Month: <span>May 2012</span>

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My last blog post Divine Guidance – How To Recognize Divine Guidance and the two examples detailed in that post that show the variety of ways one can receive higher guidance prompted a response from a moderator at Rumor Mill News:

“I’m not getting the meaning of her examples. They seem a bit unimportant but I would like to stand corrected if anyone can explain. Thanks.”–MisterBoll

Since no one over at Rumor Mills News came forth with a response, I am responding to MisterBoll’s comment in this blog post.

MisterBoll, it doesn’t matter if the examples given seem a bit unimportant to you. Not all instances of divine guidance are going to be dramatic or life-and-death. What’s important is that we as individuals develop confidence in our inner guidance and our ability to recognize and correctly discern divine guidance. The fact is, most people do not have a well developed inner guidance system / internal B.S. detector … because cultural programming has taught us to mostly ignore our inner guidance. It’s important we reverse this trend now.

Furthermore, the only way that humanity will create a new world that works for everyone is by following divine guidance. There is a Divine Plan for creating a Golden Age for humanity, but it will not be accomplished simply by doing things that have been done before. Everything we’ve tried before will not work. Indeed, what we need to do is to resolve the world situation once and for all, to complete it for all time, from the highest level of consciousness we have access to–our connection to Source.

This means that a shift in consciousness is required. By “shift in consciousness” I don’t mean that we’re aware of the extent of the lies we’ve been taught about our world or the level of corruption of our governments. This level of awareness is important but  insufficient to resolve the situation. Rather, we must become aware through firsthand experience why we willingly chose to create this scenario / Earth Experiment in the first place–which requires that we cultivate a deep relationship with our higher self, our connection to Source. (And this really isn’t an option.)

The fact is, we did not embark on this long, long, hard journey merely to survive the experience, but to realize its amazing and tremendous benefits. You will discover the gifts of your life choices when you connect deeply with your higher self, follow through with its guidance, and begin to fulfill your contribution to the Golden Age–which, by the way, will give you more joy than you ever thought possible.

Note that your mind would not know why you chose to experience the life you’re experiencing, but your higher self does. Your higher self (your soul, that has been around since the beginning) will show you one puzzle piece at a time if you get to know it and follow the guidance within. If you follow the guidance within, you will discover your gifts and the level of your success will be unprecedented. This is why most of my writings involve connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance. It is THE KEY to everything.

The only way the people of Earth will win this Dark vs. Light game is if we trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan for our victory, a bigger picture that includes everything and everyone, and that we consciously follow this plan to the best of our ability. And the way we connect to this plan is by connecting to our higher self and following through with its guidance promptly and consistently.

Most people cannot develop this kind of confidence overnight. It’s a process that often requires baby steps and simple examples. As you can imagine, following through with your guidance in spite of the contrary opinions of those who are considered the experts requires a bit of confidence, particularly when the guidance places you in uncomfortable situations. (I am reminded of Jesus here. Well, we all, in our own way, now get to follow Jesus’s example…)

For those who want to know more about the Divine Plan and how to connect with divine guidance, I would suggest reading my eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity. Workshops are not required and you don’t need someone outside yourself to activate your higher self for you. You activate things for yourself, and you will gain a good understanding of this simply by reading this book. Your understanding will reduce your fear and help build your courage–which will be required when it’s time to follow through with divine guidance in the days and weeks to come.

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It’s important to recognize divine guidance at this time of great change. But how do you tell divine guidance from mere coincidence? Maybe you’re actively seeking divine guidance in your life, but you’re not yet confident in your ability to distinguish between a coincidence and a sign from the Universe. In this article, I share some of my experiences with receiving divine guidance.

I wasn’t always confident in my ability to distinguish divine guidance and signs from the Universe from mere coincidence. Neither was I confident in my intuitive abilities. In fact, the idea of receiving guidance from the divine wasn’t even in my consciousness (the impression I grew up with was that it was something that had died out with the Saints). It wasn’t until I experienced a huge crisis in my life (that I had no idea how to resolve) that I actively sought it out.

When I began my process of developing a connection with my higher self so that I could receive higher guidance, amazing things began to happen to me regularly. (Things really kicked in when my higher self got that I was committed to following through with the guidance I received.)

