.

What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening

Thank you and bless you for reading my work!

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