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If you are intuitive, you know that the world is ramping up for some kind of battle, some kind of emotional release. People here in California are on the edge, and with more and more information being dripped out from many different sources, the levels of fear, desperation, and frustration are rising.

For example, two days ago, I went to Whole Foods to purchase some colloidal silver, just to have some on hand when this next lockdown happens. (Which I feel will be very soon.) Colloidal silver is good to have around for many reasons, including for detoxing.

I couldn’t find the colloidal silver, so I asked the gal in the supplement department to point to where it was. She had a mask on, so I couldn’t see her expression, but I felt she almost jumped out of her skin as I came close. She told me that the product had been discontinued, and that, “they don’t tell us why they discontinue things.” (Of course not, we all know who owns Whole Foods, and whom they really work for.)

Another thing that’s been happening lately is, I’ve noticed that people posting on the website NextDoor have stepped up the fear and manipulation by at least a good notch or two. The posts cajoling you to get yourself jabbed in the arm remind me of that Greta Thunberg girl. The emotional manipulation is obvious, and laid on thick. Anyway, NextDoor moderators deleted some of my comments and temporarily disabled my account for several days. Who in the world do they think they are?

The good thing is, as these and other kinds of shenanigans continue, rising also are the numbers of people who are waking up from the psychological operation that is C0VID-19. More and more people, even those who were solidly in the “the virus is real” camp, are waking up.

So, we don’t know exactly when and how this final showdown between those still holding on (by their fingernails) to the agenda of the Dark, and those of the Light, will transpire, but we do know there will be a huge element of surprise. And I believe it is coming real soon.

Here in the United States, the government is ramping up to deliver forced jabs. My feeling is that fewer than half of our population has been injected in their arm so far. And I feel, this is what will set off the final showdown. But it will not happen as they (those with the Dark agenda) want. In the hearts and minds of many people is God, and God / Source will lead them forward.

I’ve put together some important tips for navigating what’s coming next. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Tips for Preparing for this Next Phase

  1. Make sure you have, at home, any items you need to feel comfortable: about a month’s worth of food, water, and whatever else you need for your well-being. Especially if you live in a city, you might want to avoid the crowds when the “chit hits the fans,” as my Chilean friend would say. Do not wait; complete this task this week.
  2. Get some good books, including a book or two on spiritual awakening. Make a bigger effort to connect with God and really work on developing that connection. Follow your inner guidance. Meditate and pray.
  3. Go outside and commune with nature. Get some natural Vitamin D every day, if possible.
  4. Reach out to, and help, friends, family and neighbors in whatever way you are guided to. Remind them to go within, and help them remain calm and balanced. There’s going to be some tough love coming our way.
  5. Do what you know you need to do to get healthy and strong. Exercise.
  6. Do not get into any fights. They want civil unrest, so that they (the Dark) can justify their next steps. Remember: the way forward is through non-violent, non-cooperation.
  7. Learn about your rights and use the laws already available to make your case. Force the governments to prove there’s a medical emergency. (They will not be able to do it.) For information on the law and for helpful, downloadable documents for work and school situations, check out Peggy Hall’s website at: THE HEALTHY AMERICAN™

A Few Words from Juan O’ Savin

The following is from a conversation between David Nino Rodriguez and Juan O’ Savin that happened on August 3, 2021, just two days ago. I add here some key highlights of that conversation, in case you didn’t catch it.

They can demand, they can stomp, they can require, they can do whatever they want. The reality is, on the numbers, more and more people are waking up.

People wake up at different times, at different ways. We are moving the numbers to 80% plus.

The only way to win this kind of war is to not play with them at all. They can demand, they can rant and set timetables, and you’ll see more and more people wake up.

It’s going to be gripping. It has to be, so that the American people will not ever let themselves be taken into a situation like this again and they will recount it to their children and grandchildren for many lifetimes. It will be so gripping and memorable.

Remember: like a mother giving birth to a child, it will all be worth it in the end. I am looking forward with you, for that time to arrive!

August 9th Update: here’s an in-depth update on the situation with Clif High. I highly recommend you watch it.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinI listened to a few people (astrologers, channelers, bloggers) make predictions for 2013 and I’m sharing in this blog post my “take” on 2013 predictions and what I feel are the most important themes to consider regarding this year.