Sometimes when I had a specific question I wanted answered by higher guidance, I’d receive the answer when I awakened at night; it would just come to me in my thoughts as I was waking up. Other times the answer would come to me through other people, on the radio, or by “randomly” picking up a book at the library. By cultivating a relationship with my higher self and developing trust in it, I realized I was increasing my connection to Interconnectedness, to the Divine. (Some call this “the void,” All That Is, or Source. Still others use more technical terms such as “Zero-Point Field.”)

Besides the types of intuitive happenings mentioned above, I also experienced another type of guidance from the universe. This was when something “out of the ordinary” or unusual happened more than once in a short time period. When something unusual happened two or three times in a row within, say, a 24-hour period, I learned that this was a sign from the universe and I needed to pay attention. Sometimes it motivated me to take some kind of action, but sometimes I just needed to notice it without doing anything in particular. The connection would become clearer later. The following is an example.

The Volcano Example

Several years ago, I received an email one morning from a friend from college named Mary who lived in New York City. The email let me know that she and her husband had just bought a house on “The Big Island of Hawaii–the Volcano island.” When I read the email I “heard” the word volcano emphasized in my mind. (Besides, Mary was a busy medical doctor who sent only the briefest of emails, why was she telling me something I already knew?)

After I read her email I dropped my kids off at school and after a short hike, stopped by Trader Joe’s for groceries. I poured myself a cup of coffee and chatted with the woman whose job was to offer samples of Trader Joe’s products. As I was pouring my coffee Stacey said, “That’s our new coffee you’re trying. It’s Volcano coffee.” She offered a sample of some new food to another customer, then turned to me again, saying, “You’re trying our new Volcano coffee. How do you like it?” (Stacey also seemed to emphasize volcano.)

A light bulb went off in my head: two different people referred to “volcano” three times within about two hours when usually, nobody talks about volcanoes. I got this was a sign from the universe for me to pay attention, but I had no idea why. (I couldn’t do anything about any volcano! And the nearest volcano was about 250 miles away.) In such cases, I learned to simply make a mental note to myself: e.g. “There’s something about a volcano.”

Two days later I drove to the Post Office with a package. I scanned the radio stations, searching for a decent song to listen to when a news reporter announced that earlier that day, a volcano had erupted on a small island in the Pacific. (Interestingly, this was the only mention of the Volcano eruption I came across, which I just happened to hear because I was playing with the radio dial.)

Of course I wasn’t supposed to do anything about the volcano. But the incident further validated the idea that whenever something unusual happens two or three times in a row, it’s in your best interest to pay attention. (And it also helped validate to me that I was “in tune” with divine guidance.) The following is another example.

The Treasure Hunt Example

I have a friend whose higher self sends him on “treasure hunts.” Sometimes he will hear his inner self say, “turn right here”–and he does. One night he was driving down the freeway when he was directed to exit and drive into a parking lot at Walmart after closing hours.

“Now what?” he asked, sitting alone in his car in an empty lot, feeling a bit silly. (This kind of thing happened to him a number of times and he had learned to be amused by it.)

“Look to your right,” he “heard” his inner voice say. He went outside and found a CD player with several CDs in it, and the music and lyrics on a couple of the CDs were meaningful to him.

Stuff like this actually happens; it happened to me many times and it can happen to you. My understanding about this is: by sending him on these treasure hunts, his higher self is teaching him to have greater confidence in divine guidance. I know that this skill of following his inner guidance will become mighty useful to him when things really get going on this planet. I am sure that following your inner guidance will play a bigger role in the very near future as the many changes in the world come about. The more you experience such synchronicities after you follow through with divine guidance, the more confidence you will have in it.

From time to time I like to add a useful excerpt of a channeled message:

“Trust in your inner guidance as you go about your daily activities and follow the inner promptings as they occur.

Many momentous events are taking place on a Cosmic level and those who follow their inner guidance know that these are not ordinary times that you are living in. It requires steadfastness, courage, trust and perseverance to continue on your daily path when all about you it seems that everything stays the same.

…We advise that the best avenue is to go within each day and intentionally align with your Higher Self and ask for guidance and direction. By daily making this intention a conscious habit, much that is good will flow into your life.”–Hilarion, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, May 20, 2012.

If you take the steps to cultivate a more real connection with your higher self, you will be guided on what to do so that the Divine Plan of a Golden Age for you and for humanity will manifest. In any case, increasing your connection with your higher self and learning to recognize divine guidance is certainly a reassuring and empowering experience during this time of confusion, unrest and chaos.

To receive the step by step how-to of reconnecting with divine guidance and learn about the bigger picture of the process we’re in (the Divine Plan), please check out my eBook titled, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity. (Update: this book has been renamed The Spiritual Awakening Process: coming out of the darkness and into the light and is now available in both Kindle form and paperback on Amazon.)

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I got a response to my recent blog post titled, “The Great Shift In Consciousness and the Light Vs Dark Game” from a person named “Gryphon” at Rumor Mill News. Gryphon wrote:

“As I smoke another cigarette, I need to remember to learn to forget.

As I click on the page that teaches me how to get a flat belly that I really don’t give a shit about I see how to shift my consciousness. There is no great shift in consciousness. It’s just a shift from male to female. And it’s gonna be a great balance for a few thousand years and then females are going to make just as big a mess of things as males have and then males will screw it up for another 13,000 years and then we’ll all be back in the same place again.

So what’s the f@*#-ing point?…

Don’t get too hung up on the process love, it’s happened quite a few times before. “

I’m responding to his concerns here because 1. this simplistic view of the shift is probably held by many, and 2. because I’m not a moderator at RMN, I cannot respond directly to Gryphon in that forum.

When I wrote my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity, I knew there was something unique about the shift we’re going through this time around. I knew it wasn’t going be yet another 25,820 year cycle. What I mean is that it’s not just the end of another cycle of precessions of the equinoxes; there’s something more to it than that.

What I have known for some time now is that this shift in consciousness is about the integration and wholeness of the individual (and by extension, of the collective). It’s not merely about swinging from one side to the other. It’s definitely not about elevating or preferring one state of being over the other, but about integrating the higher self (creative self) with the personality (“ego”) self.

I cannot actually prove, using astronomy, that this greater level shift is on the horizon. However, in my eBook I show that the astronomy of December 21, 2012 (the alignment of the galactic equator with the Earth’s pole) presages a Great Shift in Consciousness. I show the galactic element that corresponds to the higher self (“God self”), the galactic element that corresponds to the lower self (“ego self”), and why integration of the two aspects this time around makes sense.

However, the Great Shift in consciousness isn’t real to me because of my analysis of the astronomy. The great shift is also not about my becoming aware of the truth about our government, religious institutions, or even about the bankers. For most of us, learning about that kind of stuff falls into the category of book learning.

Rather, I know it’s real because I experienced it personally. I experienced a profound shift in my own awareness after I made the commitment and mustered up the courage to follow through with my inner guidance promptly and consistently, even though I knew that would be the harder path to take (temporarily, I mean…until certain things got resolved).

The Great Shift is about you as an individual changing yourself profoundly. It’s about you discovering through profound and meaningful firsthand experiences why you chose to be here at this time. It’s about making sense of your own life and understanding the role of the people in your life in your transformation. The astronomic alignments are merely signs of the times, and I only became interested in knowing the details of those after my transformative experiences.

Furthermore, as someone with a “left-brain” background (a bachelor’s degree in materials engineering), I see nothing wrong with logic and reasoning. Yet at the same time, I have experienced the great benefits of trusting one’s connection with the Divine, of trusting one’s inner guidance.

The world’s problems didn’t come about because we have overdosed on science, but because real science was corrupted by the profit motive. (One example: recent independent studies indicate that true science is lacking in the medical industry.) There are also those who insist that the right brain is superior to the left brain (just look at where the left brain got us, they say). But don’t let anyone tell you that one side is somehow “better” than the other. In fact, I see science and spirituality merging in the future. (We can call the integration of the two “Divine Logic.”)

So no, there will be no shift from male to female, from left brain to right brain. I am clear that this time it’s about integration and balance. Although this isn’t something I can actually prove will happen, it’s what I stand for, and I’m working on bringing this understanding to the mass consciousness.

As far as flattening your belly is concerned, the great shift in consciousness will totally do that for you. Following through with your inner guidance (a must for experiencing the great shift in consciousness) will get you in touch with your love for yourself as well as help raise your awareness about such things as proper nutrition and about what’s bugging you inside. In conclusion, I have no doubt that a flatter belly will be just one of the many benefits of experiencing the great shift in consciousness.