Basically, what I’ve seen is that there aren’t a whole lot of wonderful, lovey-dovey, fluffy predictions for this year. One person (Mike Adams of predicted a number of unpleasant events happening in the U.S. over the next three years, that have to do with our rights being eroded here. Another person, a channeler, is spreading the message that it will take about “two and a half generations to fully integrate the New Paradigm.” (How does she know? Well, actually she doesn’t know for sure; she’s just guessing.)

From what I understand of this time period (meaning, after December 21, 2012), we are more oriented towards the Light than not right now. In my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide I explain that the astronomy shows that the planet’s “GPS” is now oriented towards galactic light, which is good news. Of course this does not mean that life on this planet will now all of a sudden become hunky-dory, but that the guidance system of this planet is now oriented towards the Light (whereas before, it was actually oriented away from the light, toward the dark).

I understand that there will be many challenging events still to come on this planet, but the good news is that these events are actually helping to activate positive change; they are helping to awaken the people, even if sometimes it seems like one individual at a time. For example, my awakening process did not happen because I had heard about the wonderful “New Age” that was upon us. Rather, it kicked in because of some painful, confusing events that happened in my life over 10 years ago, that I couldn’t explain with the framework I had at the time. The other good news is, the scales are finally tipped in favor of the light. (Whereas before, if you look at the collective experience, one could say that the “dark” has had the “upper hand,” has been “winning” for quite a long time.)

All this is good news, but what does this mean for the individual? It means that now, more than ever, we need to follow our inner guidance system, the “internal compass” that’s oriented toward the light–which is our higher self. The individual must follow his or her own inner guidance to fulfill his or her potential.

This is indeed the message of a couple of the astrologers I have listened to earlier this month: In 2013 it is extremely important that we seek the light and have our actions be guided by the light. If you seek the light (by “light” I mean your higher self, your soul, your higher consciousness, higher awareness, greater connection with Source and truth) and muster up the courage to align your life with that light, you will be supported by the Universe, you will receive guidance when you need it, you will get clearer and it will get easier for you. It will be easier to fulfill your potential. In other words, those who seek the higher path will receive more support from the Universe than those who just go along with the status quo or societal pressure.

The following is an example of a very simple but empowering change one can make–thanks to a former client of mine that I ran into at Trader Joe’s just yesterday. Mitchell is a local businessman, about 60 years old, who has completely changed how he eats: no more gluten, the dairy is gone, no processed junk, and no hormone beef. He’s been juicing vegetables and eating “natural” and in a few months, he lost 35 pounds. His goal is to get off all medication, including blood pressure medication. He’s off of cholesterol medication, as his cholesterol went down enough, and he’s been testing himself to see what’s responsible for reducing his cholesterol. (He’s not just blindly following doctor’s orders, he’s experimenting and testing himself, he said.)

What motivated him to change his habits is personal pain (the ultimate motivator). He had realized that he and his friends who are his age all had the same complaints: an extended belly, an extra 30 to 40 pounds or more, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout and other unpleasant symptoms and he decided to “cross that bridge” and do something about it. He’s not particularly “spiritual” or a light-worker, but this is how we create a new world, by beginning to change the things we can change; we begin where we are. When we do this we become more empowered, and we are closer to reaching our potential.

If you are a light-worker, if you consider yourself more aware than the average person, the following message is for you: one of the astrologers I listened to advises that we take our higher work seriously this year. 2013 is the year of great potential, it’s the year to take your higher purpose seriously–by setting your goals for this year by the end of January and then making agreements with yourself and others that will help you manifest your goals. (If you don’t know how to make your goals happen, ask the Universe for guidance on the how-to and you will receive the right guidance so that you achieve the results and receive the rewards.)

When we as individuals follow our inner guidance, eventually we will have greater light manifest in the larger world. When you are fully doing your higher purpose, you won’t worry so much about what’s going on in the outer collective. (You will have the inner understanding that what’s happening in the world is for the greatest growth and learning and transformation of all.)

So yes, it will take some time to transform every corner of this planet, but when you’re on your path fully and the amazing synchronicities and favorable events begin to occur, it will become obvious to you that you have crossed over the threshold into the age of light–and it will become that much easier to help others around you as well.Share this