(Link to Gryphon’s response:

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In recent interviews, Drake (spokesperson for the “secret” Sovereignty movement being led by the Pentagon as well as a variety of groups at the local, state and national levels) discussed the basic sovereignty of the individual and the spiritual growth and evolution that each one of us is being urged to go through during this time of transition. As the many societal changes and the resulting confusion and chaos come about, we will no doubt be encouraged to look deeper within for answers. Drake proposed that:

“The average person is going to have to grow up considerably…We are to advance from this level of reality to the next level, like going from Cro-Magnon man to the present–that’s the amount of advancement we need to go through…The ancient cultures such as Atlantis will be child’s play [compared to what will be possible in the not-too-distant future]”–Drake, on James Madison’s Community Call Radio Show, April 26, 2012

In a more recent interview, Drake explained that the basic quality that people need to listen to is their conscience. The right thing to do comes from within, he said. It’s up to the individual to get back in touch with their conscience as to how to be and how to act. In a nutshell, it is time to “activate your spiritual self,” said Drake on Free Thinking Radio (BlogTalkRadio ), May 3, 2012.

Some of us have been working on our spiritual growth and evolution for many years and have much to contribute regarding how to activate our spiritual selves.  In light of this, I prefer to use the word “higher consciousness” over “conscience,” as “conscience” has been misused in religions as it often implies feelings of guilt. (I was raised Catholic and this was my experience.) Furthermore, to activate your spiritual self you must connect with and integrate with your “higher self” (also known as your true self, your soul, which is your direct access point to God, “Source” and the Divine Plan). Part of integrating with your higher self means following through with your inner guidance and making real changes that are in line with your higher self–rather than merely going along with “the way things are.”

In my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity I show that–without a doubt–the Divine Plan for humanity just on the horizon is a world that works for everyone, a Golden Age. Of course during the transition period there will be some confusion and chaos, but much of it can be mitigated by understanding the bigger picture of what’s going on–and why. None of us knows exactly how things will go down but I know that if it’s happening, it’s part of the Divine Plan. I also know that each one of us has a role in the Divine Plan that we are meant to play–which we discover by connecting within and following through. Many spiritual teachers, including channeled material such as that from Mathew Ward, have encouraged us to “go within”:

“We urge you to develop your capacity for discernment and go within for answers. Whether you think of this as reaching your higher self, godself, inner knowing, God Himself or any other designation you may call this “voice,” it is your soul, wherein all truth is known, communicating with your consciousness.” –Mathew Ward, May 1, 2012

But what does it mean to “look within?”

There’s a lot more to “looking within” than what those words literally imply. Looking within (or connecting within, meditating) is only the beginning of the process of spiritual growth and upliftment. There are other important steps involved that hardly anyone ever talks about. For example, if you keep looking inwardly but you ignore the inner guidance you receive (as often, it’s very subtle) or if your insights never get applied in real life, you will remain stuck at the beginning of the process and you will not advance.

Several years ago, when my life was a confusing mess, I spent months looking within and I became frustrated with myself for not making much progress. (I mean that I wanted to feel reconnected and integrated with my higher self, I wanted to gain a greater, more uplifting perspective, have more flow in my life, gain new insights, activate favorable synchronicities, make good things happen around me, etc.)

Then came the time when I got so fed up being stuck that I vowed to follow through with my inner guidance immediately and consistently. That meant I took some risks, of course: your inner guidance isn’t always going to agree with conventional wisdom or “the way things are.”

It wasn’t until I made the commitment to follow though and actually followed through (I trusted my higher self enough to do that) did I begin to experience the amazing synchronicities and new insights that began to flow into my life–including the “spiritual rush” that Drake mentioned (during his May 3rd interview) was much better than drugs.

So why would you want to look within and take the necessary steps to integrate with your higher self? So that you experience the connection with the Divine consistently in your own life and the upliftment and inner peace that results when you truly get what you came here here to get. (Which will be so important for you to experience in these uncertain times, and which will at the same time create the new world.)

Here are some words from Channel Blossom Goodchild that I just had to include here because they’re encouraging to those who happen to be trudging through the muck right now:

“Keep hold of your KNOWING within.  Walk that last mile together in strength. If your hearts did not KNOW DEEP DOWN INSIDE that ALL that you have been through and all that you continue to endure had a purpose … it would have collapsed in upon itself long ago. Yet it is because YOU KNOW that you KEEP ON … no matter what.  You FEEL it inside you  … there is no other reason you would persevere … other than this very fact that YOU KNOW that ALL that we have promised shall come about.”–Blossom Goodchild, May 3, 2012″

And some words from Channel Valerie Donner:

“We will continue to inform you as necessary. We will all proceed as directed. Right now I suggest you proceed with your inner guidance and direction. This is the source of your next steps and how we will communicate with you.”–Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, channeled by Valerie Donner, May 3, 2012

The Divine Plan (a world that works for everyone) cannot fail when we connect within and follow through with our inner guidance, and the events that are happening right now are pressing more and more people to awaken and to search within for answers. Connecting and integrating with your higher self is the key to fulfilling your contribution to the Divine Plan.

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How do you pray in such a way so that your prayer is heard? What makes a prayer effective? This blog post discusses how to pray so that your prayers are answered–regardless of whether you’re asking God, the Universe, or beings in the higher realms to respond to your request.

I have found that prayer has worked much more effectively for me not when I ask God (or Jesus, or the Universe) to do things for me, but when I ask for guidance on how to resolve the situation I’m in and I follow through with the guidance I’m given. The kind of praying that we’ve traditionally been taught in religions (such as the ritualistic repetition of someone else’s words, asking God or higher beings to do things for us, to sweep the problems away) does not work much anymore, if at all. Much more is expected of us now than ever before. We’re being encouraged to raise our consciousness and become the masters of our lives. We are supposed to look out for our loved ones. So, prayers for teenage sons or daughters can provide God’s intervention and direction for their betterment.

I am clear that only those prayers that ask for empowerment within the Divine Plan will be answered. (This is one reason why the “Law of Attraction”–as it’s superficially understood–hasn’t been working.) Rather than praying for divine intervention to fix a problem for us, we ask for guidance and insight and understanding into the problem so that we can resolve it.

When we beg mindlessly, we inadvertently block the help we could receive if we included ourselves as active participants in the solution. In other words, only a supernatural prayer asking for empowerment, insight, and understanding can receive answers. This is particularly relevant now, as we’re being challenged to raise our consciousness and view ourselves as co-creators of a new world that benefits everyone. Our own insight, inner awareness, and self-empowerment are the means by which we can save ourselves.

So rather than imploring or repeating the words of others (as if prayers written by others have more power than our own words sincerely spoken), it makes sense to spend more time listening (receiving inner guidance, or God’s input), and then to integrate this guidance into our lives (by making changes that are congruent with it, by following through with the guidance).

The following is an example of a memorable prayer I spoke one night about 13 years ago when my car was stolen. What happened is that my husband’s teenage cousin had borrowed the car to go sightseeing in San Francisco and parked it at a train station in Sunnyvale (ironically one of the lowest crime rate cities of its size in the U.S.). When she returned that evening, the car was gone. The following is an excerpt taken from my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening:

“Right before I went to sleep that third night [after the theft] I was inspired to say a prayer: I thanked God for having given me such a wonderful car; it had been so dependable for so long. I told God that the person who stole my car probably did so because he had met some unfortunate set of circumstances and couldn’t see another option for himself. And if that car wasn’t going to turn up, I asked that it provide for the new owner the same kind of reliability that it had provided me.

That was it; I was done with my prayer. I went over to W. who was working late on the computer, gave him a hug and a kiss, and went to bed feeling serene.

I didn’t know it clearly then, but this is what it means to say a prayer: you speak what is in your heart, you let things go (you become detached to the outcome), you send it off into the Universe (by simply having that intent), and then you allow the prayer to do the rest. (This is especially true in the case when there’s nothing you yourself can do about the outcome, i.e. you can’t just go out on your own looking for your stolen car.)

Around one in the morning the phone rang and I spoke with an investigating officer from the Mountain View Police, who informed me that my car had been found about 2 hours earlier (right around the time of my prayer). I listened as the officer explained that the car thief had asked a couple of unsuspecting youths for assistance in pushing my car to a gas station as it had run out of fuel. Then when a police car turned the corner and headed in their direction, the thief got out of the car in a flash and ran off, leaving the youths standing with my stalled car. Wow, I thought as I put down the receiver.

I suppose I stand corrected on my “problem-free” car–my fuel gauge had been reading inaccurately for some time. But the thief, of course, had no way of knowing this, and neither could he have known just how reliable to me my car really was…”

The interesting details of what happened were not lost on me–the fact that it was stolen in low-crime “Sunnyvale,” and found by the “Mountain View” Police. My car being found soon after I said my prayer. And the fact that what got me my reliable car back was my dysfunctional fuel gauge.

My understanding of prayer has increased since then. The way to pray so that your prayer is heard is to speak your own words from your heart and ask for guidance, listen to the still small voice within you, and muster up the courage to follow through with your guidance when you receive it. Know that you absolutely do need to be proactive about your higher purpose (your unique contribution to the new world) and that the feedback you receive from God / the Universe is what will help prevent you from being discouraged on your path.

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